

单词 结婚前
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Don Juan〕Before he married, he was a serious Don Juan.结婚前, 他是个不折不扣的风流浪荡子。外研社新世纪〔agreement〕The Hollywood stars signed a prenuptial agreement before marrying last year.这两位好莱坞明星去年结婚前签订了一项婚前协议。牛津搭配〔courtship〕They had a two-year courtship before marrying.结婚前他们恋爱了两年。韦氏高阶〔court〕The couple courted for two years before marrying.这对夫妻结婚前谈了两年恋爱。韦氏高阶〔drudge〕She had drudged in other people's kitchens till she married.结婚前她一直在别人家的厨房里做苦工。外研社新世纪〔goer〕Apparently, she was a bit of a goer before she got married.显然,在结婚前她有些放荡。剑桥高阶〔go〕Tom and Mary had been going together for two years before they were married.汤姆和玛丽在结婚前相爱了两年。英汉大词典〔live together〕They lived together for several months before getting married.他们结婚前已同居几个月了。韦氏高阶〔live with〕They lived with each other for a couple of years before they got married.他们结婚前已在一起住了两年。外研社新世纪〔maiden name〕A woman's family name before she is married.妇女结婚前的娘家姓美国传统〔natural〕It's quite natural to experience a few doubts just before you get married.结婚前你会产生些许疑虑,这是很自然的。剑桥高阶〔on your own〕She lived on her own for a few years before getting married.她结婚前独自生活了几年。韦氏高阶〔once〕I lived there once myself, before I got married.我结婚前曾独自在那儿住过。柯林斯高阶〔starvation diet〕She is now on a starvation diet – she wants to lose some weight before her marriage.她现在正在节食——她想在结婚前减掉点体重。外研社新世纪〔thankfully〕Thankfully, I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married.幸好,在我们结婚前我设法还清了所有债务。朗文当代〔together〕A lot of people live together before getting married.很多人结婚前先同居。朗文当代〔virgin〕They were both virgins when they met and married.他们从相识到结婚前都未曾经历男女之事。柯林斯高阶〔woo〕He wooed the actress before marriage.结婚前他曾向那个女演员求过婚。21世纪英汉Ann had been cohabiting with Jim for years before getting married.安在结婚前曾和吉姆同居了好几年。剑桥国际Before she married Charles her title was Lady Diana Spencer.和查尔斯结婚前,她的头衔是黛安娜·斯宾塞小姐。剑桥国际He had plenty of time to sow his wild oats (= have an exciting time with lots of, usually sexual, relationships) before he got married--now he should start to behave responsibly! 他在结婚前过着放荡的生活----现在他该开始懂得负责了!剑桥国际In many cultures, it is considered important for a woman to keep herself pure (= not to have sex) until she marries.在许多文化中,妇女在结婚前保持贞洁是很重要的。剑桥国际Jim and Ann cohabited for years before getting married.吉姆和安在结婚前同居了好几年。剑桥国际Pat and Chris were real goers before they got married.帕特和克理斯在他们结婚前行为放荡。剑桥国际They had a passionate courtship, but they split up just before they were due to marry.他们曾爱得如胶似漆,但在要结婚前却分手了。剑桥国际They were dating (= were sexual or romantic partners) for five years before they got married.结婚前他们幽会了五年。剑桥国际




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