

单词 空闲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(what) with one thing and another〕What with one thing and another, I have very little free time.事情太多了,我几乎没有空闲时间。韦氏高阶〔ALONE〕He spent his free time in solitude, reading or walking in the hills. 他空闲时独自一人看看书,或者在山间散散步。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Keeping busy was the only thing that kept her from going to pieces during the divorce. 不让自己有一刻空闲的时间是她办离婚手续时避免精神崩溃的唯一方法。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕He really needs something to do in his spare time to keep him out of trouble. 空闲时他确实要有些事做以免闹出麻烦事。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕The reduction in average working hours has led to an increase in leisure time. 平均工作时间的减少使空闲时间增加了。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Mothers with young babies rarely have much spare time. 带婴儿的母亲很难得有空闲时间。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕A lot of kids don't have enough to do in their spare time, and that's when they get into trouble. 许多小孩在空闲时间没事可干,所以就闯祸了。朗文写作活用〔arrange〕When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers.她稍有空闲便喜欢摆弄干花。柯林斯高阶〔availability〕I'd better just check my availability for next week.我最好看看下周是否有空闲。外研社新世纪〔availability〕I'll have to check my availability before I commit myself.我要先看看有无空闲再答应。麦克米伦高阶〔between〕Between work and studies she has no time left.她又工作,又学习,没有空闲时间了。21世纪英汉〔clear〕Leave at least one clear day between the flight and any business meetings.在乘飞机旅行后,至少留出一天空闲时间再安排商务会议。朗文当代〔demanding〕She had a demanding schedule with little free time.她的工作日程繁忙,几乎没有空闲时间。韦氏高阶〔divide〕Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom.保罗在大部分空闲时间里要么呆在书房里,要么呆在卧室里。柯林斯高阶〔do with〕I could do with more leisure time.我想要更多的空闲时间。21世纪英汉〔do with〕What did you do with yourself in leisure time?你是怎样消磨空闲时间的?21世纪英汉〔engage〕Reading engages his spare time.阅读占去了他的空闲时间。21世纪英汉〔every〕He devotes every spare moment to his hobby.他把自己每一刻空闲时间都花在了业余爱好上。韦氏高阶〔fallow〕There followed something of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer.接着出现了一段没活儿干的空闲期, 然后在夏季又有了一份工作。外研社新世纪〔free〕Children these days have very little free time .现在的孩子很少有空闲时间。朗文当代〔free〕I haven't got a free day this week.这个星期我一天空闲都没有。朗文当代〔free〕She spent her free time shopping.她空闲的时候就去购物。柯林斯高阶〔full-time〕The way she did it, mothering was a full-time job.照顾孩子于她是一件不得空闲的苦差事。柯林斯高阶〔gap year〕I went around the world in my gap year.我在上大学前空闲的一年里周游了世界。柯林斯高阶〔gladly〕The counselors will gladly babysit during their free time.空闲时这些顾问也会乐意照看一下孩子。柯林斯高阶〔happen〕As it happened (= although it was not planned), I had a few minutes to spare.我碰巧有几分钟空闲。剑桥高阶〔hip〕Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.法官不必匆忙行事。他们有空闲时间来思考、裁决。外研社新世纪〔idle〕If you have an idle moment, call me.如果你有空闲时间,给我打电话。剑桥高阶〔idle〕In idle moments, he carved wooden figures.他空闲时就刻木雕。牛津高阶〔interplant〕They filled every inch of space by interplanting early-ripening crops with late-ripening crops.他们实行早熟作物和晚熟作物间种,不让土地有一寸空闲。英汉大词典〔leisure〕I'm looking forward to more leisure time in my retirement.我期待着退休后能有更多的空闲时间。麦克米伦高阶〔leisure〕Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.大多数人只有有限的空闲时间。剑桥高阶〔liberty〕Not employed, occupied, or in use.空闲的,不占用的或不被使用的美国传统〔loiter〕To stand idly about; linger aimlessly.闲逛:空闲地呆在某地周围;漫无目的地闲逛美国传统〔luxury〕We were going to have the luxury of a free weekend, to rest and do whatever we pleased.我们将有一个难得空闲的周末, 可以休息, 还可以高兴干什么就干什么。外研社新世纪〔luxury〕We were going to have the luxury of a free weekend, to rest and do whatever we pleased.我们将有一个难得空闲的周末,可以休息,还可以高兴干什么就干什么。