

单词 罗马皇帝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cyprian〕Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.圣西普里安:基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒美国传统〔Ignatius〕Bishop of Antioch noted especially for his epistles. He was martyred during the reign of the Roman emperor Trajan.圣伊纳哥:安提拉城主教,以其所著的启示书出名。在罗马皇帝图拉真统治时期殉教美国传统〔Praetorian Guard〕The elite bodyguard of a Roman emperor, approximately the size of a legion.禁卫军:罗马皇帝的精良贴身保卫部队,大约相当于一个罗马兵团的兵力美国传统〔arena〕The gladiators fight for their lives in an arena decorated with statues of Roman emperors.角斗士们在饰有罗马皇帝雕像的竞技场内为生命而战。外研社新世纪〔date〕Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius.考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。柯林斯高阶〔donative〕The Roman Emperor's custom was at certain solemn times to bestow on his soldiers a donative.古罗马皇帝的惯例是在某些庄严的场合向士兵发放赠品。英汉大词典〔emperor〕Roman emperors 古罗马皇帝韦氏高阶〔get yourself/sb up〕He'd got himself up as a Roman emperor for the party.他把自己装扮成一个罗马皇帝去参加化装舞会。剑桥高阶〔imperator〕The supreme power of the Roman emperor.罗马皇帝至高无上的权力美国传统〔mob〕Roman emperors could satisfy the mob with bread and circuses.罗马皇帝们可以用面包和马戏来取悦民众。外研社新世纪〔palatine〕A soldier of the palace guard of the Roman emperors, formed in the time of Diocletian.罗马皇帝宫殿警卫的一个士兵,形成于戴克里先时期美国传统〔rescript〕A reply from a Roman emperor to a magistrate's query about a point of law.罗马皇帝回答法律问题的复文:罗马皇帝对地方法官提出的就法律的某一点的质疑的答复美国传统He'd got himself up as a Roman emperor for the fancy-dress party.他为了参加化装舞会,把自己装扮成罗马皇帝。剑桥国际




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