

单词 符号
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Try to be more careful with your punctuation. 尽量更小心使用标点符号。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Children learn to read by interpreting visual symbols. 儿童是通过对形象符号的理解来学习识字的。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕You've forgotten to put the dollar sign before the total amount. 你忘记在总金额前面加美元符号了。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Someone had scrawled a strange symbol on the wall above the bed. 有人在床头的墙上乱涂了一个奇怪的符号。朗文写作活用〔accentuate〕To mark with an accent.加重音符号美国传统〔accent〕A mark or one of several marks used as a superscript to indicate a unit, such as feet (′) and inches (") in linear measurement.长度符号:用来表明单位的置于右上角的符号,如在长度中的英尺(′)和英寸(")美国传统〔accent〕A mark representing this stress.强音符号:代表这一强音的符号美国传统〔accent〕A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.撇号:置于右上角的符号,用以标明变量的第一个导数美国传统〔accent〕There's an acute accent on the e of "café".café 这个词中字母 e 上面有个尖音符号。剑桥高阶〔accent〕To mark with a printed accent.标注重音:标注印刷体的重音符号美国传统〔admittance〕Symbol Y Electricity The reciprocal of impedance.符号 Y 【电学】 导纳:阻抗的对等物美国传统〔apart〕His favourite form of punctuation, the comma and full stop apart, was the dash.他最喜欢用的标点符号,除去逗点和句点,就是破折号。英汉大词典〔balance〕Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等美国传统〔blackboard〕The blackboard was covered with symbols and equations.黑板上写满了符号和等式。牛津搭配〔breathing〕The presence or absence of aspiration indicated by these marks.上述符号所表示的送气音的存在或不存在美国传统〔calculus〕A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation.微积分:一种分析或计算的方法,运用特殊的符号表示法美国传统〔character〕The multibit code representing such a character.符号:代表此种字符的多重二进制代码美国传统〔circumflex〕Having this mark.有音调符号的美国传统〔correlative〕Grammar A correlative word or expression.【语法】 关联词:一个相互关联的词或符号美国传统〔dash〕A punctuation mark (—) used in writing and printing.破折号:一种标点符号,用于写作或打字中美国传统〔dele〕To mark with a sign indicating deletion.用删去符号标记出来美国传统〔denotation〕Something, such as a sign or symbol, that denotes.指示:有所指的事物,如标记或符号美国传统〔denote〕The sign X denotes an unknown number.X符号表示一个未知数。英汉大词典〔dingbat〕Printing A typographical ornament or symbol.【印刷术】 印刷装饰,印刷符号美国传统〔dipole〕Physics A pair of electric charges or magnetic poles, of equal magnitude but of opposite sign or polarity, separated by a small distance.【物理学】 偶极子:一对电荷或磁极,符号或极性相反但数量相等,彼此隔一定距离美国传统〔ditto〕A pair of small marks (“) used to indicated that the word, phrase, or figure given above is to be repeated.表示同上(或同前)的符号:用于表示重复前面的词、短语或数字的一对符号(")美国传统〔division sign〕The symbol (÷) placed between two quantities written on a single line to indicate the division of the first by the second.除号:符号(÷)放在写在一条线上的两个数字之间,标示前一数被后数所除美国传统〔document〕Something, especially a material substance such as a coin bearing a revealing symbol or mark, that serves as proof or evidence.物证:能够作为证据的带有明显的符号或印记的钱币等类的实物美国传统〔entropy〕Symbol S For a closed thermodynamic system, a quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work.符号 S 熵:在封闭的热力体系中不能做功的一定数量的热能的计量单位美国传统〔equal sign〕The symbol (=) used to indicate logical or mathematical equality.等号:用来指示逻辑或数学上相等的符号(=)美国传统〔finger〕To mark (a score) with indications of which fingers are to play the notes.标明指法符号:标明指法符号以便于用指演奏美国传统〔foregoing〕You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.根据上述内容, 你可能会认为法国人想要逐步停止使用重音符号。绝非如此。外研社新世纪〔formula〕A symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and structure of a compound.分子式:表示化学物质成分或组成方式的符号表达式美国传统〔fussy〕Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。牛津高阶〔graph〕A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.