

单词 织工
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The textile industry is currently in transition. 纺织工业正处于变革之中。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕One lobbyist billed the environmental group $20,000 for nine-months’ work. 一位说客为这个环保组织工作了九个月,开了一张20,000美元的账单。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕The town's prosperity comes from the textile industry. 该镇的繁荣源自纺织工业。朗文写作活用〔baronet〕Born in 1860, the son of a weaver, Barrie was created a baronet in 1913.1860年出生于一个织工家庭的巴里于1913年被封为准男爵。柯林斯高阶〔bleak〕Textile workers face a bleak future.纺织工人前途暗淡。麦克米伦高阶〔capable〕I'll leave the organization in your capable hands.我要把组织工作交给你这位能手。牛津高阶〔depute〕She's deputing the organization of the exhibition to Sara.她正把展会的组织工作委托给莎拉处理。剑桥高阶〔economize〕The weavers economized their spending for the purchase of looms.织工们为了买织机节衣缩食。外研社新世纪〔feat〕She performed remarkable feats of organization for the company.她为公司所做的组织工作业绩斐然。剑桥高阶〔feedback〕Complaints are valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the organization.投诉是对该组织工作效率有价值的反馈。麦克米伦高阶〔fringe〕The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf.织工在围巾边上装穗美国传统〔help〕Jo will help us with some of the organization.乔将帮我们做一部份组织工作。牛津高阶〔jump〕He jumped headlong into organizing the event.他一头扎进了这项活动的组织工作中。麦克米伦高阶〔knitting〕Material that has been knitted or is in the process of being knitted; knitted work.编织物,编织职业:已编织或正被编织中的材料;编织工作美国传统〔knit〕Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.上了年纪的针织工使用小的图样时通常很不方便。柯林斯高阶〔load〕If we share the organization of the party, that will help spread the load.如果我们都分担一些聚会的组织工作,那么就不至于忙不过来了。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕One senior European election monitor criticized the organization of the voting process.一位欧洲选举高级监督员批评了投票过程的组织工作。外研社新世纪〔one-trick pony〕As a knitter, I'm a one-trick pony: I can only knit scarves.作为编织工,我只擅长一项技能:织围巾。韦氏高阶〔organization〕He was involved in the organization of conferences and seminars.他参与了各种协商会和研讨会的组织工作。外研社新世纪〔organization〕Most of these mistakes were the result of poor organization.这些错误多数是因为组织工作没做好。牛津搭配〔organization〕Officials have asked for help with the organization of the local elections.官员们就当地选举的组织工作提出需要帮助。麦克米伦高阶〔organization〕There are more than fifty full-time party workers for the organization of conferences and rallies.有50余名党的专职工作人员从事会议和集会的组织工作。英汉大词典〔organize〕The law gives workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.法律赋予工人有组织工会和集体谈判的权利。朗文当代〔organize〕Workers have a right to organize.工人们有权组织工会。英汉大词典〔past〕We learned about the building's past as a textile factory.我们了解到这幢建筑从前是纺织工厂。韦氏高阶〔positive〕He was expected to make a very positive contribution to the organization of the Games.人们期待他为奥运会的组织工作作出非常积极的贡献。外研社新世纪〔representation〕Textile workers wanted collective representation.纺织工人想要集体代表。牛津搭配〔saddle with〕My boss saddled me with the task of organizing the conference.我的老板要我负责会议的组织工作。韦氏高阶〔safranine〕Any of a family of dyes based on phenazine, used in the textile industry and as a biological stain.碱性藏红:以吩嗪做染色剂的一系列染料的一种,用于纺织工业或作为生物染色剂美国传统〔serve〕She has served in an advisory capacity for a number of groups.她以顾问的身份为许多组织工作过。牛津搭配〔spend〕He spent his energy (in) organizing the rally.他为大会的组织工作用尽了力气。英汉大词典〔staff〕The organization is staffed by volunteers.在这个组织工作的都是志愿者。韦氏高阶〔textile〕He was the son of a Yorkshire textile worker.他是约克郡一个纺织工人的儿子。外研社新世纪〔total〕The organization of the event was a total shambles (= very bad).这次活动的组织工作糟糕透了。剑桥高阶〔unionization〕It is hard to unionize shop assistants.使商店售货员组织工会是很困难的。21世纪英汉A knitter has to be a twister occasionally. 一个针织工偶而不得不当捻搓工。译典通He didn't want to be involved in the organization of the conference, although he was willing to attend and speak.他不想参与大会的组织工作,但他愿意参加并且发言。剑桥国际If we share the organization of the party, that will help spread the load a bit.如果我们分担党的组织工作的话,那将有助于分散一点工作量。剑桥国际Service workers also have the right to organise. 服务性行业人员也有权组织工会。译典通Service workers also have the right to organize. 服务性行业人员也有权组织工会。译典通She has performed remarkable feats of organization for the office.她在办事处的组织工作中作出了非凡的业绩。剑桥国际She's always on her high horse about how the office should be organized.她总是一副神气活现的样子,对办公室的组织工作指手划脚。剑桥国际She's deputing the organization of the exhibition to Sara.她正在把展览会的组织工作指派给萨拉完成。剑桥国际Textile weavers receive low wages in the rural areas.乡下纺织工人的工资很低。剑桥国际The organization of the project was an utter shambles.该项目的组织工作一片混乱。剑桥国际The textile industry employs many women workers. 纺织工业雇许多女工人。译典通The textile industry is the state's top producer of income and jobs.纺织工业给国家提供最多的收入和工作岗位。剑桥国际The textile industry still relies to some extent on sweated labour.纺织工业在一定程度上仍旧依赖血汗劳动。剑桥国际We can thank Paul's efficient organization for the smoothness of the demonstration.我们应感谢保罗为示威集会的顺利进行所做的有效组织工作。剑桥国际We had to think carefully about the logistics of opening a new branch.我们不得不认真考虑开设新分支机搆的组织工作。牛津商务




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