

单词 结冰
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENT〕As usual, the fog and icy roads had led to several very nasty accidents. 和往常一样,大雾和路面结冰的道路导致了几起非常严重的事故。朗文写作活用〔AREA〕The car hit an icy patch on the road and went out of control. 汽车撞到路上一块结冰的地方,失去了控制。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕Some roads may be icy and motorists are advised to drive with caution. 有些道路可能会结冰,建议驾驶员谨慎驾驶。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕There's ice on the roads tonight so be careful. 今晚路面结冰,要当心。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Ice on the road is a major hazard at this time of the year. 道路结冰是每年这个时候主要的危害。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕The author describes in gripping detail the accident on the icy highway. 作者详详细细地描写了在结冰的公路上发生的这起事故。朗文写作活用〔Fahrenheit〕Water freezes at 32° Fahrenheit.水在32华氏度结冰。英汉大词典〔F〕Water freezes at 32 degrees F.水在32华氏度结冰。韦氏高阶〔HARD〕The water in the lake used to freeze most winters, and then it was good for skating. 以前湖水在冬天大都要结冰,那时候就可以溜冰了。朗文写作活用〔Nettilling Lake〕A freshwater lake of south-central Baffin Island in the eastern Northwest Territories, Canada. It is frozen most of the year.内蒂灵湖:加拿大西北地区东部的一个淡水湖,位于巴芬岛中南部。常年结冰美国传统〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕He first played hockey on frozen ponds outside of town. 他最初在小镇外面结冰的湖面上打冰球。朗文写作活用〔Onega〕A lake of northwest European U.S.S.R. between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. It remains frozen from November to May.奥涅尼加湖:苏联西北欧部分的一个湖,位于拉多加湖和白海之间,结冰期从十一月到第二年五月美国传统〔STICK OUT〕The first snowdrops poked out through the frozen ground. 那些早开的雪花莲露出了结冰的地面。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕The weather report gave a warning of more snow and icy roads. 天气预报发出警告称会有更多的降雪和结冰路段。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Despite the icy ground, he was urging his horse on faster and faster. 尽管地面结冰,他还是对马儿加鞭往前赶路。朗文写作活用〔alert〕When you're driving in winter you should always be on the alert for icy conditions.冬天驾车时你应该时刻警惕出现路面结冰的情况。韦氏高阶〔bandy〕East Anglians played bandy on frozen ponds and canals.东英吉利人在结冰的池塘和运河上打曲棍球。外研社新世纪〔black frost〕A dry freeze without the protective formation of hoarfrost that results in the internal freezing and death of vegetation.黑霜:一种干冷结冰,没有形成具有保护作用的白霜,引起内部结冰和蔬菜死亡美国传统〔brake〕He should not brake the car abruptly on an icy road.他不应该在结冰路上把汽车猛然刹住。21世纪英汉〔brake〕When it's icy brake gently.道路结冰时要缓慢地刹车。21世纪英汉〔care〕Take care when driving in icy conditions.在结冰的路面上开车要小心。朗文当代〔care〕The roads are icy, so drive with care.道路结冰,小心驾驶。剑桥高阶〔car〕Her car skidded on a patch of ice.她的车在一片结冰的路面上打滑。牛津搭配〔catch〕This pond often catches in winter.这个池塘在冬天常常结冰。21世纪英汉〔catch〕This pond seldom catches.这池塘难得结冰。英汉大词典〔caution〕A word of caution: the roads are very icy.警告:路面因结冰很滑。麦克米伦高阶〔close〕The airport closed for two hours yesterday due to icy conditions.昨天机场因结冰关闭了两小时。韦氏高阶〔come〕On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own.在结冰的路面上,四轮驱动车尽显本色。朗文当代〔concentration〕She needed all her powers of concentration to stop herself from slipping on the icy road.