书写单位;书写符号:代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达方式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号美国传统〔hieroglyphic〕Written with such symbols.用这样的符号写成的美国传统〔hieroglyph〕A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing.象形文字:象形文字书写体系中所使用的图画或符号美国传统〔hold〕The symbol designating this pause; a fermata.表停顿的音符;延长符号美国传统〔icon〕Computer Science A picture on a screen that represents a specific command.【计算机科学】 图标,图符:屏幕上代表特殊命令的图象符号美国传统〔identity sign〕The symbol (≡), used to designate identity rather than equality.特性符号:符号(≡),用来表示某种特性而不是表示类推相同美国传统〔ideogram〕A graphic symbol, such as &, $, or @.表意符号:一种图形符号,例如&、$或@美国传统〔indicate〕Symbols are used to indicate the facilities available at each hotel.使用符号来表示每家酒店可提供的各类设施。牛津搭配〔insignia〕A badge of office, rank, membership, or nationality; an emblem.证章,识别符号:职位、等级、会员或国籍的证章;象征美国传统〔insignia〕White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。英汉大词典〔institutionalize〕Punctuation and spacing mark off units which are institutionalized.标点符号和字行间隙把约定俗成的语言单位划分开来。英汉大词典〔key〕Use the key to decode the symbols.用符号表来解读这些符号。韦氏高阶〔mathematics〕The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols.数学:运用数字和符号对量度、特质和数量关系进行的研究美国传统〔meaning〕Some of the symbols carry meaning and some just represent sounds.有些符号具有含义,而有些只代表声音。牛津搭配〔mnemonic〕A mnemonic was inscribed on a small potsherd.在一小块陶器碎片上刻着一个助记符号英汉大词典〔mystical〕She says that the symbol has mystical powers.她说这个符号有神奇的力量。韦氏高阶〔neume〕A sign used in the notation of plainsong during the Middle Ages, surviving today in transcriptions of Gregorian chants.纽姆符号:中世纪教堂音乐的一种乐谱符号,现存于罗马教皇格利高里赞美诗中美国传统〔notation〕Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale.用音乐符号来表示C大调音阶。外研社新世纪〔note〕A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position on the staff and duration by its shape.音符:以其形状并以其在谱表上的位置表示一定间高的符号美国传统〔omnipresent〕The singer became an omnipresent icon of style and beauty.这位歌手成了一个时尚与美丽的符号,无所不在。剑桥高阶〔open〕Designating a method of punctuation in which commas and other marks are used sparingly.少用标点符号的:在不引起混淆的情况下可能时省略逗号和其他符号的美国传统〔operator〕Mathematics A symbol, such as a plus sign, that represents an operation.【数学】 运算符号:用来进行运算的符号,如加号美国传统〔orthography〕A method of representing the sounds of language or a language by letters and diacritics; spelling.表音法:用书写符号或印刷符号表现某一语言的读音的方法美国传统〔overprint〕A mark or words printed over a postage stamp to note a change in use or a special occasion.邮戳:印于邮票以上说明该票文所表示用途变化,或标明为纪念一特殊时刻而发行的符号或文字美国传统〔parallel〕Printing A sign indicating material referred to in a note or reference.【印刷术】 平行符号:一种在备注或参考文字中标明所指内容的符号美国传统〔particular〕Our teacher is very particular when it comes to punctuation.我们的老师对标点符号要求非常苛刻。韦氏高阶〔pedant〕I am not one of those pedants who correct every punctuation mark.我不是那种要改正每一个标点符号的迂夫子。外研社新世纪〔permutation〕You can form any and every number out of permutations of these symbols.这些符号的各种不同排列可以构成任何一个数字。英汉大词典〔point〕Linguistics To mark (a consonant) with a vowel point.【语言学】 加元音符号:用元音符来标记(一个辅音)美国传统〔pothook〕A curved, S-shaped mark made in writing.S形符号:书写中所作之弯曲的S形标记美国传统〔pound sign〕The symbol (#) for a pound as a unit of weight.磅的符号:重量单位磅的符号(#)美国传统〔prefix〕The cost of the item was prefixed by/with a dollar sign.项目成本前加了美元符号。韦氏高阶〔prompt〕Computer Science A symbol that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input.【计算机科学】 提示符:在显视器上显示出的表示计算机已准备好接受输入的符号美国传统〔punctuation〕The marks so used.标点:被这样运用的符号美国传统〔reference〕A mark or footnote used to direct a reader elsewhere for additional information.参照符号:用来引导读者到别处寻找附加信息的符号或脚注美国传统〔relate〕Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes.康奈尔大学开设了一门研究语言与特定文化符号之间如何关联的课程。