

单词 罚出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUDGE〕One of the players was sent off for arguing with the referee. 有一名球员因与裁判争执被罚出场。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕One of the players has been sent off the field. 一名选手被罚出赛场。朗文写作活用〔appeal〕The umpire is not to order any man out, unless appealed to by one of the players.除非有球员提出要求,裁判员不会把任何人罚出场。英汉大词典〔booking〕When a defender gets a booking, he has to be careful not to get another and be sent off.防守队员被记名警告后必须小心不要被再次记名,否则会被罚出场。剑桥高阶〔boot〕Any players who start a fight will get booted from the game.任何球员打架滋事均将被罚出比赛。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕Two players were sent off for violent conduct.两名球员因为暴力行为被罚出场。麦克米伦高阶〔even〕A second player was sent off, from the other team this time, which did even things up a bit.第二个球员被罚出场,这次是另一队的,这样确实使场上局面显得更公平了些。麦克米伦高阶〔foul〕He fouled a third time and was taken out by the coach.他第三次犯规, 被教练罚出场。外研社新世纪〔foul〕He was sent off for fouling the goalkeeper.他因对守门员犯规而被罚出场。外研社新世纪〔foul〕He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday.在上周日的一场比赛中, 他因骂粗话而被罚出场。外研社新世纪〔fuse〕For all my experience, I blew a fuse in the quarter-final and could have been sent off.尽管已经是老经验了,我还是在四分之一决赛的时候按捺不住发了脾气,差点就被罚出场。柯林斯高阶〔order〕Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls.琼斯由于屡次犯规在下半场中被罚出场。 英汉大词典〔out of〕He got kicked out of the game for playing too rough.由于动作过于粗野,他被罚出了赛场。韦氏高阶〔out〕A play in which a batter or base runner is retired.出局的一击:击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击美国传统〔out〕The player retired in such a play.被罚出局的人:在此一击被罚出局的运动员美国传统〔referee〕He was sent off for arguing with the referee.他因为和裁判发生争执而被罚出场。牛津高阶〔rough〕The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing.我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。21世纪英汉〔sending-off〕It was his third sending-off of the season.这是他本赛季第三次被罚出场。外研社新世纪〔send〕One of Dundee's players was sent off for punching another player.邓迪队的一名球员因拳打另一名球员而被罚出场。朗文当代〔strikeout〕An out made by a batter charged with three strikes and credited to the pitcher who threw the strikes.三击未中击球员出局:对于抛球手抛出的球,击球手由于三次未击中而被罚出局美国传统〔strike〕To be struck out.三击不中被罚出局美国传统Half an hour into the game Paterson was adjudged to have fouled Peter Jackson and was sent off.比赛半小时后,佩特森被判对彼得·杰克逊犯规,并被罚出场外。剑桥国际The referee consulted the linesman before sending the captain off the field.在把队长罚出场外前,裁判先征求了巡边员的意见。剑桥国际




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