

单词 空想
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Babel〕The babel of their ambition tottered to the ground.他们野心勃勃的空想全盘失败了。英汉大词典〔Utopian〕Utopian doctrines 空想社会主义学说 英汉大词典〔airy〕He had a talent for bringing airy abstractions down to earth.他天生善于把不切实际的空想变成现实。外研社新世纪〔air〕The figure of 40 percent was just plucked out of the air.40%这个数字是凭空想出来的。外研社新世纪〔all in your/the mind〕He thinks he's very ill, but it's all in his mind.他认为自己病得很重,但都是凭空想象的。韦氏高阶〔chimerical〕Given to unrealistic fantasies; fanciful.耽于不现实的幻想的;爱空想的美国传统〔cloud〕Imaginary; unreal; fanciful.空想的:想象的;不真实的;爱空想的美国传统〔cockeyed〕The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出某个荒谬的计划,想通过它让失业青年重新找到工作。剑桥高阶〔commonsense〕Open debate has nudged their relations away from wishful thinking towards a commonsense reality.公开辩论把他们的关系从空想逐渐推回到讲究实际的现实中来。英汉大词典〔daydream〕I am inclined to daydream.我喜欢空想。柯林斯高阶〔do-gooder〕A naive idealist who supports philanthropic or humanitarian causes or reforms.社会改良空想家:幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者美国传统〔do-good〕Naively idealistic in the support of philanthropic or humanitarian causes.社会改良空想家的:在支持善心或博爱事件方面幼稚的、理想化的美国传统〔doer〕Robertson was a doer, not a thinker.罗伯逊不是个空想家, 而是个实干者。外研社新世纪〔doer〕Robertson was a doer, not a thinker.罗伯逊是位实干家,不是空想家。柯林斯高阶〔doer〕There are too many thinkers and not enough doers in this office.在这个办公室里,空想家太多,实干家太少。剑桥高阶〔dream up〕He dreams up all sorts of fantastic adventures.他凭空想出各种奇妙的冒险。韦氏高阶〔dream up〕His son hadn't dreamed it up.这不是他儿子凭空想象的。外研社新世纪〔dream up〕She tries a lot of new recipes that she dreams up herself.她尝试许多自己凭空想出的新的烹饪方法。韦氏高阶〔dreamer〕A visionary.空想家美国传统〔dreamer〕I am a realist, but my sister is a dreamer.我是个现实主义者,但我姐姐是个空想家。韦氏高阶〔dreamer〕She was a dreamer – not pragmatic.她是个空想家,不大务实。朗文当代〔dreamy〕Given to daydreams or reverie.喜做白日梦的或爱空想的美国传统〔dreamy〕The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.这些变革将使该政党远离左翼空想主义, 许多日本人正是因为这种“主义”离他们而去。外研社新世纪〔dream〕A wild fancy or hope.梦想或空想美国传统〔dream〕I was sure I posted the letter but I must have dreamt it .我曾确信自己已经把信寄出去了,但我肯定是在凭空想象。朗文当代〔escapism〕The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment.逃避现实倾向:以沉湎于空想、狂想或消遣的办法来逃避日常现实美国传统〔fanciful〕The suggestion that there was a conspiracy is not entirely fanciful.有人在搞阴谋这一看法不完全是空想出来的。朗文当代〔fantasy〕A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.虚幻的想法:易变的或幻想的想法;空想美国传统〔fantasy〕An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.幻想,空想:心理想象的虚幻的事,如白日梦,通常满足心愿或心理的需要美国传统〔fantasy〕His plans are just fantasies.他的计划只不过是空想。韦氏高阶〔fantasy〕His plans are pure fantasy.他的计划纯粹是空想。韦氏高阶〔fantasy〕You live in a fantasy world where money means nothing.你生活在一个金钱无用的空想世界。外研社新世纪〔figment〕It's possibly a figment of his own imagination.这也许是他自己凭空想象的事。英汉大词典〔figment〕The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination.袭击可不是我凭空想象出来的。柯林斯高阶〔figment〕The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination.这场攻击可不是我凭空想象出来的。外研社新世纪〔fusion〕She's a fusion of the dreamer and doer.她是空想者和实干者的结合体。文馨英汉〔heaven〕We stared up at the heavens trying to see the comet.我们仰望天空想看到彗星。剑桥高阶〔humoresque〕A whimsical or light-spirited composition.谐趣曲,诙谐曲:一种怪诞或以空想为主的乐曲美国传统〔idealism〕She was naive and idealistic.她幼稚且耽于空想。韦氏高阶〔idealistic〕I don’t think her idealistic plans will ever materialize.我以为她那些空想的计划永远不会实现。牛津同义词〔idealistic〕She's still young and idealistic.她还年轻并且耽于空想。牛津高阶〔idealist〕One who is unrealistic and impractical; a visionary.空想家:不现实和不实际的人;幻想者美国传统〔ideality〕The state or quality of being ideal.理想性,空想性:理想的状态或性质美国传统〔ideally〕In theory or imagination; theoretically.理论上地:理论上地或想象中地、空想地美国传统〔idle away〕He idled the time away in dreamy thought.他在虚幻的空想中虚度了光阴。柯林斯高阶〔imaginary〕Lots of children have imaginary friends.许多孩子都会凭空想象一些朋友。外研社新世纪〔imaginary〕Lots of children have imaginary friends.许多孩子都会凭空想象一些朋友。柯林斯高阶〔imagination〕An unrealistic idea or notion; a fancy.空想,幻想:不现实的想法或观念;幻想美国传统〔imagination〕Don't let your imagination run away with you(= don't use too much imagination).不要一味凭空想像。牛津高阶〔imagination〕The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination.