

单词 离开家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕I had just left home, and was enjoying the feeling of being free and independent at last. 我刚离开家,在享受终于获得自由和独立的感觉。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Jane was sure that her decision to leave home and marry Joe was the right one. 简确信,她离开家嫁给乔的决定是正确的。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The house is getting too big for us now that both the children have left home. 现在两个孩子都已经离开家,这房子我们住就太大了。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕It was difficult explaining to the children why their father was leaving home. 很难对孩子们讲明白他们的爸爸为什么要离开家。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕I left my hometown 12 years ago, and I have no desire to go back. 我12年前离开家乡,没想要回去。朗文写作活用〔Ruth〕In the Old Testament, a Moabite widow who left home with her mother-in-law and went to Bethlehem, where she later married Boaz.路得:旧约中的一摩押寡妇,她与她的婆母一起离开家去伯利恒,后来在那儿嫁给了波阿斯美国传统〔SAD〕You've no idea what unhappiness you cause your parents when you say that you want to leave home. 你说你要离开家,你不知道这让你父母有多难过。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕I stopped going to church after I left home. 我离开家之后就不再去教堂了。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Liz's parents feel she isn't old enough to leave home. 利兹的父母觉得她年纪尚小,还不能离开家。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕At 18 I had a strong yearning to leave my small town, and see the world. 18岁时,我有一种强烈的渴望,要离开家乡的小镇,去看看世界。朗文写作活用〔a sight for sore eyes〕After being away from home for so long, my friends and family were a sight for sore eyes.离开家这么久,我很高兴见到朋友和家人。韦氏高阶〔add up〕Add it all up and it's no wonder the next generation is opting to leave the family farm.把这些都考虑在内, 下一代选择离开家庭农场也就不奇怪了。外研社新世纪〔afield〕Away from one's home or usual environment.离开家乡地:离开家乡或惯常的环境地美国传统〔agoraphobic〕She couldn't leave the house for years because of agoraphobic panic.她因为有广场恐惧症的惊惶,几年都不敢离开家。文馨英汉〔aimless〕She said that her life seemed aimless after her children left home.她说孩子们离开家后,她的生活好像没有了目标。剑桥高阶〔alone〕He felt very alone when he went away to school.当他离开家去上学时,他感到很孤单。韦氏高阶〔alternative〕It's a huge thing for Mark, leaving his family and friends in secret. But I know he has no alternative.对马克来说, 秘密地离开家人和朋友是一件大事。但我知道他别无选择。外研社新世纪〔ambivalent〕I felt very ambivalent about leaving home.要离开家了,我心里喜忧参半。剑桥高阶〔army〕He left home and joined the army after he graduated from high school.他高中毕业后就离开家参加陆军了。韦氏高阶〔blissful〕Joe's parents remained in blissful ignorance of his plans to leave home.乔的父母不知道乔打算离开家,所以还是无忧无虑的。麦克米伦高阶〔bright〕At eighteen she left home for the bright lights of London.18岁时她离开家来到伦敦这个大都市。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕A: It's time Nigel left home, or he'll never learn to be independent. B: He doesn't even know how to boil an egg. A: I rest my case.甲:尼吉尔该离开家了,否则他永远学不会独立生活。乙:他连只蛋也不会煮。甲:我刚才说得对吧。英汉大词典〔check〕I always check (that) I've shut the windows before I leave the house.离开家前我总要检查一下,看窗户是否都已关好。剑桥高阶〔come through〕I was just leaving home when Smith came through on the phone from Nanjing.我刚要离开家,史密斯就从南京打来电话。21世纪英汉〔come〕My mother was scared that if I left home I'd never come back.我母亲害怕我离开家就再也不会回来了。朗文当代〔condemn〕His occupation condemned him to spend long periods of time away from his family.他的职业迫使他长时间地离开家人。朗文当代〔confer〕His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.诊治他的几位医生在电话里讨论了一番,一致认为他必须离开家人一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔easy〕It wasn't easy for her to leave home.对她来说要离开家不是件容易的事。