

单词 职务
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔WORK〕to do work that is not part of your job 做非职务的事朗文写作活用〔accept〕to accept the office of president担任总裁职务21世纪英汉〔admission〕the admission of women to the office of bishop in the Church of England任命女性在英国国教会内担任主教职务外研社新世纪〔assignment〕his assignment to other duties in the same company 他在同一公司内担任的其他职务牛津高阶〔assume〕assumed the presidency. 担任首相职务美国传统〔bar〕bar aliens from sensitive positions 不准外国侨民担任机要职务英汉大词典〔chain〕the chains of duty 职务的羁绊英汉大词典〔clerical〕clerical ministry 牧师职务剑桥高阶〔collation〕the collation and installation of the Rev Toby Forward as canon residentiary托比•福沃德牧师作为教会驻堂牧师的职务授予与就任仪式外研社新世纪〔demythologization〕to demythologize the presidency.去除总统职务的神话色彩21世纪英汉〔diminution〕a diminution in the importance of a post 某一职务重要性的降低英汉大词典〔discharge〕discharge a jury 解除陪审团的职务英汉大词典〔discharge〕the quiet competence with which he discharged his many college duties. 他得以胜任众多大学职务的那种内秀柯林斯高阶〔eligible〕eligible to run for office; eligible for retirement. 有资格竞选职务的;有资格退休的美国传统〔escape〕tried to evade jury duty. Toelude is to get away from artfully: 用计得到陪审团的职务。 Elude 指巧妙地远离: 美国传统〔ex officio〕officiō [ablative of] officium [office] officiō officium的夺格 [职务] 美国传统〔fill〕to fill diplomatic post担任外交职务以补空缺21世纪英汉〔hat〕the cardinal's hat 天主教红衣主教戴的四角红帽 (或红衣主教的职务)英汉大词典〔hold〕hold the office of mayor 担任市长职务英汉大词典〔ineligible〕ineligible for a job.不合格担任某职务。牛津同义词〔insufficient〕a person insufficient to discharge the duties of an office 不能胜任职务的人英汉大词典〔legislate〕to legislate sb. out of an office依法罢免某人的职务21世纪英汉〔lie〕to lie oneself into office骗取职务21世纪英汉〔line〕a line of command 一系列按职务排序的指挥人员牛津高阶〔ministerial〕to hold ministerial office(= to have the job of a government minister) 担任部长职务牛津高阶〔pastoral〕pastoral duties; a pastoral letter. 牧师职务;牧函美国传统〔performance〕the performance of his official duties 履行他的职务朗文当代〔positional〕positional power or authority 职务上的权力朗文当代〔promotion〕a job with excellent promotion prospects 有充分晋升机会的职务牛津高阶〔replacement〕the president's temporary replacement by the Chief of Staff 总参谋长暂时接替总统的职务牛津搭配〔resignation〕her resignation as party leader 她辞去党的领导职务牛津搭配〔resigned〕a resigned post 辞去的职务 英汉大词典〔resign〕resign one's position as executive secretary of the committee 辞去委员会执行干事职务 英汉大词典〔rotatory〕a rotatory office in a club 俱乐部里由成员轮流担任的职务英汉大词典〔shadow〕hold the shadow portfolio of Labour 担任影子内阁的劳工部长职务英汉大词典〔shadow〕shadow duties 非官方的职务英汉大词典〔sorrow〕his sorrow at having to quit his job 他对不得不辞去职务感到的悲伤牛津搭配〔strip〕strip sb. of his chairmanship (civil rights, citizenship) 剥夺某人的主席职务(公民权利,国籍)英汉大词典previous holders of the post 这职务的前任牛津商务the discharge of debts/liabilities/duties 债务的清偿;职务的履行牛津商务




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