

单词 私人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-lined〕a long tree-lined drive. 两旁绿树林立的一条很长的私人车道柯林斯高阶〔PRIVATE〕private conversations and letters 私人对话和信件朗文写作活用〔apartment〕the private apartments of the Prince of Wales at St James's Palace. 威尔士亲王在圣詹姆斯宫的私人套房柯林斯高阶〔backroom〕the backroom of the officers' club. 军官俱乐部的私人包间柯林斯高阶〔camera〕pl. cam.er.ae-ə-rē A judge's private chamber. 【复数】 cam.er.ae[-ə-rē] 法官的私人房间美国传统〔ceremony〕a private ceremony attended only by the family只有家人参加的私人仪式外研社新世纪〔ceremony〕his grandmother's funeral, a private ceremony attended only by the family. 他祖母的葬礼,只有家人参加的私人仪式柯林斯高阶〔chapel〕the chapel of the Virgin Mary. 圣母堂的私人祈祷室柯林斯高阶〔chapel〕the family's private chapel 家庭私人小教室韦氏高阶〔chattel〕goods and chattels 私人财物剑桥高阶〔collection〕the largest private art collection in the world 世界上最大的私人艺术收藏牛津搭配〔dick〕a private dick 私人侦探剑桥高阶〔drive〕pull up a car in the cottage drive 把车停在小别墅的私人车道上 英汉大词典〔exclusive〕an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部剑桥高阶〔foundation〕a private foundation for the arts 一个为艺术的私人基金会牛津搭配〔fringe benefit〕fringe benefits such as private medical insurance私人医疗保险等附加福利外研社新世纪〔guest〕a paying guest(= a person who is living in a private house, but paying as if they were in a hotel) 寄宿客(付费住在私人家中的人)牛津高阶〔housing〕public/private housing 公共╱私人住房牛津高阶〔individual〕donations from private individuals(= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) 私人捐赠牛津高阶〔investment〕private investment in the health service 对医疗保健服务的私人投资牛津搭配〔jet〕a private jet 私人喷气式飞机剑桥高阶〔jet〕a private/commercial/corporate jet 私人/商务/公务喷气式飞机韦氏高阶〔limited〕a limited resumption of personal traffic 私人交往的有限恢复英汉大词典〔off-street parking〕a flat with off-street parking带私人停车位的公寓外研社新世纪〔offscreen〕conjecture about what telly personalities are like offscreen 对荧屏明星私人生活的揣度英汉大词典〔personalized〕a personalized leather wallet 印有私人标记的皮夹麦克米伦高阶〔personal〕personal belongings 私人物品英汉大词典〔private secretary〕a parliamentary private secretary 议会私人助理朗文当代〔privately〕privately owned/funded/financed businesses 私有/私人出资/私人筹资企业麦克米伦高阶〔private〕a private conversation 私人交谈牛津高阶〔private〕a private doctor/dentist 私人医生/牙医剑桥高阶〔private〕a private visit 私人访问英汉大词典〔private〕private property.私人财产。牛津同义词〔property〕a sign saying ' Private Property . Keep Out' 写有“私人房屋请勿入内”的标牌朗文当代〔read〕read with a private tutor 师从私人教授英汉大词典〔self-contained〕a private self-contained guest wing配有私人独立厨房卫浴的一侧客房外研社新世纪〔tutor〕a private tutor 私人教师韦氏高阶〔unblinking〕an unblinking answer to a very personal question. 不动声色地回答一个私人问题美国传统〔unplugged〕performed unplugged in an intimate café. 在私人咖啡店里表演非电子乐器美国传统private medical insurance 私人医疗保险牛津商务




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