

单词 笨拙
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CLUMSY〕doing things in a careless and awkward way 做事不仔细而且笨拙朗文写作活用〔CLUMSY〕moving in an awkward way 笨拙地移动朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕to do something in a careless or unskilful way 马虎或笨拙地做某事朗文写作活用〔angular〕an angular gait. 笨拙的步法美国传统〔awkward〕too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate. 过于笨拙以致在谈话变得过于密切时无法离开房间。美国传统〔clumsy〕clumsy movements.笨拙的动作。牛津同义词〔convert〕a gangling adolescent transformed into a handsome adult; 长成英俊青年的笨拙少年;美国传统〔elephantine〕elephantine clumsiness. 因块头大而造成的笨拙柯林斯高阶〔fatly〕turn fatly and look at sb. 笨拙地转过身来看某人英汉大词典〔fat〕fat clumsiness of manner 举止的笨拙英汉大词典〔fumble〕a fumbled explanation 笨拙的解释麦克米伦高阶〔fumble〕fumble an explanation 笨拙地作解释英汉大词典〔gait〕a person who ran with a clumsy, hobbling gait. 一个笨拙且步履蹒跚的跑步者美国传统〔gangling〕a gangling teenager 瘦高笨拙的少年韦氏高阶〔gangling〕a gangling youth/adolescent 高瘦而笨拙的青年╱青少年牛津高阶〔gangly〕a gangly teenager 瘦高笨拙的少年韦氏高阶〔gaucheness〕the gaucheness of his manner 他的举止的笨拙韦氏高阶〔gawkiness〕his teenage gawkiness 他少年时期的笨拙韦氏高阶〔graceless〕a graceless pirouette一个笨拙难看的单脚尖旋转外研社新世纪〔graceless〕graceless movements 笨拙难看的动作剑桥高阶〔ham-fisted〕a ham-fisted performance 笨拙的表演韦氏高阶〔ill-judged〕ponderous and ill-judged irony 笨拙而轻率的挖苦英汉大词典〔ineptitude〕mental ineptitude 心智笨拙(或心灵不开窍) 英汉大词典〔ineptitude〕mental ineptitude 心智笨拙文馨英汉〔inept〕an inept remark 笨拙的发言牛津高阶〔interface〕a friendly/clunky interface 友好/笨拙的界面韦氏高阶〔left-footed〕a left-footed recruit 动作笨拙的新兵英汉大词典〔left〕a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two left feet 样子愚鲁、行动笨拙的高个子男孩朗文当代〔mechanism〕the clumsy and ineffective mechanism of price controls. 方法笨拙、效率低下的价格控制机制柯林斯高阶〔play〕my partner's play of the last trump; his clumsy play of the rebound. 我的同伴打出最后一张王牌;他笨拙地接弹回的球美国传统〔ponderous〕an elephant's ponderous walk 大象笨拙的步态朗文当代〔progression〕his progression from awkward teenager to handsome movie star 他从一个笨拙的少年成长为一名英俊的电影明星牛津搭配〔retrieve〕try awkwardly to retrieve the situation amidst some laughter 在哄笑声中笨拙地试图挽救尴尬局面 英汉大词典〔shuffle〕shuffle on one's clothes 笨拙地穿上衣服英汉大词典〔slow〕slow fingers 笨拙的手指英汉大词典〔spike〕a clumsy attempt to spike rumours of a cabinet split 企图阻止在报纸上传播内阁分裂谣言的笨拙做法朗文当代〔strip away〕a friend's botched attempt to strip away paint一位朋友试图将漆弄掉的笨拙尝试外研社新世纪〔ungainly〕a large, ungainly animal 一只动作笨拙的大型动物韦氏高阶〔ungainly〕a tall ungainly teenager 一个笨拙的高个子少年朗文当代〔ungainly〕ungainly strides 笨拙的大步子英汉大词典




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