

单词 空的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dalek〕The Daleks were the most frightening characters in Dr Who (= a television programme about a man who travels in space and time).在这部关于一个男子穿梭时空的电视剧《神秘博士》中,戴立克是最吓人的角色。剑桥高阶〔Dewar flask〕An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases, having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum.德瓦烧瓶:特别指用于贮藏液态气体的真空容器,有双层壁,壁间为真空,接触真空的表面镀银美国传统〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕The ambassador opened the gift in front of all his guests - and the box was empty! It was the most excruciating moment of my life. 大使当着所有的宾客打开了礼物—可礼盒竟是空的!这是我一生中最窘迫的时刻。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕The police had set up a temporary station in a vacant apartment across the street. 警方在街对面的一个空的寓所里设立了临时警岗。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕We were a little worried to find that half the seats in the theatre were empty. 我们有点儿担心,剧院有一半的座位是空的。朗文写作活用〔Fornax〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Sculptor and Eridanus.天炉座:一个位于南半球星空的星座,靠近玉夫座和波江座美国传统〔GET〕When Ted was a kid, he read every book about space that he could get his hands on. 特德小时候,关于太空的书凡是能弄得到的他都看。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕None of the flats is occupied - they've only just been built. 所有的公寓都是空的—它们刚刚竣工。朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕The empty boat floated off down the river. 那空空的小船随着河水漂走了。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The house was empty, and the rooms had a stale, damp smell. 那房子是空的,房间里面都有一股潮湿难闻的气味。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river. 峡谷上有两条凌空的栈道,分别位于河的两边。朗文写作活用〔SURFACE〕Half-empty glasses covered every flat surface in the room. 房间里凡是平的地方都有半空的杯子。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕Just pop by when you've got a minute and I'll show you our holiday photographs. 你有空的时候就过来一下,我给你看我们度假的照片。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Employees of American Airlines get generous reductions on the cost of flights. 美国航空的雇员享有很大的机票折扣。朗文写作活用〔Wednesday〕Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if you're free.如果你有空的话,周三晚上来和我们一起吃晚饭吧。柯林斯高阶〔against〕The dark ruins of the castle stood out against the evening sky.在夜空的衬托下,城堡黑沉沉的遗迹引人注目。麦克米伦高阶〔aim〕She aimed the telescope at a point in the eastern sky.她把望远镜朝东对准天空的一个点。韦氏高阶〔at leisure〕You can look over the contract at your leisure.有空的时候你可以仔细看看合同。韦氏高阶〔available〕Every available space on the wall was covered in pictures.墙上有空的地方都挂了画。朗文当代〔balloon〕The package includes a balloon flight over the city.一揽子旅行包括在城市上空的热气球飞行。外研社新世纪〔bear〕The bears outnumbered the bulls on Wall Street today.今天在华尔街卖空的人要比买进的人多。韦氏高阶〔bear〕The empty workshops bear witness to the industrial past.空空的工厂见证了这段工业发展的历史。朗文当代〔block in〕We can start by blocking in the sky.我们可以从填充天空的颜色开始。外研社新世纪〔bore〕A hollow, usually cylindrical chamber or barrel, as of a firearm.枪膛:如枪的中空的,通常是柱状的小室或小筒美国传统〔case〕We suspected the walls were hollow, and this proved to be the case.我们怀疑墙是空的,这证明是事实美国传统〔define〕The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。牛津高阶〔disturbance〕Hurricanes begin as atmospheric disturbances over Africa.飓风始于非洲上空的大气扰动。外研社新世纪〔either〕The offices on either side were empty.两边的办公室都是空的。牛津高阶〔empyreal〕Of the sky; celestial.天空的;苍天的美国传统〔except〕The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came.除非我们到来,要不然那间小木屋一直都是空的。