她需要集中全部注意力才不会在结冰的路上滑倒。朗文当代〔control〕The driver lost control of the vehicle on an icy road.这辆车在结冰的路上失控了。麦克米伦高阶〔cropper〕She came an almighty cropper when her back wheels hit an icy patch.她的后车轮轧上了一块结冰的路面,出了严重的车祸。剑桥高阶〔c〕Water freezes at 0° C.水在零摄氏度时结冰。牛津高阶〔degree〕Pure water sometimes does not freeze until it reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius.纯净水有时候要降到零下40摄氏度才会结冰。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32°F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0°C).水在 32 华氏度或零摄氏度结冰。牛津高阶〔deicer〕A compound, such as ethylene glycol, used to prevent the formation of ice, as on windshields.防冰物质:一种化合物,如乙烯,用来防止(如挡风玻璃上)结冰美国传统〔deicer〕A device used on an aircraft to keep the wings and propeller free from ice or to remove ice after it has formed.防冰装置,去冰器:飞机上的一种装置,用来防止机翼和推进器上结冰,或者在结冰后除冰美国传统〔dream〕I wouldn't dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.我不能想象在结冰的斜坡上滑雪美国传统〔drift〕The car drifted on the iced road.汽车在结冰的路上滑移。21世纪英汉〔dump〕They dump tons of salt on icy road surfaces to make driving safer.他们把成吨的盐洒到结冰的路面上使行车较安全。朗文当代〔expand〕Water expands as it freezes.水结冰时会膨胀。朗文当代〔fasten〕Storm and ice could fasten you in here overnight.暴风雪和结冰可能把你整夜都困在这儿。外研社新世纪〔form〕Ice formed on the window.窗上结冰了。英汉大词典〔freezability〕When the thermometer is below zero water will freeze.当温度计降至零下时,水就会结冰。21世纪英汉〔freeze〕Do you think it'll freeze tonight? 你觉得今晚会结冰吗?朗文当代〔freeze〕It may freeze tonight.今晚可能结冰美国传统〔freeze〕The lake has frozen over.湖面全结冰了。朗文当代〔freeze〕The pond usually freezes in the winter.冬天池塘通常结冰。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕The sudden drop in temperature froze the lake.气温骤降使得湖水结冰。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕The water was frozen into the shape of the basin.水结冰成盆状。英汉大词典〔freeze〕To preserve (foods, for example) by subjecting to freezing temperatures.冷藏(食物):在结冰的温度内保存(食物)美国传统〔freeze〕Water freezes at 0°C.水在摄氏零度结冰。牛津同义词〔freeze〕When the lake freezes (over) (= turns into ice on the surface), we can go skating on it.湖面结冰后,我们可以在上面滑冰。剑桥高阶〔freezing point〕Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.酒精的结冰点比水低。朗文当代〔frost〕A temperature low enough to cause freezing.冰点以下的温度:低得足可以结冰的温度美国传统〔frost〕I think the water pipes have frosted up.我想水管已经结冰了。21世纪英汉〔frozen〕They skated over the frozen lake.他们在结冰的湖面上滑冰。剑桥高阶〔glaciate〕To freeze.结冰,冻结美国传统〔grit〕They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.他们在结冰的路上撒沙子和盐。牛津高阶〔hairy〕Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy.在结冰的道路上开车很惊险。牛津高阶〔ice over/up〕The wings of the plane iced up during the storm.机翼在暴风雪中结冰了。韦氏高阶〔ice storm〕A storm in which snow or rain freezes on contact, forming a coat of ice on the surfaces it touches.冰暴,银光风暴:一种雪或雨触地后即结冰的风暴,在它接触过的表面上都会形成一层冰美国传统〔ice up〕The plane was delayed because the engine had iced up.飞机因引擎结冰而延误了。剑桥高阶〔ice-skate〕They use the frozen pond for ice-skating.他们在结冰的池塘里滑冰。韦氏高阶〔ice〕Drivers faced a new danger as roads iced over when floodwater froze.