

单词 糊糊
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blob〕a blob in the distance远处黑糊糊的一团东西外研社新世纪〔coherent〕a coherent mass of sticky candies 黏糊糊的一团糖块英汉大词典〔down-at-heel〕a down-at-heel waitress in a greasy New York diner. 纽约一家腻糊糊的小餐馆里的衣着破旧的女服务员柯林斯高阶〔gloppy〕a gloppy mess 黏糊糊的一堆韦氏高阶〔gooey〕a gooey mess 黏糊糊的一团牛津高阶〔gooey〕a lovely, gooey, sticky mess一团可爱的软绵绵黏糊糊的东西外研社新世纪〔gooey〕gooey mud 黏糊糊的烂泥朗文当代〔groggy〕be groggy with sleep 带着迷迷糊糊的睡意英汉大词典〔haze〕in a drunken haze 醉酒后迷迷糊糊的朗文当代〔icky〕icky candy. 粘糊糊的糖果美国传统〔jammy〕a jammy face 黏糊糊的脸麦克米伦高阶〔messy〕a delicious but messy sandwich 美味但是有点黏糊糊的三明治韦氏高阶〔messy〕messy hair gel 黏糊糊的发胶韦氏高阶〔mush〕mush all the candy together in a sticky ball 把所有的糖放在一起碾成黏糊糊的一团英汉大词典〔now〕the now leaden and polluted waters of the river 现已变得黑糊糊的污染了的河水英汉大词典〔scrape〕scrape out the sticky saucepan 把粘糊糊的平底锅擦干净英汉大词典〔slimy〕a slimy rock/worm 泥泞的岩石;黏糊糊的蚯蚓韦氏高阶〔slimy〕a slimy secretion 一种黏糊糊的分泌物英汉大词典〔slimy〕slimy mud 黏糊糊的泥巴朗文当代〔squishy〕squishy mud 黏糊糊的泥朗文当代〔stickiness〕the stickiness of her hands她黏糊糊的双手外研社新世纪〔stickiness〕the stickiness of the meringue gateaux黏糊糊的蛋白酥皮蛋糕外研社新世纪〔sticky〕a sticky bottle of fruit juice黏糊糊的果汁瓶子外研社新世纪〔sticky〕the stickiness of her hands. 她黏糊糊的双手柯林斯高阶〔subconscious〕the persistence of subconscious dream activity for several minutes after waking 醒后持续数分钟的模模糊糊的睡梦活动英汉大词典〔substance〕a sticky substance 一种黏糊糊的东西牛津高阶〔ululant〕dark wasteland ululant with bitter wind 寒风呼啸的黑糊糊的荒原英汉大词典




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