

单词 职务
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕Richard Nixon was forced to resign the presidency in 1974 to avoid impeachment. 1974年,理查德·尼克松为免遭弹劾而被迫辞去总统职务。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The Chief Inspector has been relieved of his duties pending another investigation by fellow officers. 总督察在接受同僚的另一次调查期间,被暂时解除了职务。朗文写作活用〔Much to the regret of〕It is with deep regret that he is announcing his resignation.他非常遗憾地宣布辞去职务。韦氏高阶〔POSITION/RANK〕Her position in the company means that she is responsible for major financial decisions. 她在公司的职务使她负责重大的财务决定。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Thorn holds one of the most senior positions in the Federal Bank. 索恩担任联邦银行中最高级的职务之一。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕The American Embassy employs 50 local people in administrative positions. 美国大使馆雇用50名当地人担任行政职务。朗文写作活用〔TDY〕Temporary duty.临时职务美国传统〔abuse〕He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity.他在职务范围之外任意滥用特权。英汉大词典〔accord〕He did not quit as prime minister of his own accord.他辞去总理职务并非自愿。外研社新世纪〔appointment〕Did he get his job by appointment or election? 他这个职务是指派的还是选举产生的?韦氏高阶〔appointment〕Her first academic appointment was as a lecturer at Manchester University.她的第一个教学职务是曼彻斯特大学讲师。麦克米伦高阶〔appointment〕Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员的职务。柯林斯高阶〔archidiaconal〕Of or having to do with an archdeacon or an archdeacon's office.会吏总的:副主教或副主教职务的或与之有关的美国传统〔attain to〕He attained to the highest office in the country.他获得该国的最高职务。21世纪英汉〔authorize〕I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.我已授权他在我外出时代理我的职务。牛津高阶〔breaking point〕The breaking point came when he had to sack his deputy Prime Minister.他万般无奈, 不得不解除副总理的职务。外研社新世纪〔break〕He resigned from his post as Bishop when the scandal broke.丑闻传开后他辞去了主教职务。柯林斯高阶〔contact〕The organization put me in contact with other peopl e in a similar position(= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers).这家机构为我提供了其他和我职务相若的人的联系方法。牛津高阶〔correspond〕His job in Moscow corresponds to your father's position here.他在莫斯科的职务与你爸爸在这儿的职务相当。外研社新世纪〔cue〕Archaic One's assigned role or function.【古语】 角色:某人指定的角色或职务美国传统〔degree〕Relative social or official rank, dignity, or position.地位,身份:相应的社会地位或军衔、尊严或职务美国传统〔delegacy〕The authority, office, or position of a delegate.代表的权力、职务、地位美国传统〔deputize for〕She deputizes for me as general manager while I am on holiday.在我度假期间,她将代我执行总经理职务。21世纪英汉〔disagreement〕Bowen resigned from the club following a disagreement with the head coach.鲍恩在与主教练发生争执后辞去了俱乐部的职务。麦克米伦高阶〔disgust〕He resigned from the committee in disgust at the corruption.出于对腐败的憎恶,他辞去了在该委员会的职务。剑桥高阶〔duty〕She has a variety of administrative duties.她有多个行政职务。韦氏高阶〔ex officio〕She sits, ex officio, on the boards of eight major cultural institutions.根据职务需要, 她是八个主要文化事业单位的理事会成员。外研社新世纪〔ex officio〕The Bishop of Salisbury had been, ex officio, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter.索尔兹伯里主教已按职务规定成为嘉德勋位授予大臣。外研社新世纪〔fed up〕She was fed up with their complaints. I resigned from the company because I was fed up.她听够了他们的报怨。我辞去了那个公司的职务,因为我厌烦了美国传统〔habilitate〕To qualify oneself for a post or office.给…资格:使自己具备担任某种职务或从事某项职业的资格美国传统〔headship〕I feel sure you'll be offered the headship.