

单词 符咒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bewitchment〕A betwitching spell.符咒:有迷惑力的符咒美国传统〔bewitch〕To place under one's power by or as if by magic; cast a spell over.迷惑:通过或似通过魔力施加某人力量;用符咒迷惑美国传统〔botanica〕A shop that sells herbs, charms, and other religious or spiritual items, especially those associated with Santeria.神物小铺:出售药草、符咒以及其它宗教物品或灵魂物品的商店,尤指同桑泰里厄教相关的各类物品美国传统〔cantrip〕Scots A magic spell; a witch's trick.【苏格兰】 符咒:魔咒;巫婆的把戏美国传统〔charm off〕The charlatan boasted that he could charm off any disease.这个江湖骗子吹牛说他能用符咒治好各种疾病。21世纪英汉〔charmed life〕A life that seems to have been protected by a charm or spell.似有魔法或符咒保护的生命美国传统〔charm〕Charms and spells are still common in Ceylon.符咒和咒语在锡兰(现斯里兰卡)还很常见。外研社新世纪〔charm〕It seemed as if he had a charmed life.他似有符咒护身。21世纪英汉〔charm〕The chanting of a magic word or verse; incantation.咒语,咒文;符咒:有魔力的话语或文章的吟唱;符咒美国传统〔charm〕To cast or seem to cast a spell on; bewitch.施以魔法:使用或好象使用符咒;施魔美国传统〔charm〕To function as an amulet or charm.作护身符或符咒美国传统〔conjure〕He swore he could conjure a fairy princess from the glass, but we all laughed.他发誓他能用符咒从那面镜子里召来仙女公主,可我们都笑了起来。英汉大词典〔cursed〕The necklace was cursed.这条项链上附有会给人带来灾难的符咒。牛津高阶〔glamour〕Archaic A magic spell; enchantment.【古语】 有魔力的符咒;魅力美国传统〔hex〕An evil spell; a curse.邪恶的符咒;诅咒美国传统〔incantation〕A formula used in ritual recitation; a verbal charm or spell.符咒,咒语:作法时用的套话;口头上的符或咒语美国传统〔incantation〕Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.念咒:口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果美国传统〔juju〕An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.护符,物神,符咒:西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件美国传统〔obeah〕An object, a charm, or a fetish used in the practice of this religion.奥比巫术使用的物品、符咒或迷信物美国传统〔paternoster〕A sequence of words spoken as a prayer or a magic formula.咒文,符咒:祈祷或魔符中讲的一连串话美国传统〔spellbind〕To hold under or as if under a spell; enchant or fascinate.用妖术迷惑:以符咒镇住,好象用符咒镇住;迷住,使入迷美国传统〔spellbound〕Entranced by or as if by a spell; fascinated.被符咒镇住的,好象被符咒镇住的;被迷住的美国传统〔spell〕He was under a spell.他给符咒镇住;他被迷住。文馨英汉〔spell〕Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell until the prince woke her with a kiss.睡美人在邪恶仙子的符咒中倒下沉睡,直到王子吻了她一下才醒来。剑桥高阶〔spell〕To put (someone) under a spell; bewitch.用符咒镇住(某人);迷住…美国传统〔voodoo〕A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo.伏都崇拜物:一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语美国传统The negative image of a witch in popular culture is an evil old woman stirring a simmering cauldron and casting spells, who wears a black cloak and a tall pointed hat and carries a broomstick.通俗文化中女巫的反面形象是一个正在搅拌着沸腾的大锅,念着符咒的邪恶老太婆。她身穿一件黑色斗篷,头戴一顶尖尖的帽子,并拿着一个扫帚柄。剑桥国际The sorcerer cast an evil spell on her.魔法师对她施以符咒。剑桥国际The witch cast a spell on the prince and turned him into a frog/and he turned into a frog.巫婆以符咒镇住了王子, 把他变成了一只青蛙/他变成了一只青蛙。剑桥国际When the beautiful girl kissed the ugly frog, the spell (= the condition of being controlled by magic words) was broken, and he turned into a handsome prince.当美丽的女孩亲吻了丑陋的青蛙之后,符咒被解除了,青蛙变成了一位英俊的王子。剑桥国际




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