

单词 第七
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Pentecost〕the seventh Sunday after Easter (Pentecost)复活节后第七个星期日(圣灵降临节)外研社新世纪〔brigade〕the men of the Seventh Armoured Brigade. 第七装甲旅的士兵们柯林斯高阶〔brigade〕the men of the Seventh Armoured Brigade第七装甲旅的士兵们外研社新世纪〔division〕a court in the seventh division 第七区的一个法院英汉大词典〔fleet〕the US seventh fleet 美国第七舰队朗文当代〔half〕the first [second] half of the seventh inning 第七局的上半[下半]文馨英汉〔inning〕the first [second] half of the seventh inning 第七局的上[下]半局文馨英汉〔movement〕the first movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony. 贝多芬《第七交响曲》第一乐章柯林斯高阶〔movement〕the first movement of Beethoven's seventh symphony贝多芬第七交响乐的第一乐章外研社新世纪〔ordinal〕an ordinal rank of seventh. 列第七位的美国传统〔pregnancy〕the seventh month of a woman's pregnancy 妇女怀孕的第七个月英汉大词典〔principality〕principalities Theology The seventh of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called princedoms principalities 【神学】 权天使:九级天使中的第七级 也作 在此意义上也可称作 princedoms美国传统〔seventh〕her seventh goal of the season 她在本赛季的第七个进球韦氏高阶〔seventh〕on the seventh day 在第七天韦氏高阶〔seventh〕the book's seventh edition 这本书的第七版韦氏高阶〔seventh〕the nation's seventh largest city 国内第七大城市韦氏高阶〔trooper〕a trooper from the 7th Cavalry. 第七骑兵团的一名骑兵柯林斯高阶〔trooper〕a trooper from the 7th Cavalry第七骑兵团的一名骑兵外研社新世纪




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