

单词 篡夺
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost. 这只是反对派又一次不惜代价篡夺权力的无耻行为。朗文写作活用〔Thyestes〕A king of Mycenae who unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons, served to him by his brother Atreus, as revenge for seducing his wife and usurping the throne.泰伊斯特斯:迈锡尼的一个国王,他在不知真相的情况下吃了他兄弟阿特柔斯进贡给他的他儿子们的肉,这是阿特柔斯对他勾引其妻子并篡夺王位的报复美国传统〔accroach to oneself〕He accroached the throne to himself.他篡夺了王位。21世纪英汉〔supplant〕He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king.他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。21世纪英汉〔supplant〕To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.取代:尤指通过阴谋或不光彩的计谋篡夺…的位置美国传统〔usurp〕Ingham resented anyone trying to usurp his authority.英厄姆憎恨任何企图篡夺他权力的人。麦克米伦高阶〔usurp〕Little by little he usurped his boss's authority.他逐渐地篡夺老板的权力。21世纪英汉〔usurp〕Some people have accused city council members of trying to usurp the mayor's power.有一些人指控市议会成员企图篡夺市长权力。韦氏高阶〔usurp〕There were a couple of attempts to usurp the young king.有好几次有人企图篡夺那位年轻国王的王位。朗文当代〔usurp〕To seize another's place, authority, or possession wrongfully.篡夺;篡位;篡权:非法地抢占他人的地方,抢夺他人的权力或占有他人的财产美国传统This man is an impostor, who has stolen my throne. 这个人是个骗子,他篡夺了我的王位。译典通




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