

单词 糟蹋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔art〕Television is ruining the art of conversation.电视在糟蹋会话艺术。朗文当代〔blunder〕To make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch.搞糟:在…方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误;糟蹋美国传统〔break〕If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs break down.要是长期这样糟蹋身体,主要器官肯定出毛病。英汉大词典〔butchery〕Something botched; a bungle.乱糟糟:被糟蹋的东西;一团糟美国传统〔butcher〕Don't butcher that song by singing off key.别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。英汉大词典〔butcher〕The band has butchered my favorite song.这个乐队的演奏糟蹋了我最喜欢的歌。韦氏高阶〔butcher〕The newspapers have butchered his personal, political, and professional reputation.这些报纸糟蹋了他的个人名声、政治声望和职业名誉。外研社新世纪〔defile〕It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.这么美的地方竟然被一堆垃圾给糟蹋了,真是太可惜了。剑桥高阶〔defile〕To profane or sully (a good name, for example).败坏,糟蹋:败坏或糟蹋(例如,好名声)美国传统〔deflower〕The monkey had deflowered an entire section of the garden.这只猴子把花园中一整块地方的花都糟蹋了。21世纪英汉〔deform〕The trees had been completely deformed by the force of the wind.因受风力影响树林完全被糟蹋了。21世纪英汉〔delivery〕The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。牛津高阶〔depredation〕Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer.任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。外研社新世纪〔depredation〕Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer.任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。柯林斯高阶〔disconcerting〕The play was spoiled by a lot of disconcerting noise.这齣戏让叫人不安的嘈杂声给糟蹋了。牛津同义词〔fester〕The chops will fester and go to waste.猪排会腐烂,给糟蹋掉。柯林斯高阶〔heartbreak〕It's heartbreaking to see him wasting his life like this.看到他如此糟蹋自己的生命真让人心碎。牛津高阶〔interfere with〕The doctor said that the girl had been interfered with before her death.医生说这个女孩死前被糟蹋过。21世纪英汉〔mangle〕The orchestra had mangled Bach's music.那个乐团糟蹋了巴赫的音乐。朗文当代〔mangle〕The symphony was dreadfully mangled.那首交响曲被糟蹋得不成样了。21世纪英汉〔mangle〕They mangled my favorite song! 他们糟蹋了我最喜欢的歌!韦氏高阶〔murder〕Critics accused him of murdering the English language(= writing or speaking it very badly).批评家指责他把英语给糟蹋了。牛津高阶〔murder〕It's a good song, but they murdered it.那是一首很好的歌曲,但他们给唱糟蹋了。朗文当代〔murder〕They didn't perform that play, they murdered it.他们不是在演出那部戏, 他们是在糟蹋它。外研社新世纪〔pay the price〕If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.如果你现在糟蹋自己的身体,年纪大了会吃苦头的。剑桥高阶〔prostitute〕He had prostituted his talent as a writer, churning out cheap thrillers.他糟蹋了自己的写作天赋, 炮制了很多粗俗的惊险小说。外研社新世纪〔prostitute〕He went to work in Hollywood and was accused of prostituting himself.他去好莱坞工作,被指责为糟蹋自己的才华。剑桥高阶〔prostitute〕Some artists prostitute their talents in an effort to suit the tastes of the public.一些艺术家为了迎合大众的爱好而糟蹋自己的才华。英汉大词典〔prostitute〕Some critics say he prostituted his musical skills by going into pop rather than staying with classical music.一些评论家说,他放弃古典音乐而去搞流行音乐是糟蹋他的音乐才华。剑桥高阶〔prostitution〕The act or an instance of offering or devoting one's talent to an unworthy use or cause.滥用,糟蹋:提供或把某人的才能投入到不值得的用处或事业中的行为或例子美国传统〔prostitution〕Writing commercials was a prostitution of his talents.撰写商业广告是对他才华的糟蹋。韦氏高阶〔ruin〕My new shoes got ruined in the mud.我的新鞋被泥浆给糟蹋了。牛津高阶〔ruin〕To harm irreparably.弄坏,糟蹋:把…无可挽回地伤害美国传统〔scandal〕It’s a scandal when food is wasted.糟蹋吃的,真丢脸。牛津同义词〔self-abuse〕Abuse of oneself or one's abilities.自责,自我糟蹋:自我谴责或滥用自己的能力美国传统〔spoilage〕The spoilage of corn was considerable.被糟蹋的谷物数量很大。英汉大词典〔spoil〕Don't spoil corn!别糟蹋粮食!21世纪英汉〔spoil〕I spoiled the sauce by adding too much garlic.我放了太多的蒜,把调味汁糟蹋了。韦氏高阶〔sport〕He is sporting his life away.他是在糟蹋自己的生命。英汉大词典〔squander〕He squandered all his money on gambling.他把自己所有的钱都糟蹋在赌博上了。牛津高阶〔trashed〕The whole place was trashed.整个地方被糟蹋得不成样子了。外研社新世纪〔vandalism〕The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.他说,广告业利用经典歌曲是对大众文化的糟蹋。剑桥高阶〔very〕His life's work was being destroyed before his very eyes (=directly in front of him) .他毕生的成果就在他的眼前被人糟蹋。朗文当代〔wasted on sb〕I'm not going to serve that good coffee to Chris and Melanie - it would be wasted on them.我可不想把那么好的咖啡给克里斯和梅拉妮喝——那会糟蹋东西。剑桥高阶〔waste〕Don't let all this good food go to waste! 别让这好好的食物给糟蹋了!英汉大词典〔waste〕It seems a shame to waste this good food.糟蹋了这么好的食物真可惜。牛津搭配〔waste〕Many believe that state aid is a waste of taxpayers' money.许多人认为政府援助是糟蹋纳税人的钱 。朗文当代〔waste〕They believe the statue is a waste of taxpayers' money.他们认为这座雕像糟蹋了纳税人的钱。牛津高阶Cutting down the hedges was an act of vandalism.砍倒那些篱笆是一种糟蹋行为。剑桥国际He butchered the painting by spilling coffee over it. 他把咖啡溅在画上,糟蹋了这幅图。译典通I felt the book was spoilt by its prosaic dialogue.我感到这本书被其中无趣的对话糟蹋了。剑桥国际If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.如果你现在糟蹋自己的身体,年纪大了要吃苦头的。剑桥国际It is a great pity when a well-argued thesis is spoilt by a simple error of fact.当一篇说服性很强的论文被一个简单的事实错误糟蹋了时,真是一个很大的遗憾。剑桥国际Stop raping the countryside. 不要糟蹋乡村。译典通The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.他说广告界使用古典音乐是对大众文化的糟蹋。剑桥国际The film cheapened the story by turning it into a tear-jerking romance.电影糟蹋了这个故事,把它变成一部赚人眼泪的浪漫片。剑桥国际Their bad performance murdered the play. 他们糟糕的演出把那个剧本给糟蹋了。译典通




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