

单词 第一
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔First World〕wealthy First World countries. 富有的第一世界国家柯林斯高阶〔START〕to start an activity, job, speech etc by doing the first part of it 以做第一部分开始某项活动、工作、讲话等朗文写作活用〔accent〕to accent the first syllable of “into”重读“into”一词的第一个音节21世纪英汉〔cause〕an essay on the causes of the First World War 关于第一次世界大战起因的文章麦克米伦高阶〔contend〕contend for first place (或prize) 为夺得第一名而参加竞赛英汉大词典〔cross〕the first runner to cross the line第一个撞线的赛跑者外研社新世纪〔day〕on a/that/the following etc day She first met Steve on a cold but sunny day in March. 她第一次见到史蒂夫是在 3 月的一个寒冷但阳光明媚的白天。朗文当代〔dispiriting〕the first dismal, dispiriting day of November 十一月第一个阴沈而令人沮丧的日子文馨英汉〔drama〕the first episode of a new police drama produced for television 为电视台制作的一部新警匪剧的第一集牛津搭配〔exposure〕their first exposure to big city life. 他们第一次受到大城市生活的影响美国传统〔exult〕exult over winning first prize 因获得第一名而欢欣鼓舞英汉大词典〔first generation〕first-generation immigrants 第一代移民麦克米伦高阶〔first-class〕raising the rates for first-class mail 提高第一类邮件的邮资韦氏高阶〔first-strike〕first-strike weapons 第一次(核)打击武器英汉大词典〔first〕the first day of spring. 春季的第一天美国传统〔first〕the first house on your left. 在你左边的第一间房子美国传统〔first〕the first of the year (week) 年(周)初(系美国用法,不是指一年或一周的第一天,而是指一年或一周之初)英汉大词典〔five-star〕a five-star hotel 第一流的旅馆,五星级大饭店文馨英汉〔foot〕the first man to set foot on the moon 第一个登上月球的人牛津高阶〔go-around〕reach an agreement during the first go-around 在第一轮(会谈)中达成一项协议英汉大词典〔heartache〕after suffering the heartache of her divorce from her first husband. 经过和第一任丈夫离婚的伤心经历后柯林斯高阶〔inaugural〕the inaugural match of Major League Soccer 职业足球大联盟的第一场比赛朗文当代〔internationally〕an internationally acclaimed first novel 获得国际性赞誉的第一部小说麦克米伦高阶〔magnitude〕a fool of the first magnitude 天字第一号大傻瓜英汉大词典〔man〕a possible first step to sending a man back to the moon or to Mars. 把人送回月球或火星的可行的第一步柯林斯高阶〔moon〕the first spacecraft ever to land on the moon 在月球着陆的第一个航天器麦克米伦高阶〔peace〕the first UN contingent assigned to help keep the peace in Cambodia. 派往柬埔寨协助维持治安的第一批联合国分遣队柯林斯高阶〔peep〕from the first peep of the ref's whistle从裁判第一声尖锐的哨响开始外研社新世纪〔peg〕pegged a ball to first base把球扔至第一垒21世纪英汉〔primum mobile〕prīmum [neuter of] prīmus [first] prīmum prīmus的中性 [第一] 美国传统〔ray〕the first rays of light spread over the horizon. 地平线上出现的第一缕曙光柯林斯高阶〔reputation〕acquire (have) a high reputation as a first-rate writer (a master thief) 得到(享有)第一流作家(神偷)的盛名 英汉大词典〔time〕for the first (last) time 第一(最后一)次英汉大词典〔trigger〕the incident which triggered the outbreak of the First World War导致第一次世界大战爆发的事件外研社新世纪〔troubles〕the first victim of the Troubles in Northern Ireland北爱尔兰动乱的第一位受害者外研社新世纪〔turf〕the team's first success of the season on home turf (= in their own stadium) 这个队在主场赢得的本赛季第一场胜利牛津搭配〔violin〕the first (second) violin of an orchestra 管弦乐队的第一(第二)小提琴手英汉大词典〔volume〕the first volume of his autobiography. 他自传的第一卷柯林斯高阶first place in the plant's productivity rankings 在工厂里生产效率排名第一牛津商务the first woman to break through the glass ceiling in engineering 在工程领域第一位破格晋升的女性牛津商务




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