

单词 篡改
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A whole team was kept busy falsifying official government records. 小组里所有的人都忙于篡改政府的官方记录。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Hollywood has been accused of rewriting history, by once again denying the role played by African Americans. 好莱坞又一次否定由非洲裔美国人扮演的角色,被指责是篡改历史。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕She falsified her birth certificate to get the job. 她篡改了自己的出生证明以便得到那份工作。朗文写作活用〔alteration〕Several police officers are being questioned about the alteration of the documents.因为文件被篡改一事,数名警察正接受讯问。剑桥高阶〔bend〕A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备篡改规则。柯林斯高阶〔bold〕In his article he made bold with the facts.他在文章中任意篡改事实。英汉大词典〔concomitant〕The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.故意篡改引文的权利并不是新闻自由的产物。柯林斯高阶〔context〕Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context.引语可能会被篡改,使用时断章取义。柯林斯高阶〔cook〕All this led to accusations that the Government had cooked the books on the economy before the election.所有这一切导致了对政府在选举前篡改经济数据的指控。外研社新世纪〔cook〕Lily was dismissed from the bank for cooking the books.莉莉由于篡改账目被银行开除了。21世纪英汉〔cook〕The President was accused of cooking the evidence and lying to the public.总统被指控篡改证据并向公众撒谎。外研社新世纪〔cook〕The accountant was found to have cooked the books.会计被人发现篡改了账本。英汉大词典〔cook〕They cooked the scripts to make Adams look stupid.他们篡改文稿,想让亚当斯出丑。麦克米伦高阶〔cracker〕One who makes unauthorized use of a computer, especially to tamper with data or programs.偷用计算机者:未经允许使用他人计算机的人,主要是为了篡改数据或程序美国传统〔disgrace〕He brought disgrace on the whole team by falsifying the results.他篡改比分的行为让全队丢了脸。剑桥高阶〔doctor〕Experts suspected that the company's report had been doctored.专家们怀疑公司的报告已被人篡改。麦克米伦高阶〔doctor〕He was accused of doctoring the figures.他被指控篡改数字。牛津高阶〔doctor〕He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence.他被发现向法庭提供了篡改过的证据。剑桥高阶〔doctor〕The doctoring of the document has become a live political issue.对文件的篡改伪造已成为当下让人关注的政治问题。柯林斯高阶〔doctor〕They were accused of doctoring the company's financial records.他们被指控篡改公司的财务记录。韦氏高阶〔doubt〕The claim that the samples had not been tampered with is increasingly open to doubt.对于样本未经篡改的说法, 人们越来越感到怀疑。外研社新世纪〔edit〕He edited the report that was to be presented to the committee at the hearing.他篡改了那份准备在听证会上向委员会提交的报告。21世纪英汉〔falsification〕Some of those books engage in nearly incredible falsification of the facts about the experiments.其中有些书对实验事实作出几乎令人难以置信的篡改。外研社新世纪〔falsification〕The charges include racketeering, tax fraud, and falsification of records.指控罪名包括敲诈勒索、税务欺诈、篡改档案记录等。外研社新世纪〔falsify〕He claims he was asked to falsify data to cover up manufacturing lapses.他宣称有人指使他篡改数据, 用以掩盖生产中的漏洞。外研社新世纪〔falsify〕He was caught falsifying financial accounts.他篡改财务账目时被当场发现了。韦氏高阶〔fiddle〕He has been fiddling the accounts for years.他多年来一直在篡改账目。英汉大词典〔fiddle〕They accuse the government of fiddling the unemployment figures.他们指责政府篡改失业人数。麦克米伦高阶〔fiddle〕To alter or falsify (accounts, for example) for dishonest gain.伪造:为不正当目的伪造或篡改,例如(帐目)美国传统〔fudge〕It was later discovered that the researchers had fudged their data.后来发现,研究人员篡改了数据。韦氏高阶〔fudge〕Journalists have always tended to fudge the facts.记者们总是倾向于篡改事实。麦克米伦高阶〔fudge〕The treasurer fudged the figures.财务主管篡改了数据。韦氏高阶〔inadequacy〕They possibly falsified the results to cover up the inadequacies of their theory.他们有可能篡改了结果,以掩盖其理论的种种缺陷。牛津搭配〔interpolable〕The article has been interpolated.这篇文章已被篡改过了。21世纪英汉〔interpolate〕The old manuscript was interpolated by many writers.这部旧文稿曾被好多作家篡改过了。英汉大词典〔interpolate〕To change or falsify (a text) by introducing new or incorrect material.篡改:通过插入新的或不正当的材料改变或伪造(课本)美国传统〔jigger〕The ruling party jiggered the election results to stay in power.执政党篡改了选举结果以继续掌权。剑桥高阶〔juggle〕The clerk juggled the figures in his account.那个职员篡改了他户头上的数字。21世纪英汉〔lord〕My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.法官大人, 本人受当事人委托, 主张此证据已被人篡改。外研社新世纪〔lord〕My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。柯林斯高阶〔manipulabilities〕The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's accounts.这个会计因企图篡改公司账目而被捕。21世纪英汉〔manipulate〕She accused the party of manipulating the figures.她指控该政党篡改了数据。麦克米伦高阶〔manipulate〕The company manipulated its accounts to exaggerate its profits.这家公司篡改账目来夸大收益。韦氏高阶〔manipulate〕The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对派领导人指责政府部长篡改统计数据以满足自身利益。剑桥高阶〔manipulation〕The government has disguised the true situation by clever manipulation of the figures.政府狡猾地篡改了数字,从而掩盖了事实真相。牛津搭配〔mess〕She is determined that this piece of tradition shall not be messed about with.她决心不让这个老规矩遭到篡改。英汉大词典〔rejigger〕It was said that his personal records were rejiggered by one of his schoolmates.据说他的个人档案被他的一个同学篡改过。21世纪英汉〔revisability〕They openly revised Marxism.他们明目张胆地篡改马克思主义。21世纪英汉〔rewrite〕We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history.不管他们如何篡改历史,我们一直都是一个独立的民族。柯林斯高阶〔rewrite〕We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history.无论他们如何篡改历史, 我们从来都是一个独立的民族。外研社新世纪〔tamper〕He tampered the document.他篡改了文件。21世纪英汉〔tamper〕I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence.我不希望被人控告篡改证据。柯林斯高阶〔tamper〕I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence.我不想被指控篡改证据。外研社新世纪〔tamper〕Someone has tampered with the accounts of the company.有人篡改了公司的账目。21世纪英汉〔tamper〕To alter improperly.篡改:对…作不正当的改动美国传统〔tantamount〕To neglect or forget aspects of the past is tantamount to rewriting history, and anyone who has read Animal Farm knows where that can lead.忽视或忘记过去无异于篡改历史,凡是读过《动物农场》的人都知道那会导致什么后果。柯林斯高阶He brought disgrace on his family/himself by falsifying the results.他篡改结果,给家人/自己丢了脸。剑桥国际He had been fiddling the accounts / books / finances for several years before he was discovered.在被发现之前,他已经多年篡改帐目/票据簿/财务情况了。剑桥国际It would be crazy to tamper with a successful formula.篡改成功的配方是不理智的。牛津商务The company committed fraud by manipulating its financial records.这家公司因篡改财务记录而犯有欺诈罪。牛津商务The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对党领导人指责政府部长为满足自身需要而篡改了统计数据。剑桥国际The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.执政党篡改了选举结果,以确保他们继续掌权。剑桥国际This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告显示了她怎么篡改事实真相, 吹嘘那些实际上根本不存在的成就。剑桥国际




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