

单词 解释为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕Doctors cannot explain why some people lack the power to fight off the disease. 医生无法解释为什么有些人没有抵抗那种病的能力。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕She couldn't explain what had made her go against her upbringing and character and behave so recklessly. 她无法解释为何自己会做出与教养和性格相违背的事,行为如此轻率鲁莽。朗文写作活用〔EXPLAIN〕She offered no explanation as to why she had left so suddenly. 她没有解释为什么突然间就走了。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕He began inventing excuses for why he had done nothing to help. 他开始编借口解释为什么没有想办法帮忙。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕Doctors are unable to explain why the disease spread so quickly. 医生无法解释为何这种病传播得这么快。朗文写作活用〔beach〕Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves.专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。柯林斯高阶〔bid〕They ought to explain why their bid was higher.他们应该解释为什么他们的投标报价比别家要高。外研社新世纪〔carpet〕He was called on the carpet by his boss to explain his excessive spending.他被老板叫去,要他解释为什么会超支。朗文当代〔consider〕The paper does not explain why foreign ownership should be considered bad.报纸上没有解释为什么要认为外国人拥有所有权不好。外研社新世纪〔consider〕The paper does not explain why foreign ownership should be considered bad.报纸并没有解释为什么说外国人拥有所有权是坏事。柯林斯高阶〔conspiracy theory〕A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act.阴谋理论:一种试图将一件争端或纠纷解释为秘密团伙或同盟的阴谋(而不是一种个别的或孤立的行为)的理论美国传统〔define as〕We can define burnout as exhaustion.我们可以把burnout (燃尽)解释为 exhaustion (耗尽)。21世纪英汉〔define〕In the dictionary, "reality" is defined as "the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be".在本词典中,“reality(现实)”被解释为 “the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be(事物存在的状况,而非其想象中的状态)”。剑桥高阶〔define〕Manual work is broadly defined as work that you do with your hands.手工劳动大致可以解释为用手干的活。麦克米伦高阶〔discernible〕There is no discernible reason why this should be the case.没有理由可以解释为什么会这样。剑桥高阶〔disinterest〕The fact Liberia has no oil seems to explain foreign disinterest in its internal affairs.利比里亚没有石油, 这一事实似乎可解释为什么外部势力无意过问其内政。外研社新世纪〔excuse〕He mumbled some lame excuse about having fallen asleep.他含糊地说了个牵强的理由来解释为何睡着。外研社新世纪〔explain〕It's difficult to explain the popularity of this new toy.很难解释为什么这种新玩具这么受欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔figures shift〕Computer Science A data control character after which characters are interpreted as having been typed in the uppercase mode.【计算机科学】 符号变换,字符切换:一种数据控制字符,按下后字符被解释为已按大写字母模式键入美国传统〔folk etymology〕Brooke's derivation of machete from Spanish "macho" (="male") is a folk etymology: the two words are unconnected. 布鲁克把弯刀(machete)解释为源自西班牙语的男性(macho),这便是典型的民间词源解释,两个词其实没有任何关系。剑桥高阶〔hard〕It's hard to explain why I love this place so much.很难解释为什么我这么喜欢这个地方。麦克米伦高阶〔holdover〕Freud explained it as a holdover from a childhood problem.弗洛伊德将之解释为童年问题的遗留。剑桥高阶〔hypothesis〕Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain why these foods are more likely to cause problems.人们已经提出不同的假说来解释为什么这些食物更有可能带来问题。柯林斯高阶〔interpretive〕Relating to or marked by interpretation; explanatory.阐明的:属于或以解释为标志的;解释的美国传统〔interpret〕Political apathy can be interpreted as a sign of satisfaction with the current government.政治冷漠可以解释为对现政府满意的一种标志。麦克米伦高阶〔let〕Let me explain why.让我来解释为什么。外研社新世纪〔let〕Let me explain why.让我来解释为什么。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕The adjective “paranoid” can be defined as “marked by paranoia.” 形容词paranoid(多疑的)可以解释为marked by paranoia(以多疑为特征的)。韦氏高阶〔mythicize〕To interpret as a myth or in terms of mythology.解释为神话;把…当作神话美国传统〔phonics〕A method of teaching elementary reading and spelling based on the phonetic interpretation of ordinary spelling.读音法:以一般拼写的语音解释为基础教授基本拼读的方法美国传统〔predominance〕He can't explain the predominance of female cases.他无法解释为什么女性案例居多。外研社新世纪〔rationalize〕He couldn't rationalize buying such an expensive car.他无法合理解释为什么要买这么贵的轿车。韦氏高阶〔read〕You cannot read her silence as consent.你不能把她的沉默解释为同意。文馨英汉〔reason〕I can think of several reasons why this might happen.我能想出几个原因来解释为什么这件事可能会发生。牛津搭配〔relate〕We need to explain why these issues are important and relate them to everyday life.我们需要解释为什么这些问题很重要并且和他们的日常生活相关。剑桥高阶〔shout down〕They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government.当他试图解释为什么扎伊尔需要一个过渡政府时,他们大声叫嚷着把他的声音盖过去了。柯林斯高阶〔side〕I took her to one side to explain why everyone was upset with her.我把她拉到一边,向她解释为什么大家生她的气。麦克米伦高阶〔spinning〕He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.他把这次投票解释为对宪法的支持,这也是他的支持者对今天的投票结果所作的解释。柯林斯高阶〔translate〕I translate his silence as a protest.我把他的沉默解释为抗议。21世纪英汉〔translation〕The translation of the Latin motto reads 'Not for oneself, but for others'.这句拉丁语格言可以解释为“毋为己,只为人”。牛津搭配〔understand〕They understand democracy as the exercise of power by the people.他们把民主解释为人民行使权力。英汉大词典〔why〕He confirmed that the city had been closed to foreigners, but gave no reason why.他证实这座城市已禁止外国人进入,但是没有解释为什么。柯林斯高阶〔why〕The police asked me to explain why I hadn't reported the accident sooner.警方要我解释为什么没有及时报告这起事故。剑桥高阶〔willing〕Most companies willingly correct what went wrong or, if that is impossible, explain why the situation occurred.大多数公司愿意主动改正错误,如果无法改正,也会解释为什么会出现这种情况。柯林斯高阶I can give you an explanation (= a reason) for/of why I'm late.我可以向你解释为什么我迟到。剑桥国际I translate his silence as a refusal. 我把他的沉默解释为拒绝。译典通She claims that the Government has fallaciously presented the privatization of public services as increasing their efficiency.她声称政府把公用事业私有化解释为提高效率是错误的。剑桥国际The police asked me to explain why I hadn't reported the accident sooner.警察要我解释为什么没有早些报告这场事故。剑桥国际There are two good reasons why we can't do it. First, we can't afford it, and second, we don't have time.有两个原因可以解释为什么我们不能做这件事。首先我们没有钱,其次我们没有时间。剑桥国际There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice as she explained why her investments had been so successful.在她解释为什么她的投资如此成功时,听得出她的话语中带有点自鸣得意的感觉。剑桥国际They tried to explain the inexplicable (=explain something very strange) as an effect of the wind.他们试图把这不解之事解释为风的作用。剑桥国际They understand literature as language well used. 他们把文学解释为用得好的语言。译典通




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