

单词 私人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-funded〕The airport is being privately funded by a construction group.该机场是由一个建筑集团私人出资兴建的。柯林斯高阶〔-owned〕Most local radio stations are privately-owned.大多数地方电台为私人所有。柯林斯高阶〔AVOID〕He gets around the fire codes by claiming the building is a private club and not a business. 他声称这建筑是一个私人会所而不是公司,从而避开了消防条例。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕There's a plan to convert the farm buildings into private apartments. 有人计划将农场建筑物改建成私人公寓。朗文写作活用〔COST〕Bob said he'd give Frank private guitar lessons, but he wanted $60 an hour. 鲍勃说他愿意当弗兰克的私人吉他教师—但他每小时要收60美元。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Many state documents were considered as the officer's private property. 州里的许多文件都被认为是这位官员的私人财产。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕The condo was beautiful, and they had plenty of privacy, with a hot tub in a little private garden. 那套公寓很漂亮,他们有足够的私人空间,小小的私家花园里有浴缸可以洗热水澡。朗文写作活用〔Sagittarius〕Sagittarius is more moody than Aries and may at times brood or need space.人马座的人比白羊座的人更情绪化, 时而忧思重重或需要私人空间。外研社新世纪〔Visiting hours〕Personal phone calls are not allowed during business/office hours.上班时间不允许接打私人电话。韦氏高阶〔abiding〕My abiding memory of him is of his singing to a small private party.我始终记得他在一次小型私人派对上唱歌的样子。外研社新世纪〔accommodation〕More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供住宿加早餐的服务。牛津高阶〔all〕He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.他被告知收拾好自己所有的信件和私人物品。柯林斯高阶〔assistant〕I'll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.我将请我的私人助理来处理这件事。牛津搭配〔beneficiary〕The college was a beneficiary of the private grant.这个学院是私人捐资的受益机构。韦氏高阶〔between〕My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant.我的工作介于秘书和私人助理之间。牛津高阶〔bodyguard〕He never goes anywhere without his personal bodyguards.他去任何地方都有私人保镖陪同。牛津搭配〔chapel〕This chapel is reserved for private prayer.这个祈祷室是留给私人祈祷用的。外研社新世纪〔clamping〕Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.苏格兰法院裁定,将停在私人地界上的车辆上夹钳并索要罚款的行为是违法的。柯林斯高阶〔cloakroom〕A private lounge adjacent to a legislative chamber.议员休息室:邻近立法会议厅的私人休息室美国传统〔competition〕Public education is run in direct competition with the private sector.公立教育与私人教育直接竞争。牛津搭配〔delve〕This biography delves deep into the artist's private life.这部传记深入探究这位艺术家的私人生活。麦克米伦高阶〔divulge〕It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.透露员工的私人资料公司是不允许的。朗文当代〔drive〕He parked his car in the drive.他把车停在私人车道上。朗文当代〔drive〕I parked in the drive.我把车停在私人车道上。剑桥高阶〔efficiency apartment〕A small, usually furnished apartment with a private bathroom and kitchenette.公寓小套间:一种小套间,常是装修成带有私人浴室和小厨房的美国传统〔entrust〕She entrusted her son's education to a private tutor.她把儿子的教育托付给了一位私人教师。朗文当代〔everyone〕Maybe private healthcare is better, but not everyone can afford it.私人保健也许更好些,但并不是人人都负担得起。麦克米伦高阶〔find〕My sister helped me find the money for a private operation.姐姐帮我筹集资金开办了一家私人企业。柯林斯高阶〔flatly〕Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.埃伦正一手托着一个方形的扁盒子沿私人车道走着。柯林斯高阶〔fork〕The arena won't be finished until private donors fork over more money.体育场要等有了更多的私人捐助才能建成。朗文当代〔form〕Many of the beaches formed part of private estates.其中许多海滩属私人财产。外研社新世纪〔funding〕Most of our funding comes from private sources.我们的大部分资金来自私人资助。牛津搭配〔good〕The house insurance will not cover your personal goods.这份房屋保险的承保范围不包括你的私人动产。剑桥高阶〔hire〕This room is often hired out for private parties.这屋子常被租出去开私人聚会。麦克米伦高阶〔jet〕Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.