韦氏高阶〔empty nester〕A parent whose children have matured and left home.守空巢者:指子女长大并离开家后的父母美国传统〔eventually〕Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.最后,你的孩子会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成年人过她自己的生活。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕Old people fear to leave their homes.老年人都害怕离开家。外研社新世纪〔flooded〕The river flooded them out every few years.每隔几年他们就会因这条河的泛滥而被迫离开家园。柯林斯高阶〔footloose〕When the kids leave home, you'll be footloose and fancy-free (=free and without worries) .小孩子离开家之后,你就会自由自在没有牵挂了。朗文当代〔forbid〕He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开家。朗文当代〔go away〕After graduating from high school, he went away to college.高中毕业后,他离开家去读大学了。韦氏高阶〔go〕John wants to leave home and go it alone.约翰想离开家庭,独立生活。英汉大词典〔grant〕Being apart from my family for so long has made me realize that I've been taking them for granted.离开家人这么长时间让我认识到自己一直没有珍惜家人。韦氏高阶〔grievance〕The small amount of compensation is a source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes.被迫离开家园的人们仅获得很少的补偿,这成为激起他们不满的一个诱因。剑桥高阶〔grow〕Their children have all grown up and left home now.他们的孩子都已长大成人离开家了。牛津高阶〔hassle〕If you are tired of being hassled by unreasonable parents, leave home and pay your own way.如果你厌烦了不通情理的父母的喋喋不休,那就离开家自食其力吧。柯林斯高阶〔home〕At seventeen, she was told to leave home by her father.17岁的时候她父亲让她离开家。外研社新世纪〔home〕He didn't leave home until he was 24.他直到 24 岁才离开家。牛津搭配〔home〕I left home when I was 18.离开家(指不再与父母生活在一起)麦克米伦高阶〔home〕Jack left home when he was 16.杰克 16 岁离开家独立生活。朗文当代〔inconceivable〕The thought of leaving her family was inconceivable to her.想到要离开家人她就觉得无法想象。牛津搭配〔leave〕He didn't leave home until he was 24.他24岁时才离开家。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕He left his hometown and looked for a job in town.他离开家乡到城里找工作。21世纪英汉〔leave〕I hate leaving home.我讨厌离开家。牛津高阶〔leave〕She left her home town for the bright lights of New York.她离开家乡去纽约追求那种灯红酒绿的都市生活。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕She left home (= stopped living with her parents) at 18.她18岁离开家独立生活。剑桥高阶〔live〕He lived for the day when he would be old enough to leave home.他盼望着自己长大成人离开家门的那一天。麦克米伦高阶〔manifestation〕The first manifestations of her behavior problems occurred soon after she left home.她离开家之后不久,行为上的问题就开始显露出来了。韦氏高阶〔meantime〕Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.你的孩子最终将长大成人,完全独立,离开家过自己的生活,不过在此期间她会靠你帮助。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕Do your parents mind your leaving home? 你父母舍得你离开家吗?牛津高阶〔mixed feelings〕I had mixed feelings about leaving home. I was excited but at the same time, I knew I would miss my family.对于离开家我的感情很矛盾。很兴奋,但与此同时,我知道我会想家。剑桥高阶〔natural〕It's natural that you should feel anxious when you first leave home.你第一次离开家感觉焦虑是很正常的。剑桥高阶〔now〕Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space.孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了。牛津高阶〔of〕He left his house of a Sunday morning and never came back.他在某一个星期日的早晨离开家一去不回。文馨英汉〔part〕She couldn't bear the thought of parting from her family.一想到要离开家人,她就无法忍受。韦氏高阶〔rail〕A lot of kids from strict backgrounds go off the rails when they leave home.许多家教严格的孩子离开家之后,就不再规矩了。麦克米伦高阶〔record〕A record number of people have been thrown out of their homes.空前数量的人被迫离开家园。朗文当代〔see〕He was last seen leaving his house yesterday morning.他最后一次出现是昨天上午他离开家的时候。韦氏高阶〔seventeen〕I left home when I was seventeen (=17 years old) .我十七岁时离开家。朗文当代〔shot〕I suspect he left home to get shot of that awful mother of his.我猜测他离开家是为了摆脱他那位不可理喻的母亲。剑桥高阶〔syndrome〕Many parents face ‘empty nest syndrome' when their children leave home.