

单词 职位
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔JOB〕to move to a more important job 升迁至更重要的职位朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕to be in a higher position than someone else 比别人职位更高朗文写作活用〔ambassadorial〕an ambassadorial post. 大使级职位柯林斯高阶〔appointment〕her recent appointment to the post 她新近获此职位的任命牛津高阶〔attain〕to attain a position of great influence得到一个很有影响的职位21世纪英汉〔below〕pay rises awarded to all white-collar staff below chief officer level. 所有职位低于首席官员的白领员工的薪酬增长柯林斯高阶〔berth〕sought an officer's berth in the merchant marine. 在商船上找一个高级船员的职位美国传统〔candidacy〕to announce/declare/withdraw your candidacy for the post 宣布╱宣告╱撤销你的职位候选人资格牛津高阶〔dignity〕dignities The ceremonial symbols and observances attached to high office. dignities 高职位人的礼遇:与高职位相联的仪式和典礼美国传统〔downshift〕downshift from full-time work 从全日工作换到较悠闲的职位英汉大词典〔edge〕be on the edge of losing one's office 快要保不住职位英汉大词典〔edge〕edge into a position of prominence 挤进某显要职位 英汉大词典〔elective〕win elective seats in a government 获得政府中经选举产生的职位英汉大词典〔eligible〕a person eligible for a position [for membership in a club] 有资格担任职位[成为俱乐部会员]的人文馨英汉〔executive〕executive decisions/duties/jobs/positions 经营管理的决策╱职责╱工作╱职位牛津高阶〔function〕in my function as chief editor. 在我担任总编辑的职位美国传统〔highly〕a highly paid job 高薪职位麦克米伦高阶〔imparticipable〕an imparticipable office 不能共同担任的职位英汉大词典〔leadership〕a leadership position 领导职位英汉大词典〔lectureship〕senior lectureship高级讲师职位外研社新世纪〔low〕low status jobs 低级职位剑桥高阶〔managerial〕managerial positions 经理职位韦氏高阶〔perquisite〕the perquisites of office 职位特权英汉大词典〔plummy〕a plummy leading role; a plummy job. 一个高级领导职位;一份诱人的工作美国传统〔plush〕one of the plushest posts in US diplomacy. 美国外交界待遇最优厚的职位之一柯林斯高阶〔prestige〕tiny roles in prestige firms 大公司里的小职位朗文当代〔professorial〕professorial duties/appointments 教授的职责/职位韦氏高阶〔promotion〕promotion to a higher rank.职位的提升。牛津同义词〔rank〕senior/high/junior/low rank 高/低级职位剑桥高阶〔retire〕her decision to retire from her position as librarian of the law society 她从法律协会图书管理员职位上退下来的决定朗文当代〔salaried〕a salaried position 带薪职位英汉大词典〔select〕the low numbers of women selected for senior posts被选中晋升高级职位的极少数女性外研社新世纪〔sensitive〕sensitive defense data; holds a sensitive position in the State Department. 机密的数据;在国务院中担任涉及高度机密的职位的美国传统〔step into〕to step into the manager's shoes轻易获得经理的职位21世纪英汉〔unfilled〕unfilled vacancies 空缺的职位朗文当代〔white-collar〕white-collar jobs 白领阶层的工作职位朗文当代a high-ranking post 高级别的职位牛津商务a website listing job openings 列有职位空缺的网站牛津商务jobs lost because of plant closings 因工厂停业而损失的职位牛津商务promotion to a more senior appointment 提拔到更高级的职位牛津商务




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