她的私人喷气式飞机在前往日本的途中降落在该共和国境内。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕Private property. Keep out.私人产业,不得入内。英汉大词典〔label〕The file was labelled ‘Private’.那档案上标明“私人”。牛津高阶〔licence〕She gained her private pilot's licence.她获得了私人飞行员执照。牛津搭配〔life〕My personal life has had to take second place to my career.我的私人生活不得不为事业让路。柯林斯高阶〔near miss〕A Boeing 747 was involved in a near miss with a private aircraft just south of San Francisco.一架波音747客机就在旧金山以南险些与一架私人飞机相撞。剑桥高阶〔not break your stride〕Without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.她既没有停下来喘口气,也没有放慢脚步,而是径直推开了他的私人办公室的门。剑桥高阶〔notice〕I rang the Globe with news of Blake's death, and put notices in the personal column of The Times.我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯, 然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。外研社新世纪〔offend〕Liddy was offended by such a personal question.提这样私人的问题让利迪很生气。朗文当代〔officially〕He has not visited the country officially since his election, only in a private capacity.自从当选之后,他还没有以官方身份访问过该国,只进行了私人访问。剑桥高阶〔ownership〕The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987.1987 年中期这家公司又回到私人手中。朗文当代〔own〕The star of the show needs his own private dressing room.那场表演的明星需要有他自己的私人化妆间。韦氏高阶〔personal〕Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? 介意我问你一个私人问题吗?剑桥高阶〔personal〕Every scrap of personal property was removed from his pockets.他口袋里所有的私人物品都给一掏而空。麦克米伦高阶〔pilot〕He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington.乘私人飞机去华盛顿的路上, 有一段行程是他自己驾驶的。外研社新世纪〔pilot〕He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington.乘私人飞机去华盛顿的路上,有一段行程是他自己驾驶的。柯林斯高阶〔practice〕She maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.她作为一名精神健康顾问经营着一家私人事务所。牛津搭配〔predominate〕Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good.私人利益不得凌驾公众利益。牛津高阶〔presume〕I felt it would be presuming on our personal relationship to keep asking her for help.我觉得总要她帮忙就是利用了我们的私人交情。牛津高阶〔private enterprise〕A privately owned business enterprise, especially one operating under a system of free enterprise or laissez-faire capitalism.自由企业,私营企业:私人所有制的商业企业,尤指在自由企业制或自由竞争资本主义制度下进行经营活动的美国传统〔private law〕The branch of law that deals with the legal rights and relationships of private individuals.私法:处理私人的法律权利和私人关系的法律分支美国传统〔privateer〕A ship privately owned and manned but authorized by a government during wartime to attack and capture enemy vessels.武装民船,私掠船:私人所有并装备的船只,但在战时经政府授权攻击和掠捕敌方商船或军舰美国传统〔private〕Donald Tovey, who took her as his private pupil for the piano.唐纳德·托维,她的私人钢琴老师柯林斯高阶〔private〕He returned to his ex-wife's house to pick up a few private belongings.他回到前妻家里拿一些私人物品。外研社新世纪〔private〕It was the first time many had seen works from the artist's private collection.这是很多人第一次看到这名艺术家的私人藏品。韦氏高阶〔private〕Martial arts: Private lessons: £8 per hour.武术:私人教授:每小时8英镑柯林斯高阶〔private〕Morris has a private jet.莫里斯拥有一架私人喷气式飞机。朗文当代〔private〕The painting was sold to a private collector.那幅画卖给了一位私人收藏家。朗文当代〔privatize〕The modern politicized Christians also privatize religion.现代的政治化基督徒把宗教也私人化了。英汉大词典〔prohibit〕The director prohibited employees from making personal calls.主任禁止职员打私人电话。外研社新世纪〔property〕This vehicle has been parked on private property.这辆车停在了私人地产上。外研社新世纪〔pull〕The car pulled out of the driveway.那辆车驶离了私人车道。韦氏高阶〔pupil〕She now teaches only private pupils.她现在只当私人教师。牛津高阶〔restraint〕The media should have used more restraint in disclosing his private life.媒体在披露他的私人生活时应该更克制些。