我坚信你会被邀请担任领导职务。柯林斯高阶〔headship〕The position or office of a head or leader; primacy or command.首领或领导人的地位或职务;首要地位或指挥权美国传统〔hesitation〕I would have no hesitation in recommending Philip for the position.我非常愿意推荐菲利普担任这一职务。朗文当代〔hold〕Anyone appointed to this position should be held to the highest ethical standards.任何受命担任此职务的人都必须按照最高的道德标准行事。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕He held a position of trust and responsibility.他担任了一个责任重大的职务。麦克米伦高阶〔hover over〕He hovered over me that he would resign his post of manager.他威胁我说他要辞去他的经理职务。21世纪英汉〔initiation〕With such an initiation into diplomacy he took up his post as consul in Paris.凭着这一手涉足外交活动的入门经验,他担任了驻巴黎领事的职务。英汉大词典〔juror〕The judge dismissed another juror.法官又免除了一人的陪审员职务。牛津搭配〔lie〕He lied himself into office.他骗得职务。英汉大词典〔minister〕To perform the functions of a cleric.执行牧师职务美国传统〔noncandidate〕A person who has announced that he or she is not a candidate, especially for political office.非候选人:宣布自己不是侯选人的人,尤指为政治职务的美国传统〔office〕She's held various offices during her time in government.她为政府工作期间曾担任不同职务。剑桥高阶〔officiary〕Attached to or resulting from an office held. Used of a title.与职务相联的:与职务相联系或由职务而来的。用于头衔美国传统〔party〕An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office.政党,党派:组建起来用以宣传和支持其原则以及帮助候选人竞选政治职务的政治团体美国传统〔patronage〕The power to distribute or appoint people to governmental or political positions.授与职务的权力:分派或委任给某人政府职位或政治地位的权力美国传统〔post〕He has held the post for three years.他担任这个职务已经三年了。牛津高阶〔post〕She now holds a senior post in the Department of Education.她目前在教育部担任高级职务。朗文当代〔predecessor〕One who precedes another in time, especially in holding an office or a position.前任:尤指先于另一人拥有同一职务或职位的人美国传统〔presidency〕Presidency The office of the President of the United States. Presidency 总统:美利坚合众国的总统职务美国传统〔qualified〕Having the appropriate qualifications for an office, a position, or a task.有资格的:具备职务、职位或任务所需的适当的资格的美国传统〔qualifier〕One that qualifies, especially one that has or fulfills all appropriate qualifications, as for a position, an office, or a task.合格者:合格的人,尤指具有或符合适当条件的人,如为了职位、职务或任务美国传统〔reconsideration〕We want you to reconsider your decision to resign from the board.我们希望你重新考虑辞去董事会职务的决定。柯林斯高阶〔rehabilitate〕He was rehabilitated as secretary.他被恢复了干事职务。英汉大词典〔rehabilitate〕He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.他被释放并恢复总工程师职务。21世纪英汉〔reinstate〕After his name was cleared, he was reinstated as committee chairperson.罪名被洗刷后,他的委员会主席职务得以恢复。韦氏高阶〔reinstate〕The company reinstated him as chief engineer.该公司恢复了他的总工程师职务。21世纪英汉〔relieve〕The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five.总编辑在六十五岁时被解除职务。21世纪英汉〔report〕In this new job you will report (directly) to the director on all matters.担任这一新职务后,一切有关事务你均应向主任(直接)负责。英汉大词典〔resignation〕Illness forced his resignation from the team.他因病被迫辞去队中的职务。牛津搭配〔resign〕He resigned as chairman of the committee.他辞去了委员会主席职务。英汉大词典〔resign〕He resigned from his job as principal of the school.他辞去了校长职务。韦氏高阶〔resign〕My father resigned his directorship last year.我父亲去年辞去了董事的职务。牛津高阶〔return〕The Prime Minister returned him to his old post as Foreign Secretary.首相恢复了他原来外交大臣的职务。英汉大词典〔solicit〕It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.