柯林斯高阶〔make a virtue (out) of sth〕I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.我换工作期间有几个月空闲时间,因此不如趁此机会学一些新技能。剑桥高阶〔make sth into sth〕They've made the spare room into an office.他们已把空闲的房间改成了办公室。剑桥高阶〔market〕They are putting more empty offices on the market.他们要在市场上出售更多的空闲办公室。外研社新世纪〔mending〕The mending must be finished in her free time.缝补工作一定是她在空闲时间完成的。外研社新世纪〔much〕Do you have much free time? 你空闲时间多吗?牛津高阶〔much〕I don’t have much free time.我没有多少空闲时间。牛津高阶〔obsess〕She spends her leisure hours obsessing about her imminent divorce from Matthew.她空闲的时候一直在为即将和马修离婚而烦恼。外研社新世纪〔off-hour〕The government permits off-hour craftsmen and the unemployed to perform repairs.政府允许空闲的工匠和失业的人干修理工作。英汉大词典〔office〕We've converted the spare bedroom into an office.我们把那间空闲的卧室变成了书房。麦克米伦高阶〔opening〕An unfilled job or position; a vacancy.有空缺的工作或职位;空闲美国传统〔people〕Dreams peopled his idle hours.他空闲的时候就异想天开。英汉大词典〔practice〕She's never at home because she spends all her free time at hockey practices.她从来都不在家,因为她把所有的空闲时间都用在练习曲棍球上了。剑桥高阶〔sew ... up〕I will be sewn up after the vacation.放假后,我就没有空闲时间了。21世纪英汉〔sew〕She designs her own dresses and sews in her free time.她给自己设计连衣裙,并在空闲的时候缝纫。韦氏高阶〔sketch〕When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.有空闲的时候,我喜欢画素描。剑桥高阶〔spare〕Every spare patch of land has been converted into a vegetable garden.每一片空闲的土地都已被开垦成了菜园。麦克米伦高阶〔spare〕He's studying music in his spare time.他在空闲时间学音乐。牛津高阶〔spare〕I'd like you to come over when you can spare a couple of hours.我希望你在能抽出几个小时的空闲时间时过来一下。朗文当代〔spend〕How do you spend your spare time? 你在空闲时间干什么?牛津高阶〔take ... to〕His sister took to knitting in her spare time.他妹妹在空闲时打毛线。21世纪英汉〔time-poor〕People are becoming increasingly time-poor.人们现在越来越缺乏空闲时间。外研社新世纪〔time〕He writes poetry in his spare time.他空闲时写诗。朗文当代〔time〕Now the children have left home, she has too much time on her hands.现在孩子们都离开家了,她有太多空闲时间时了。朗文当代〔unemployed〕Not being used; idle.未被使用的;空闲的美国传统〔up〕I think it was selfish of me, using up all her free time like that.我觉得我很自私,那样占用了她全部的空闲时间。麦克米伦高阶〔usefully〕We could usefully spend the free time sightseeing.我们可以把空闲时间有效利用起来,去旅游观光。剑桥高阶〔vegetate〕He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV.他一有空闲时间就窝在家里看电视。柯林斯高阶〔whenever〕Do it in a spare moment at the weekend or whenever - it really doesn't matter.在周末或其他别的什么空闲时间做都行——真的没关系。剑桥高阶A free evening--what a refreshing change.一个空闲的晚上----多么让人高兴的改变。剑桥国际As it happened (=Al-though it was not planned), I had a few minutes to spare.不管怎么样,我有几分钟空闲。剑桥国际He has nothing to do in his spare time. 他空闲时间无事可做。译典通He usually employs himself in reading in his free time. 在空闲时间他通常忙于阅读。译典通I do a lot of reading in my free time.我在空闲的时间作大量阅读。剑桥国际I have to spend three months of the year away from home--but there are compensations like extra free time and the chance to meet new people.我每年得有三个月的时间出门在外,但好的方面是有更多空闲时间和结交新朋友的机会。剑桥国际I managed to work it so that I could have a day free for sightseeing.我设法巧做安排,所以我有了一天空闲时间用于观光。牛津商务I was unoccupied during the summer vacation. 我暑假里空闲著。译典通It doesn't have to be done this minute (= now), but if you've got a free moment at some point this week you could finish it then.不必现在就完成它,但是如果你这星期有空闲的时间,你可以在那时完成它。剑桥国际Most people only have a limited amount of leisure (time).大多数人只有有限的空闲时间。剑桥国际Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。译典通That will leave plenty of hours vacant. 那样的话就有许多空闲时间了。译典通These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受生活。牛津商务You can take the documents home and study them at (your) leisure (= when you want to and when you have time to).你可以把这些文件带回家,在你空闲的时候再研究它们。剑桥国际




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