

单词 翻动书页
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔flipback〕As you read the flipback, you move the pages upward rather than turning them to the left.阅读上下翻便携书时,你往上翻动书页而不是往左翻。剑桥高阶〔flipbook〕A small book consisting of a series of images that give the illusion of continuous movement when the edges of the pages are flipped quickly.动画书:一种装订有一系列插图的小书,当迅速翻动书页时,给人以一种连续活动的幻觉美国传统〔rustle〕There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages.人们翻动书页时发出沙沙的声响。牛津高阶〔stab〕Goldstone flipped through the pages and stabbed his thumb at the paragraph he was looking for.戈德斯通翻动书页,大拇指按到他正在寻找的那个段落上。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕He turned the pages of the book to see whether there were illustrations in them.他翻动书页,看看里面是否有插图。21世纪英汉




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