公务员利用职务之便索要他人钱物是非法的。剑桥高阶〔spiritualty〕Property or revenue belonging to the church or to a cleric; spirituality.教会的财产,教会的收入:属于教会或神职人员的财产或收入;基督教圣职的职务收入美国传统〔suffrage〕A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office.投的票:在决定有争议的问题或选举某人提任某项职务时投的票美国传统〔suspend〕The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。柯林斯高阶〔suspension〕A debarment, as from office or privilege.暂时剥夺:取消职务或特权美国传统〔take〕He was asked to take a leading position in the factory.他们要求他在这家工厂担任一个领导职务。21世纪英汉〔technocrat〕A technical expert, especially one in a managerial or administrative position.技术专家官员:技术专家,尤指位于管理或行政职务的人美国传统〔tour〕A period of duty at a single place or job.任职期:在某个地方或职务上的一段任期美国传统〔trust〕He holds a position of trust in the firm.他在公司担任负责职务。英汉大词典〔understand〕He understands the business and can take over when I'm away.他熟悉业务,我不在时他可以接替我的职务。21世纪英汉〔unequal〕A mere politician will prove unequal to the position.纯粹的政治家将证明自己难以担当这个职务。英汉大词典〔unfit〕Adams is clearly unfit to hold an administrative post.亚当斯显然无能力担任行政职务。英汉大词典〔unseat〕To dislodge from a location or position, especially to remove from office.降级,撤职:把…从一个地位或位置上移开,尤其指把…从职务上撤下来美国传统〔vis-a-vis〕The minister is talking with his American vis-a-vis.这位部长正在同他的美国同事(指与其职务及级别相当者)会谈。英汉大词典〔vote〕A formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue.选举:对于某个职务候选人或某件问题的解决方法的赞同的正式表达美国传统〔vote〕She was voted off the committee.她经表决被免去了在委员会的职务。牛津搭配〔what〕What about his qualification for the position? 他担任这职务够格吗? 英汉大词典After much calculation they decided to give him the position of manager. 经仔细考虑,他们决定让他担任经理职务。译典通All office-holders (=people with official positions) should attend.所有有职务者都要出席。剑桥国际Bertelli resigned as Chief Executive last month, citing personal reasons.柏特尔上个月以个人理由辞去行政总裁职务。牛津商务Every year, management whittles away at the number of jobs in the company.每年,管理机构都削减公司的职务数量。剑桥国际He held a senior position in a large company.他在一家大公司担任高级职务。牛津商务He is due to retire as chief executive next year.他预定于明年辞去总裁职务。剑桥国际He was a member of the Conservative trade union movement, and in 1960 he became the first trade unionist to chair the Conservative party conference.他是保守党工会运动的成员,1960 年他成为第一个担任保守党大会主席职务的工会成员。剑桥国际He will quit as chief executive in May.他五月份将辞去总裁的职务。牛津商务I hear you're looking for an opening (= a job) in international sales.我听说你在寻找国际销售方面的职务空缺。剑桥国际Phil is clearly unfit to hold a senior position. 菲尔显然不能胜任高级职务。译典通She applied for a position in the firm that I work for.她向我工作的公司申请一个职务。剑桥国际She has resigned as chairman with immediate effect.她已经辞去董事长职务,即时生效。牛津商务She resigned as head of marketing.她辞去了营销部门主管的职务。牛津商务She resigned the directorship.她辞去了总管的职务。剑桥国际She was headhunted by a rival firm who offered her a company directorship.对方公司看中了她并为她提供了公司董事的职务。剑桥国际She was relieved of her post after five years of service.干了五年后她被解除了职务。剑桥国际There were calls for her resignation from the board of directors.有人要求她辞去董事会里的职务。牛津商务We've decided to appoint Browne to the post. He's very sound.我们决定任命布朗尼担任这一职务,因为他是个可靠的人。剑桥国际When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President. 当总统生病时,其职务交由副总统代理。译典通You will be employed to assist the manager with his duties.你将受聘以协助经理执行职务。牛津商务




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