柯林斯高阶〔exhaust〕An apparatus for drawing out noxious air or waste material by means of a partial vacuum.排气装置:通过部分真空的方式排出有害气体或废物的装置美国传统〔find〕She looked at her glass and was amazed to find it was empty.她看了一眼自己的杯子,惊奇地发现竟然是空的。朗文当代〔float〕Empty things float.空的物体会在水中浮起。柯林斯高阶〔given〕On any given day in the Houston area, half the hospital beds are empty.在休斯敦地区,医院的床位每天都有一半是空的。朗文当代〔half〕The bottle's half empty.那个瓶子是半空的。剑桥高阶〔honeycomb〕One of the honeycombs was empty.其中一个蜂巢是空的。韦氏高阶〔ice needle〕A thin ice crystal floating high in the atmosphere in certain conditions of clear, cold weather.冰针:一种在某些晴朗、寒冷的气象条件下飘浮在大气层高空的纤细状冰晶美国传统〔ill-founded〕Having no factual basis.凭空的,站不住脚的:没有具体事实根据的美国传统〔in tray〕His desk was always tidy, his in tray always empty.他的办公桌总是整洁的, 收件盘也总是空的。外研社新世纪〔inanity〕The condition or quality of being inane.空虚,空洞:空的情况或状态美国传统〔intubate〕To insert a tube into (a hollow organ or body passage).插管法治疗:把管子插进(空的器官或体内通道)美国传统〔invert〕The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty.魔术师把袋子由里往外翻,表明里面是空的。英汉大词典〔lavage〕A washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the stomach or lower bowel, with repeated injections of water.灌洗(器官):不断注水清洗,尤指中空的器官,如胃或肠美国传统〔leisure〕Don't hurry with what you are doing, I can wait your leisure.你不必急匆匆地赶手头的事,我可以等到你有空的时候。英汉大词典〔light〕The bag was very light, as though there were nothing in it.那只包很轻,似乎里面是空的。英汉大词典〔limit〕The evacuated areas remained off limits to the public.被撤空的这些地区依然禁止公众入内。麦克米伦高阶〔merge〕The colours of the evening sky slowly merged into blue.傍晚时天空的色彩慢慢融成一片蓝色。21世纪英汉〔muleta〕A short red cape suspended from a hollow staff, used by a matador to maneuver a bull during the final passes before a kill.斗牛红布:附在一根中空的竿子上的一块短红布块,斗牛士用它来在刺向牛之前的最后一试中挑逗牛美国传统〔null〕Mathematics Of or relating to a set having no members or to zero magnitude.【数学】 空的,零的:空元集合的,关于空元集合,为零的美国传统〔off〕The sun had burned off most of the cloud over the city.太阳把城市上空的大部分云彩都烧没了。外研社新世纪〔on〕Our calendar is open; we have nothing on for this weekend.我们日程表是空的;这个周末我们没有什么计划美国传统〔overflight〕An aircraft flight over a particular area, especially over foreign territory.飞越上空:飞机在一特殊区域(尤指外国领域)上空的飞行美国传统〔overfly〕Permission has not yet been granted for the airline to overfly Tanzania.这家航空公司还未获得飞越坦桑尼亚领空的许可。柯林斯高阶〔ozone〕The ozone layer is disappearing over northern Europe.北欧上空的臭氧层正在消失。牛津搭配〔palace〕They'd bought a huge barn with some land and planned to turn it into a palace.他们买了一个带空地的又大又空的房子, 并计划将它改建成一座豪宅。外研社新世纪〔pale〕The blue of the sky paled to a light grey.天空的蓝色渐变成了浅灰色。牛津高阶〔polar〕Traveling in an orbit that passes over a planet's north and south poles.行经极地的:在一条经过一行星南北极上空的轨道中运行的美国传统〔proclaim〕The house's drawn curtains and closed windows seemed to proclaim its emptiness.房子低垂的窗帘和紧闭的窗户似乎清楚表明它是空的。麦克米伦高阶〔quill〕One of the sharp hollow spines of a porcupine or hedgehog.硬毛:豪猪或刺猬身上锋利中空的刺的一种美国传统〔remote〕There is a remote possibility that I'll be free Friday night.我周五晚上有空的可能性微乎其微。韦氏高阶〔scotia〕A hollow concave molding at or near the base of a column.凹圆线:在柱子底座或接近底座部位的空的凹边装饰美国传统〔sham〕Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy.他们的许诺到头来全是空的、骗人的。牛津高阶〔short〕Of or relating to a short sale.卖空的或与卖空有关的美国传统〔side〕The restaurant was empty apart from another couple on the far side of the room (=the area that is furthest away from you) .饭店里空空的,只有另一头还有一对。朗文当代〔silhouette〕The house was silhouetted against the sky.在天空的衬托下,房子显出了它的轮廓。韦氏高阶〔silhouette〕The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.