洪水结冰后路面被冻住了,司机面临着新的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔ice〕Schools were closed when the roads iced over.道路结冰,学校停课了。朗文当代〔ice〕The pond iced over in November.十一月池塘结冰美国传统〔ice〕To cause to become ice; freeze.结冰:使成为冰;冻结美国传统〔icing〕There was no icing on the aircraft.飞机表面没有结冰。英汉大词典〔icy〕The roads are icy.道路结冰了。外研社新世纪〔in〕In winter the lake freezes over.冬天,湖面全都结冰了。麦克米伦高阶〔look out for〕In the winter, drivers need to look out for icy patches on the roads.冬天,司机应该当心路面上结冰的地方。韦氏高阶〔lorry〕A dozen people suffered minor injuries after a lorry jackknifed on an icy M62.一辆卡车在结冰的 62 号高速公路上弯折,有十几人受轻伤。牛津搭配〔make〕Ice makes in the river.河水结冰了。英汉大词典〔minus〕When the temperature falls to minus 9 degrees Celsius, the lake freezes over.当温度降到零下9摄氏度时,湖面会结冰。麦克米伦高阶〔over〕Parts of the river were iced over.河的有些地方结冰了。朗文当代〔over〕The river froze over. Engineers sealed the tunnel entrance over.这条河全结冰了。工程师把这隧道的入口密封住了美国传统〔over〕The river froze over.这条河全结冰了。 英汉大词典〔patch〕Icy patches are likely on some roads.有些路面可能会有结冰的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕When the roads are icy, it pays to drive slowly.路面结冰时,慢一点开车有好处。韦氏高阶〔rank〕It was rank stupidity to drive so fast on an icy road.在结冰的路面上把车开得这样快简直是愚蠢透顶。剑桥高阶〔record〕In 1892 it is recorded that the weather became so cold that the river froze over.根据记录,1892 年天气非常寒冷,这条河全都结冰了。朗文当代〔result in sth〕Icy conditions resulted in two roads being closed.路面结冰,导致两条公路被封闭。剑桥高阶〔salt〕When it's icy, the city salts the roads to thaw the ice.结冰时,这座城市里的道路上会撒上盐来化冰。剑桥高阶〔skid〕The truck skidded on/across the icy road.卡车在结冰的路上打滑。韦氏高阶〔slow〕The ice on the road slowed us down.路面结冰使我们放慢了速度。朗文当代〔sole〕Icy roads were the sole cause of the accident.路面结冰是造成此次事故的唯一原因。韦氏高阶〔spinning〕This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.在这个驾驶模式下你可以挂 3 挡起步,以减少轮子在结冰路面上打滑的现象。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕Transit across the icy little bridge is dangerous.通过结冰的小桥是危险的。英汉大词典Freezing fog and icy patches caused problems on the roads yesterday.昨天,寒冷的大雾和大块结冰的路面引发了交通事故。剑桥国际Icy roads are a peril to motorists. 结冰的道路对驾驶人十分危险。译典通In some parts of the world the sea freezes in winter, so goods can be sledged across it.在世界的某些地区,海洋在冬天结冰,所以货物能用雪橇运送过海。剑桥国际The car went into a slide on the iced road. 汽车在结冰的路上打滑了。译典通The coastal waters of the British Isles do not freeze because the Gulf Stream (= water from the Gulf of Mexico which flows across the Atlantic Ocean) keeps the temperature relatively warm.靠近大不列颠群岛海岸的水不会结冰,因为墨西哥湾暖流将水温保持得相对较高。剑桥国际The lake has iced over.湖面结冰了。剑桥国际The men had been out gritting (= putting small stones on) the icy roads the night before.人们前夜在外面结冰的路上铺砂子。剑桥国际The pond will soon turn to ice. 这个池塘很快就会结冰。译典通The river froze over. 这条河全结冰了。译典通The road had been covered with grit to make it less slippery in icy weather.路上铺了砂砾来使之在结冰天气不致于太滑。剑桥国际Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。译典通When the thermometer is at 0 degree centigrade, water will freeze. 当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。译典通




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