

单词 系数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Diophantine equation〕An algebraic equation with two or more variables whose coefficients are integers, studied to determine all integral solutions.丢番图方程:具有二个或二个以上其系数为整数变量的代数方程式,作为探究所有整数解的用途美国传统〔MORE〕Buy a high-factor sun lotion, and wear a hat for added protection. 买一瓶高系数防晒霜,再戴一顶帽子作为附加的防护措施。朗文写作活用〔abhenry〕The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry.电磁亨利:厘米-克-秒制中感应系数的电磁单位,相当于一亨利的十亿分之一美国传统〔algebraic number〕A number that is a root of a polynomial equation with rational coefficients.代数数:系数为有理数的代数方程的根美国传统〔bimetallic〕Consisting of two metals, often bonded together and having different rates of thermal expansion.双金属的:由两种通常是结合在一起且具有不同热膨胀系数的金属组成的美国传统〔coefficient of friction〕The ratio of the weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object and the surface.摩擦系数:沿表面运动的物体的重量与物体和表面维持接触的力的比值美国传统〔coefficient〕A coefficient of one means the markets move perfectly in step.系数为1表示各个市场的步调完全一致。外研社新世纪〔coefficient〕A coefficient of one means the markets move perfectly in step.系数为1表示各个市场的步调完全一致。柯林斯高阶〔coefficient〕A numerical measure of a physical or chemical property that is constant for a system under specified conditions such as the coefficient of friction.系数,率:物理或化学性质的数值度量,在规定条件下对于一个系统来说它是常量,例如摩擦系数美国传统〔coefficient〕In 2x + 4y = 7, 2 is the coefficient of x.在方程2x+4y=7中,2是x的系数。剑桥高阶〔coefficient〕In 8pq, the coefficient of pq is 8.在 8pq 中 pq 的系数为 8。朗文当代〔compression〕The program offers strong file encryption and multichoice ZIP compression.用这个程序可以设置安全系数很高的文件加密和多种打包压缩。外研社新世纪〔factor〕Even in July the windchill factor (=the degree to which the air feels colder because of the wind) can be intense.甚至在七月份风寒系数也会很高。朗文当代〔factor〕The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.风寒系数使人觉得比实际温度更冷一些。牛津高阶〔factor〕This kind of quilt has a high warmth factor.这种被子保暖系数高。英汉大词典〔factor〕Use a sun cream with a high protection factor.请使用防晒系数高的防晒霜。麦克米伦高阶〔imaginary number〕A complex number in which the real part is zero and the coefficient of the imaginary unit is not zero.虚数:一个实部为零而虚部系数不为零的复数美国传统〔imaginary〕Of, relating to, or being the coefficient of the imaginary unit in a complex number.虚部系数的:一个复数中虚部系数的,与之有关的,或是虚部系数的美国传统〔linear combination〕An expression of first order, composed of the sums and differences of elements with nonzero coefficients.线性组合:系数不全为零由元素的和、差组成的数学式的第一序表达式美国传统〔linear independence〕The property of a set with the coefficients of another set of having no linear combinations equal to zero unless all of the coefficients are equal to zero.线性独立,线性无关:一集合的特性,在具有线性系数的情况下,不具有元素的线性,结合等于零的特性,除非每个元素的系数都为零美国传统〔luminous efficiency〕The ratio of the total luminous flux to the total radiant flux of an emitting source.发光系数:任何光源所辐射的总光通量与该光源总辐射通量之比美国传统〔magnetic permeability〕The ability of a substance to acquire high magnetization in relatively weak magnetic fields.导磁系数,导磁率:在相对较弱磁场中获得高磁化物质的能力美国传统〔margin〕The device gives a greater margin of safety.这种设备安全系数更大。牛津搭配〔must〕If you must be in the sunlight, use the strongest filter cream you can get.如果一定要呆在太阳底下的话,就擦上你能买到的防晒系数最高的防晒霜。柯林斯高阶〔power series〕A sum of successively higher integral powers of a variable or combination of variables, each multiplied by a constant coefficient.幂级数:变量或变量组合的连续高等整幂方的总数,每项与常数系数相乘美国传统〔record〕The airline's accident record makes it among the safest.根据事故记录,这家公司是安全系数最高的航空公司之一。牛津搭配〔relational database〕A database system in which any database file can be a component of more than one of the database's tables.关系数据库:一种数据库系统,其中任何数据库文件可以构成一个以上的数据库表单的一项美国传统〔resistivity〕Electricity The resistance per unit length of a substance with uniform cross section.【电学】 电阻系数:有均质截面的某一物质单位长度上的电阻美国传统〔sun〕On children, use a cream with a high sun protection factor.儿童应选用防晒系数高的防晒霜。牛津搭配〔synthetic division〕A method of dividing polynomials when the divisor is a polynomial of the first degree, by using only the coefficients of the terms.综合除法:一种分解项式的方法,即当除数为一次多项式时,仅用项的系数去除美国传统〔transcendental〕Not capable of being determined by any combination of a finite number of equations with rational integral coefficients.超越的:无法通过任何有限数目的方程式与有理整数系数的组合决定的美国传统〔weight〕Statistics A factor assigned to a number in a computation, as in determining an average, to make the number's effect on the computation reflect its importance.【统计学】 权数:在计算中指定给某数字的系数,从而使该数字对运算的效果反映其重要性,用于决定一个平均数美国传统A factor 4 suntan cream means that you can stay in the sun four times longer than if you did not have any cream on.抗紫外线系数为4的防晒霜可以使你在日光下呆比平常4倍长的时间。剑桥国际A fund with a beta coefficient of 1.0 will move exactly like the market.贝塔系数为 1 的基金与市场完全同步波动。牛津商务I have a very sensitive skin and so I use a factor 15 suntan oil.我的皮肤非常敏感,所以我用防晒系数为15的防晒油。剑桥国际




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