

单词 离心
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apocarpous〕Having carpels that are free from one another. Used of a single flower with two or more separate pistils, as in roses.离心皮的:心皮彼此分开的。用于一朵有两个或多个分隔雌蕊的花,如玫瑰美国传统〔centrifugal force〕The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.果汁是通过离心力榨取出来的。外研社新世纪〔centrifugal force〕The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.果汁是通过离心力榨取的。柯林斯高阶〔centrifugal〕Moving or directed away from a center or axis.离心的:从中心或轴移开或离开的美国传统〔centrifugal〕Operated by means of centrifugal force.受离心力作用的美国传统〔centrifuge〕An apparatus in which human beings or animals are enclosed and which is revolved to simulate the effects of acceleration in a spacecraft.航天试验离心机:人和动物在其里面并旋转以模仿宇宙飞行器的加速作用的一种仪器美国传统〔centrifuge〕The blood is centrifuged to allow the white cells to be removed.用离心机对血液进行分离以去除其中的白细胞。外研社新世纪〔centrifuge〕To rotate (something) in a centrifuge or to separate, dehydrate, or test by means of this apparatus.分离:在离心机里旋转(某物)或通过这种器械进行分离、脱水或进行化验美国传统〔cyclone〕Any of various devices using centrifugal force to separate materials.旋风器:一种利用离心力分离物质的仪器美国传统〔eccentric〕Not situated at or in the geometric center.离心的:不位于或在几何中心的美国传统〔hematocrit〕A centrifuge used to determine the volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood.血球容量计,血流比容计:一种离心机,用于测定所给样血中血细胞和浆细胞的容量美国传统〔hematocrit〕The percentage by volume of packed red blood cells in a given sample of blood after centrifugation.血细胞比容,血球密度:离心沉淀之后所给样血单位容量中板结红血细胞的百分比美国传统〔orbit〕Mercury's orbit is fairly eccentric.水星轨道的离心率相当高。牛津搭配〔tendency〕The civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.内战加剧了经济领域的离心倾向。牛津搭配〔ultracentrifuge〕A high-velocity centrifuge used in the separation of colloidal or submicroscopic particles.超高速离心器:用于分离胶质微粒和普通显微镜下看不出来的微粒的高速离心器美国传统〔zero gravity〕The condition of apparent weightlessness occurring when the centrifugal force on a body exactly counterbalances the gravitational attraction on it.失重状态:当作用在物体上的离心力与万有引力相抵消时出现的明显失重状态美国传统The centrifugal force of a rotating object decreases when it slows dwon. 旋转物体的离心力在减速时降低。译典通




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