柯林斯高阶〔rough breathing〕The symbol (') written over some initial vowels and the letter rho in ancient Greek to indicate that a word begins with the sound (h).送气符:写在古希腊语的某些开首元音上或字母P上的符号('),表示该单词以发(h)音开始美国传统〔secondary stress〕The mark (') used to indicate secondary stress.次重音符号:用来标示次重音的符号(')美国传统〔section〕The character (§) used in printing to mark the beginning of a section.分节号:书籍印刷中某一节开始的标志符号(§)美国传统〔semiotics〕Semantics.符号学美国传统〔shorthand〕A system of rapid handwriting employing symbols to represent words, phrases, and letters.速记法:一种采用符号来代表词,词组和字母来愉速书写的方法美国传统〔sign〕He drew a huge dollar sign on the paper.他在纸上画了个巨大的美元符号。牛津搭配〔smiley face〕The teacher drew a smiley face on the student's homework.老师在那个学生的作业上画了个笑脸符号。韦氏高阶〔smooth breathing〕The symbol ( ’ ) written over some initial vowels and diphthongs in ancient Greek to indicate that a word does not begin with the sound (h).不送气符号:在古希腊语中标于起始单元音或双元音上的符号('),表示此单词不以(h)音作为开头美国传统〔strikeover〕The act or an instance of typing a character over one already typed.打字中的西字母重叠:在一个已经打印好的印刷符号上打上另一个印刷符号的行为或例子美国传统〔subscript〕A distinguishing character or symbol written directly beneath or next to and slightly below a letter or number.下标:写在一字母或数字的下方,紧靠着它或在其稍微偏下处标写的用于区别的字或符号美国传统〔symbolic〕A map is a form of symbolic representation.地图是一种符号表示形式。朗文当代〔symbolize〕C symbolizes copyright.符号C代表版权。21世纪英汉〔symbol〕A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index.这份地图所使用的符号全部列在索引中。牛津高阶〔symbol〕A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, an element, a quantity, a quality, or a relation, as in mathematics or music.符号,代号:印刷的或书面的符号,用来代表某一操作、要素、数量、质量或某种联系,如在数学或音乐中美国传统〔symbol〕The symbol for oxygen is O.氧的化学符号是O。剑桥高阶〔syntactics〕The branch of semiotics that deals with the formal properties of signs and symbols.符号关系学:符号学的一门分支学科,研究符号和标记的规范的内在功能美国传统〔tablature〕Music An early system of notation that used letters and symbols to indicate playing directions rather than tones.【音乐】 符号谱:一种早期的音乐符号系统,使用字母和符号而非音调来指示演奏的说明美国传统〔text〕Hand symbols in the main body of the text cross-refer the reader to the appendices.正文中的手形符号是提示读者参见附录。牛津搭配〔trademark〕Abbr. TMA name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.缩写 TM商标,牌号:标明产品的名字、符号或其它设计,经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用美国传统〔trefoil〕An ornament, a symbol, or an architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf.三叶形:有车轴草外形的装饰、符号或建筑形式美国传统〔underscore〕A line drawn under writing to indicate emphasis or italic type.(表强调的)下划线:划在文字下的线,以表示强调或斜体符号美国传统〔upc〕The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the ‘barcode’, is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read.通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。牛津高阶〔vocalize〕To mark (a vowelless Hebrew text, for example) with vowel points.加元音符号于(如没有元音的希伯莱文)美国传统〔wigwag〕To signal by waving an upraised arm, a flag, or a light, especially in accordance with a code.打旗语,用灯光发信号:通过摇动举起的手臂、旗子或灯来示意,尤指按符号示意美国传统〔writing〕Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable matter.文字:记载可以阅读材料的有意义的字母或符号美国传统Create passwords using a random assortment of letters, numbers and symbols.使用随机组合的字母、数字和符号产生密码。牛津商务Full stops/periods, commas, semicolons, question marks and brackets are all different types of punctuation mark.句号,逗号,分号,问号和括号都是不同类型的标点符号。剑桥国际People have to discover or learn acceptable meanings for the symbols of their language when they are children.人们在儿童时期就必须发现或掌握其语言符号的普遍含义。剑桥国际The key is printed at the bottom of the diagram.符号表印在图表的下方。剑桥国际The paper was covered in a string of characters (=a line of marks, esp. one which does not appear to be arranged into words with meanings).纸上涂了一串符号。剑桥国际




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