在冬日天空的映衬下,山上光秃秃的树影清晰可见。剑桥高阶〔sort〕It was sort of like really strange and mysterious, walking round this empty building.走在这栋空空的大楼里,怎么说呢,有点神秘怪异的感觉。朗文当代〔sound box〕A hollow chamber in the body of an instrument, such as a violin or a cello, that intensifies the resonance of the tone.共鸣箱:乐器躯干部分的一个中空的腔,如小提琴或大提琴中者,能加强音调的响程度美国传统〔space〕Who was the first human being in space/the first to go into space? 谁是第一个进入太空的人?剑桥高阶〔spatial〕Of, relating to, involving, or having the nature of space.空间的:空间的、与之有关的、有太空性质的或涉及太空的美国传统〔spatiotemporal〕Of or relating to space-time.时空的:时空的或与之有关的美国传统〔spatiotemporal〕Of, relating to, or existing in both space and time.时空的:关于时间和空间的、与之有关的或存在于时间和空间的美国传统〔strip〕She looked around her stripped room without emotion.她漠然环顾她那家具业已搬空的房间。英汉大词典〔stuffing〕Food put into the cavity of a piece of meat or a hollowed-out vegetable.填塞物:填塞于肉或中空的蔬菜中的食物美国传统〔swizz〕The packet's half empty – what a swizz! 包装盒里一半是空的 — 真是骗人!朗文当代〔syndrome〕Many parents face ‘empty nest syndrome' when their children leave home.许多父母亲在自己的孩子离开家门后体验到人去楼空的失落情绪。麦克米伦高阶〔table tennis〕A game similar to lawn tennis, played on a table with wooden paddles and a small hollow plastic ball.乒乓球:类似于网球的一种游戏,用木制球拍和一个中空的小塑料球在一张桌子上玩美国传统〔toggle bolt〕A fastener consisting of a threaded bolt and a spring-loaded toggle, used to secure objects to thin or hollow walls.系墙螺栓:一种由有螺纹的螺栓和一个装弹簧的肘节组成固定物,用于把物体固定在薄或中空的墙上美国传统〔torii〕The gateway of a Shinto temple, consisting of two uprights supporting a concave crosspiece with projecting ends and a straight crosspiece beneath it.鸟居:神道教的大门,由两道直木支撑着中空的向前突出的横木和下面的笔直横木美国传统〔triode〕A highly evacuated electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, and a control grid.三极管:带有阳极、阴极和控制栅极的高真空的电子管美国传统〔trough〕A trough of low pressure over hilly areas will bring heavy thunderstorms overnight.丘陵地区上空的低气压槽将在一夜之间带来强雷阵雨。剑桥高阶〔unoccupied〕About half of the seats were unoccupied when the concert started.音乐会开始时大约有一半座位是空的。韦氏高阶〔vacancy〕An empty or unoccupied space.空的或未被占用的地方美国传统〔vacant〕These lockers/seats are all vacant.这些寄存柜/座位都是空的。韦氏高阶〔vacuum〕Operating by means of suction or by maintaining a partial vacuum.抽真空的:用吸取的方式或用维持部分真空的方式来运作的美国传统〔voidance〕The condition of being vacant; emptiness.空:空的状态;空美国传统〔voyage〕A journey through outer space.航空,航行:通过外层太空的航行美国传统〔when〕Tuesday is when I am free.星期二是我有空的时候。文馨英汉Atlanta is the hub of Delta airlines. 亚特兰大是Delta航空的中心。译典通His daughter's presence seemed to fill her empty bedroom.他女儿仍在的感觉好像填补了她空空的卧室。剑桥国际I'd like to have a few words with you when you've got a moment.你有空的时候,我想跟你说几句话。剑桥国际Most spacecraft are launched into space on top of a three-stage rocket.大多数的航天飞机都是用三级火箭推入太空的。剑桥国际She had the satisfaction of being the first British woman to go into space.她为自己成为第一个进入太空的英国妇女而感到满足。剑桥国际The People's Republic has said it will shoot down any aircraft invading its airspace.人民共和国说将击落任何侵入其领空的飞机。剑桥国际The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation. 莱特兄弟是早期航空的先驱。译典通The film was about creatures from outer space.影片主要讲述的是来自外空的生物。剑桥国际The microfilm was smuggled out in a hollowed-out book.这个缩微胶卷放在挖空的书中被偷带出去了。剑桥国际The mushroom cloud over Hiroshima is a horrific image of war.广岛上空的蘑菇云是战争的可怕缩影。剑桥国际We had a lot of bother finding a vacant apartment. 我们费了不少周折才找到一间空的公寓。译典通We recycle all our empty food and drink cans.我们将空的食品和饮料罐头回收利用。剑桥国际




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