

单词 空翻
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aboil〕The sky was aboil with storm clouds.暴风雨的乌云在天空翻腾。文馨英汉〔aboil〕The sky was aboil with storm clouds.酝酿着暴风雨的乌云在天空翻腾。英汉大词典〔b-boying〕A style of urban dance that combines energetic footwork with tumbling and spins, usually performed to funk music.街舞:市区的舞蹈样式,将急剧变化的舞步同空翻、旋转相结合,通常伴随烈节奏音乐表演美国传统〔back flip〕He backflipped off a bucking horse.他从一匹猛然弓背跃起的马上后空翻落下。21世纪英汉〔backwardness〕He did a backward flip.他做了一个后空翻。柯林斯高阶〔backward〕He did a fantastic backward somersault.他做了一个漂亮的后空翻。剑桥高阶〔cutaway〕Sports A back dive in which the diver turns in the air so as to face the board before entering the water.【体育运动】 向内跳水:跳水者在入水前在空中面对跳板空翻的向后跳水美国传统〔flip〕He broke his arm trying to do a flip.他空翻时摔断了手臂。麦克米伦高阶〔flip〕The acrobats were doing somersaults and flips (= jumping and turning their bodies over in the air).杂技演员们正在翻筋斗和空翻。剑桥高阶〔flip〕The handstand was followed by a back flip.先倒立,接着后空翻。牛津高阶〔flyaway〕An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.空翻下杠:在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作美国传统〔graduate〕After a summer of diving instruction, they had all graduated to back flips.经过一个夏天的跳水指导,他们都掌握了后空翻美国传统〔skater〕Extreme skaters perform jumps, spins, flips, etc.极限滑板运动员能做跳跃、旋转、空翻等动作。牛津高阶〔skate〕The player skated a backflip on the ice.运动员在冰面上作了个后空翻。21世纪英汉〔somersault〕He turned back somersaults.他做了几个后空翻。牛津高阶〔somersault〕The car hit the kerb and somersaulted into the air.汽车撞到马路牙子上,腾空翻了出去。牛津高阶〔somersault〕The diver somersaulted in midair.这名跳水运动员做了个半空翻。韦氏高阶〔somersault〕The gymnast turned/performed/did a somersault.这名体操运动员做了一个空翻。韦氏高阶〔tumbling〕Gymnastics, such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings, performed without the use of specialized apparatus.翻跟头,空翻:不使用特殊器械而进行的体操活动,如筋头、旋转和前手翻腾跃美国传统〔turn〕She can turn (= perform) a somersault.她会空翻。剑桥高阶You toss a pancake by moving the pan in which it is cooking quickly into the air so that the pancake comes out and turns over before falling back into the pan.使煎饼腾空翻转落下剑桥国际




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