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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕Japan has become one of the richest nations in the world. 日本已成为世界上最富裕的国家之一。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Skilful and confident, Donaldson should become one of the game's best players. 唐纳森球技精湛,又有自信,应该能成为这项运动最优秀的球员之一。朗文写作活用〔battle〕That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.那场持续了两天的战斗已成为史上最著名的战役之一。韦氏高阶〔currency〕Sterling has once again become one of the stronger currencies.英镑再次成为较坚挺的货币之一。外研社新世纪〔exponent〕She has become one of America's foremost exponents of the romantic style in interior design.她已成为美国室内设计浪漫主义风格的最主要代表人物之一。韦氏高阶〔gymnastics〕Gymnastics have become one of the institutions of the country.体操运动在该国已蔚然成风。英汉大词典〔heavy〕They have become one of the industry heavies.他们已成为行业巨头之一。韦氏高阶〔killer instinct〕Her killer instincts have helped her become one of the top tennis players in the world.战胜对手的欲望使她成为一名世界顶级网球选手。韦氏高阶〔life〕Noise has become one of the main pollutants of modern city life.噪音已成为现代城市生活的主要污染之一。朗文当代〔pole〕The country could become one of the most important economic poles on our planet.这个国家可能会成为全球最重要的经济中心之一。英汉大词典〔profane〕Funny, profane, and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest television celebrities.她因滑稽、不敬神明和无所顾忌成为美国最出名的电视名人之一。剑桥高阶〔purpose〕He purposed to become one of the world's leading conductors.他决心成为世界上第一流的指挥。英汉大词典〔rise〕The singer has risen from humble origins to become one of the most successful entertainers of all time.这位出身卑微的歌手成为了历史上最成功的娱乐明星。剑桥高阶〔rocket〕Dublin has rocketed up the charts to become one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations for city breaks.都柏林的排名飞速攀升,成为了欧洲最受欢迎的旅游度假城市之一。柯林斯高阶〔sought-after〕By the mid-1920s, she had become one of Broadway's most sought-after actresses.到 20 世纪 20 年代中期,她已经成了百老汇最受欢迎的女演员之一。朗文当代〔stride〕At one stride Dickens had become one of the most popular novelists.狄更斯一举成为最知名的小说家之一。英汉大词典〔strong〕Sterling has once again become one of the stronger currencies.英镑又一次成了较为坚挺的货币之一。英汉大词典〔the mass media〕The mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change.大众传媒已成为政治变革的主要工具之一。剑桥高阶〔time〕Air pollution has become one of the most significant health problems of our time.空气污染成了我们这个时代最重大的健康问题。朗文当代〔tourist〕The monastery has become one of China's top tourist attractions.这个寺院已经成为中国最具人气的旅游景点之一。外研社新世纪〔useful〕She has become one of the team's most useful players.她已经成为队里最给力的队员之一。韦氏高阶〔year〕In the past few years, she has become one of our top-selling authors.在过去的短短几年里,她成了我们最畅销的作家之一。牛津搭配Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become one of the wealthiest people in Britain today.虽然出生在一个赤贫的家庭,但她挣脱出了贫民窟而成为当今英国最富有的人之一。剑桥国际Funny, profane and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest television celebrities.她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成为美国最出名的电视名人之一。剑桥国际He has ambitions for his group to become one of the world's top ten retailers.他的夙愿是使集团跻身世界十强零售商的行列。牛津商务I've always held pianists in awe, because I'd like to have become one myself.我对钢琴家一直怀有敬畏之情,因为我自己也想成为一名钢琴家。剑桥国际It has become one of the major powers in the world of IT.它已成为信息技术领域的巨头之一。牛津商务Now that you have become one of us, you must abide by our regulations. 你现在既然成了我们的一员,就必须遵守我们的规定。译典通The company recently did a 1-for-20 reverse split (= twenty old shares have become one new share). 这家公司最近做了一次并股,20 股旧股票合并为 1 股新股票。牛津商务The mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change.大众传媒已成为政治变革的重要工具之一。剑桥国际We've known Albert for thirty years and he's become one of the family (= he's become very close to us and is like a member of the family).我们认识艾伯特已经有30年了,他已成为我们家庭中的一员。剑桥国际When I leave school at the end of this month, I'll probably have to join the ranks of (= become one of) the unemployed.我本月底毕业时很可能不得不加入失业者的行列。剑桥国际




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