

单词 空下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔azure〕under an azure sky 在蔚蓝的天空下文馨英汉〔bulk〕the dark bulk of buildings against the sky. 天空下的巨大建筑群美国传统〔milky〕the distant view of mountain ranges, white against a milky blue sky映衬在淡蓝色天空下的白茫茫的山脉远景外研社新世纪〔neath〕neath the stars 在星空下朗文当代〔peerless〕two days of clear sunshine under peerless blue skies. 无比蔚蓝的天空下的两个艳阳天柯林斯高阶〔profile〕the profile of the city against the evening sky 夜空下城市的轮廓麦克米伦高阶〔sky〕a ship tossing under a dark sky 在阴沉的天空下颠簸的船牛津搭配〔sky〕the pale moon in the inky night sky 漆黑的夜空下惨淡的月光牛津搭配〔sky〕under a slightly overcast sky (=with clouds) 在略显阴沉的天空下朗文当代〔tracery〕the delicate tracery of the bare branches against the sky 光秃秃的枝丫映衬在天空下构成的美丽图案朗文当代〔under〕bring out one's bed mat and sleep under the stars 将床席搬出睡在星空下 英汉大词典〔velvet〕under a wonderful velvet sky 在天鹅绒般的美丽天空下剑桥高阶




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