

单词 空空
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔but〕the small square below, empty but for a delivery van and a clump of palm trees. 下面的小广场空空荡荡,只有一辆送货车和几棵棕榈树柯林斯高阶〔cheerless〕a bare, cheerless apartment 四壁空空、阴暗惨淡的公寓剑桥高阶〔hollow〕a hollow feeling in the stomach 腹中空空的感觉英汉大词典〔into〕gases expanding into a vacuum 扩散至真空空间内的各种气体英汉大词典〔low〕be low in (one's) pocket 阮囊羞涩;口袋空空如也文馨英汉〔monitor〕monitor the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions 检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据英汉大词典〔rumbling〕the rumbling of an empty stomach. 空空如也的肚子发出的咕噜声柯林斯高阶〔skull〕have an empty skull 脑袋空空英汉大词典〔tank〕an empty fuel tank. 空空的油箱柯林斯高阶〔wall〕to stare at a blank wall 盯着空空的墙壁牛津搭配




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