牛津搭配〔room〕The patient was in a private room equipped with bathroom and TV.病人住在一间配有浴室和电视的私人病房。牛津搭配〔savings bank〕A bank that receives and invests the savings of private depositors and pays interest on the deposits.储蓄银行:接受私人存款并将其投资和付利息的银行美国传统〔sea chest〕A box or trunk suitable for use by a sailor to store personal property.水手衣物箱:适合由水手用于储存私人财产的盒子或箱子美国传统〔strictly〕This was a strictly private occasion.这纯属私人活动。外研社新世纪〔support system〕A network of personal or professional contacts available to a person or an organization for practical or moral support when needed.支持系统:个人或组织在需要时,可用来作为实际或道义上支持的私人性或职业性的联系网络美国传统〔swag〕I was swagged out of the door by the guards of the private club.我被那家私人俱乐部的门卫用力推出了门。21世纪英汉〔tie line〕A communications link between extensions of a private telephone system.电话直接连接线:一个私人电话系统两个分机之间的通信连接线美国传统〔totem〕Private jets are a totem of success among extremely wealthy people.私人喷气式飞机在极其富有的人当中是成功的象征。韦氏高阶〔tree farm〕An area of forest land on which trees are grown for commercial use.私人林场:用于商业目的的一块人工培植林区美国传统〔trespass〕He told me I was trespassing on private land.他说我在擅闯私人土地。牛津高阶〔wager〕Archaic A pledge of personal combat to resolve an issue or a case.【古语】 誓约:用私人决斗来解决一个问题或案子的誓约美国传统〔warrant〕Private homes will not be searched without a warrant.无搜查令不得搜查私人住宅。英汉大词典〔within〕Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.在私人餐室内款待客户。柯林斯高阶〔within〕Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law.私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定的范围内经营。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕Employees must not make personal calls during work hours.工作时间内员工不准打私人电话。牛津搭配A group of private investors got together to buy the company.一群私人投资者一起买下了这家公司。牛津商务He had a drawerful of unredeemed pledges for loans he had made to students from his personal funds.他利用私人资金发放学生贷款,留下了大量未赎回担保。牛津商务He is very wealthy and owns a $600,000 house and a private jet.他很富,拥有一幢价值60万美元的房子和一架私人喷飞式飞机。剑桥国际I'll get my PA to make the arrangements.我会让我的私人助手作好安排的。剑桥国际It's not the first time that the paper has been in trouble for printing untruths about people's private lives.这家报纸因发表有关人们私人生活的不实之词而惹上麻烦这已不是第一次了。剑桥国际Most of his letters were typed, but we've found a few personal ones written in his own hand (=written by him with a pen).他的大部分信是打字的,但我们也发现一些私人信件是他亲笔所写。剑桥国际Over the past fifteen years, the number of private shareholders has multiplied.在过去的十五年里,私人股东数量大幅度增加。牛津商务Private investors were restricted to just 35 shares each.私人投资者每人仅限购 35 股。牛津商务Private swimming pool, fast cars, designer clothes--pick your status symbol, she has them all.私人游泳池、跑车、设计师特制的服装----地位象征由你挑,她都有。剑桥国际She hired a private detective to follow her husband and find out where he was going.她雇了一个私人侦探跟踪她丈夫,查出他去哪儿。剑桥国际She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.她决定离开公共医疗卫生服务,参加私人医疗服务。剑桥国际The letter was marked ‘Personal’.信上标着“私人信件”。牛津商务The main business of stockbrokers who look after private clients is buying and selling individual shares.私人客户股票经纪人的主要业务是买卖个股。剑桥国际The old school was bought and subsequently turned into a private house.这所老学校出售后被改建为私人住宅。剑桥国际These recently discovered letters give us an extraordinary insight into her private life.这些近期才发现的信件让我们更深刻地了解她的私人生活。剑桥国际They are examining the possibility of a complete ban on private cars.他们正在考虑完全禁止私人轿车的可能性。剑桥国际What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private affluence and public squalor.我们越来越多地看到的是一个私人富裕、公众贫困的社会。剑桥国际




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