许多父母亲在自己的孩子离开家门后体验到人去楼空的失落情绪。麦克米伦高阶〔terrorize〕People were terrorized into leaving their homes.人们在恫吓之下离开家园。牛津高阶〔till〕I didn't leave home till I was nineteen.我直到19岁才离开家。外研社新世纪〔till〕I hadn't left home till I was nineteen.直到 19 岁我才离开家。柯林斯高阶〔time〕Martin disliked being away from his family for any length of time (=for more than just a short period) .马丁不喜欢长时间离开家人。朗文当代〔time〕Now the children have left home, she has too much time on her hands.现在孩子们都离开家了,她有太多空闲时间时了。朗文当代〔time〕The kids will be leaving home in no time.孩子们很快就要离开家了。牛津高阶〔what's the world coming to?〕What's the world coming to when you can't leave your house for five minutes without someone trying to break in and rob you? 现在你离开家仅五分钟就可能遭人进屋洗劫,这是什么世道啊!剑桥高阶〔will〕My father didn't want me to leave home, and I didn't like to go against his will.父亲不想让我离开家,而我也不想违背他的意愿。牛津搭配〔will〕No doubt he was forced to leave his family against his will.毫无疑问, 他是被迫离开家人, 并非出于本意。外研社新世纪〔wrench〕It was a great wrench to leave home.离开家是件非常痛苦的事。外研社新世纪〔wrench〕Leaving home was a terrible wrench for me.对我来说离开家是件十分痛苦的事。牛津高阶〔wrench〕She found leaving home a real wrench.她发现离开家是一件非常痛苦的事。剑桥高阶Although I left home later than Jane, I arrived at the party ahead of her.虽然我比简晚离开家,但我比她先到了聚会。剑桥国际He decided to leave home (=stop living with his parents) when he was 23.他在23岁时决定离开家,靠自己生活。剑桥国际He left home at the age of 16.他16岁离开家。剑桥国际He left home when he was 18 and thenceforth travelled the world.他18岁时离开家,从那以后周游世界。剑桥国际He wrote a piteous letter to his parents saying how unhappy he was away from home.他给父母写了一封使人怜悯的信,说他离开家多么不开心。剑桥国际Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.她工作就意味着她长时间离开家。剑桥国际I felt unaccountably happy this morning as I left the house.今上午当我离开家时我感到莫名其妙地高兴。剑桥国际I left home at 16 to see life (= have different experiences with a lot of people in lots of places) .我16岁时离开家去阅历人生。剑桥国际I suspect he left home to get shot of that awful mother of his.我推测他离开家是要离开他那可怕的母亲。剑桥国际I tend to doubt the wisdom of separating a child from its family whatever the circumstances.我倾向于怀疑,不论任何情况,让孩子离开家庭是否明智。剑桥国际I think I'm going a bit loopy, I'm sure I had my keys when we left the house.我想我有点糊涂了,我们离开家时我肯定是带着钥匙的。剑桥国际It 's natural that you should feel upset when you first leave home--that's an entirely natural reaction.当你第一次离开家时感到难过,这是相当自然的反应。剑桥国际It's time he left home and found a house of his own.到了他离开家找自己房子的时候了。剑桥国际John has been absent (=away) (from school / work / home) for three days now.约翰旷课/旷工/离开家已经三天了。剑桥国际Mary always leaves home at eight o'clock but today is an exception, she's going later.玛丽总是八点离开家,但今天是个例外,她走得晚了点。剑桥国际People were forced to leave their homes because of famine and pestilence.人们因饥荒和瘟疫被迫离开家园。剑桥国际She left home (= stopped living with her parents) at 18 to go and work in Africa.她18岁离开家到非洲去工作。剑桥国际She left home with a couple of bucks in her pocket and the shirt on her back.她离开家时口袋里只装着几美元和背上一件衬衫。剑桥国际She said that her life seemed aimless (=without any clear intentions, purpose or direction) after her children left home.她说她的孩子们离开家后,她的生活好像没有了目标。剑桥国际She was just about to leave the house when her husband came through on the phone from New York. 她正要离开家时,她丈夫从纽约打来了电话。译典通The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.最近这些地方的饥荒已经使成千上万的人离开家乡。剑桥国际The small amount of compensation is a further source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes.数目很少的补偿金是被迫离开家园的人们的又一不满的根源。剑桥国际Winston left his house just as the day was dawning.天刚亮温斯顿就离开家了。剑桥国际




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