

单词 福音书
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Luke〕Companion of Saint Paul and author of the third Gospel of the New Testament. He is considered the patron saint of painters and physicians.路加:圣·保罗的伙伴,新约圣经的第三福音书的作者。他被看成是病人和医生的保护者美国传统〔Mark〕Author of the second Gospel in the New Testament and disciple of Saint Peter.马可:新约圣经中第二福音书的作者,圣彼得的使徒美国传统〔affliction〕He'd visited the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, the way the Gospels instructed.他已经遵照福音书的指示, 探访了悲痛的失怙孩童和寡妇。外研社新世纪〔biblical〕St Mark's account, regarded by biblical scholars as the earliest of the Gospels被《圣经》学者认定为最早的福音书的《马可福音》外研社新世纪〔epistle〕One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.使徒书信:在新约中当作福音书收录的书信美国传统〔evangelical〕Of, relating to, or in accordance with the Christian gospel, especially one of the four gospel books of the New Testament.福音的:福音的,合乎福音的,尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一美国传统〔evangelist〕Often Evangelist Any one of the authors of the four New Testament gospel books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. 常作 Evangelist 四福音书作者:四福音书的作者之一:马太、马可、路加或约翰美国传统〔evangelist〕St. John the Evangelist 福音书作者圣约翰韦氏高阶〔gospeler〕One who reads or sings the Gospel as part of a church service.在一些教堂做仪式时朗诵或吟唱《福音书》的人美国传统〔gospel〕Gospel Bible One of the first four books of the New Testament, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching. Gospel 【圣经】 福音书:新约圣经的前四本书之一,记载了耶稣的生平、死亡、复活和他的教导美国传统〔gospel〕Often Gospel A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service. 常作 Gospel 圣餐仪式经文:摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文美国传统〔gradual〕A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.吟唱圣经:引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的一段圣经短文美国传统〔harmony〕A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.四福音对照书:一种平行段落的对照书,尤其是从福音书中摘取的带有评语以说明他们的和谐和解释他们的差异美国传统〔heathen〕He preached the Gospel to the heathen locals from this spot.他曾在这里向不信教的当地人宣讲《福音书》。柯林斯高阶〔kerygma〕The proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the Gospels.基督福音的布道:对宗教原理的宣讲,尤指讲福音书中的原理美国传统〔logion〕One of the sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels but supposed to have belonged to the source material from which they were compiled.耶稣语录:耶稣所说但并未记于福音书中的语句,据信载于编纂福音书的材料中美国传统〔synoptic〕Often Synoptic Relating to or being the first three gospels of the New Testament, which correspond closely. 常作 Synoptic 对观福音书的:紧密地对应《新约》的前三本福音书的或与之相关的美国传统〔text〕He preached on a text from St. John's gospel.他以圣约翰福音书中的文句作讲道的题目。英汉大词典St Mark's Gospel/ the Gospel according to St Mark 马可福音/根据马可的福音书剑桥国际




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