那个人影无声无息地消失了,仿佛一切只是她的凭空想象。牛津搭配〔improvident〕Others take him for an improvident dreamer.别人把他当作缺乏远见的空想者。英汉大词典〔inventive〕He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.他很有发明才能,总是能凭空想象出一些新的家用小装置。剑桥高阶〔make-believe〕Children live in a make-believe world of their own.小孩子生活在他们自己空想的世界里。文馨英汉〔megrim〕Often megrims A caprice or fancy. 常作 megrims 空想,幻想美国传统〔messianism〕Belief that a particular cause or movement is destined to triumph or save the world.空想:坚信某一事业或运动必将胜利或拯救世界的信念美国传统〔mind〕These problems are all in your mind, you know.你知道,这些问题都只是你的凭空想像而已。牛津高阶〔mysticism〕Vague, groundless speculation.空想:模糊的、无根据的思索美国传统〔navel-gazing〕She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing.她对这场改革嗤之以鼻,认为只是无实际行动的集体空想而已。柯林斯高阶〔navel-gazing〕She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel-gazing.她对这场改革嗤之以鼻, 认为只是无实际行动的集体空想而已。外研社新世纪〔paternalist〕The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.整个地方都是这位家长作风的地方乡绅浪漫的空想。外研社新世纪〔phantom〕Resembling, characteristic of, or being a phantom; illusive.虚幻的:类似幻想的,具有空想特征的,成为幻想的;幻影的美国传统〔pie in the sky〕Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky.他们创办自己公司的计划只不过是空想罢了。剑桥高阶〔pipe dream〕A fantastic notion or vain hope.白日梦,幻想,空想美国传统〔pipe dream〕His plan for starting his own business was just a pipe dream.他打算创业的计划只是空想。韦氏高阶〔pragmatic〕In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.在商业活动中,解决问题用实际的方法往往比空想更有成效。剑桥高阶〔rest〕It is dangerous to rest hopes on fanciful hypotheses.把希望建立在空想的假设上是危险的。英汉大词典〔reverie〕The mayor's plan is pure reverie.市长的计划纯属虚妄空想。英汉大词典〔rip〕Let your ambitions rip. This is no time to sit and dream.让你的雄心壮志腾飞吧。现在可不是坐着空想的时候。英汉大词典〔romantic〕She is as romantic as a child of sixteen.她像16岁的孩子那样爱空想。英汉大词典〔stargazer〕A daydreamer.空想家美国传统〔utopianism〕The ideals or principles of a utopian; idealistic and impractical social theory.乌托邦思想及理论:空想社会主义者的理想或原则;理想但不切实际的社会主义学说美国传统〔utopian〕A zealous but impractical reformer of human society.空想象:狂想但不切实际的社会改革家美国传统〔utopian〕Kennedy had no time for lost causes or famous failures, no patience with dreamers or liberal utopians.肯尼迪无暇在那些毫无前途的事业或出了名的失败事例上劳神费心,也没有耐心去应付梦想家或自由主义空想家。柯林斯高阶〔utopian〕Proposing impracticably ideal schemes.空想的方案:提出不切实际的理想的方案的美国传统〔viewy〕Exhibiting extravagant or visionary opinions.空想的:表现不切实际的或者异想天开的观点的美国传统〔visionary〕Existing in imagination only; imaginary.出于空想的:只存在于想象中的;想象的美国传统〔visionary〕One who is given to impractical or speculative ideas; a dreamer.空想家:沉溺于不切实际空想的人;白日做梦者美国传统〔visionary〕The ideas of a visionary may seem impractical to us.在我们看来,空想家的观念好像不切实际。牛津同义词〔wind〕Futile or idle labor or thought.徒劳,空想:无用的或徒然的劳动或想法美国传统〔wind〕His theory is based on wind.他的理论是建立在空想基础上的。英汉大词典〔woolgather〕To engage in fanciful daydreaming.幻想,空想:涉及稀奇的白日梦美国传统Ghosts are just figments of the imagination.幽灵只是凭空想象出来的事物。剑桥国际He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.他很有发明才能,总是凭空想出一些家用新装置。剑桥国际He spent his time dreaming up airy-fairy schemes that would never make the company any money.他把时间花在凭空想象那些永远不会为公司赢利的不切实际的计划上。剑桥国际He's always building castles in the air about having a big house and a fast car.他总是空想着要有一幢大房子,一辆快车。剑桥国际He's full of high-flown ideas about how to save the world.他脑子里充满了如何拯救世界的空想。剑桥国际It's easy to be starry-eyed about a place you've never been to.对你从未去过的地方进行空想是很容易的。剑桥国际The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出了一些荒谬的计划想使失业青年重新找到工作。剑桥国际The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.完全公正的社会只是一个空想。剑桥国际They are left-wing visionaries. 他们是左翼空想家。译典通They are not realistic plays, and it would not be too far wide of the mark (= wrong) to call them dreams or fantasies.这是些不真实的剧本,称它们为空想或幻想并不离谱。剑桥国际This hope proved to be chimerical (=imaginary).这种希望被证明只是空想。剑桥国际This is a sheer daydream. 这纯粹是空想。译典通This is the latest ploy dreamt up by advertising companies to sell their new products.这是广告公司最近为推销新产品而凭空想象的策略。剑桥国际This may sound impossibly utopian. 也许听起来这是十足的空想。译典通To outlaw deficits is a pie in the sky. 宣告赤字非法是空想。译典通You're a hopeless/incurable romantic.你是一个不可救药的空想家。剑桥国际




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