

单词 绵羊
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cheviot〕Any of a breed of hornless sheep with short, thick wool, originally raised in the Cheviot Hills.切维厄特羊:原饲养于切维厄特丘陵的一种无角、毛短而厚的绵羊美国传统〔Hampshire〕A large sheep of a breed originating in England.汉普夏羊:产自英格兰的大个绵羊美国传统〔LIVE〕The island is mainly inhabited by sheep. 栖居在岛上的主要是绵羊。朗文写作活用〔Polypay〕Any of a breed of beige-colored sheep developed in the United States, raised for meat and wool and valued for their hardiness and frequent lambing.多利羊:美国培育的浅褐色绵羊,饲养目的是为了其羊肉和羊毛,强壮且多产,具有相当经济价值美国传统〔Shropshire〕A large, hornless, black-faced sheep of a breed developed in Shropshire and raised for meat and wool.什罗普羊:一种大型、无角、黑脸的绵羊品种,在什罗普郡培育并因其肉用及毛用价值而饲养美国传统〔Southdown〕Any of a breed of small, hornless sheep of English origin, having short, dense, fine-textured wool.南丘羊:任一种英国产无角绵羊,长有短而密且质地精良的羊毛美国传统〔baa〕The bleat of a sheep or goat.绵羊或山羊咩咩的叫声美国传统〔baa〕To make a bleating sound, as a sheep or goat.咩咩叫:发出咩咩的叫声,如绵羊或山羊美国传统〔balefully〕The sheep regarded him balefully with its bulbous eyes, but it didn't move.绵羊用圆鼓鼓的眼睛凶狠地看着他, 但是没有动。外研社新世纪〔barnyard〕The farm is home to barnyard animals and several rare sheep.农场里养着一些家禽家畜和几只稀有绵羊。外研社新世纪〔blat〕To cry, especially like a sheep; bleat.叫,尤指象绵羊;咩咩叫美国传统〔bleat〕The characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.羊叫声,咩咩:山羊或绵羊的咩咩叫声美国传统〔bleat〕To utter the characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.发羊叫声:发出山羊或绵羊特点的叫声美国传统〔bovid〕Of or belonging to the family Bovidae, which includes hoofed, hollow-horned ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and buffaloes.牛科动物:牛科的或属于牛科的,包括有蹄的、两边有角的反刍动物,如牛、绵羊、山羊和水牛美国传统〔breeching〕The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.短毛:绵羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发美国传统〔breeder〕She was one of the country's top sheep breeders.她是全国最棒的绵羊饲养员之一。剑桥高阶〔breed〕She breeds sheep.她饲养绵羊。麦克米伦高阶〔bunch〕The sheep bunched together as soon as they saw the dog.那些绵羊一见到狗就挤作一团。牛津高阶〔cabretta〕A soft, kidlike leather used for gloves and shoes and made from sheepskin having coarse, hairlike wool.直毛绵羊革,软羊皮:一种软质的,小山羊皮似的皮革,用于制造手套和鞋子,由带有粗的,毛发状羊毛的羊皮加工而成美国传统〔capeskin〕Soft leather made from sheepskin, used especially for gloves.羊羔皮革:用绵羊皮制成的柔软皮革,尤其用来制作手套美国传统〔chamois〕A soft leather made from the hide of this animal or other animals such as deer or sheep.羚羊皮:由这种动物或其他动物象鹿或绵羊的毛皮做的一种软皮革美国传统〔clip〕A sheep's fleece is clipped off for wool.绵羊身上的毛被剪下以得羊毛。文馨英汉〔clip〕The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的羊毛,如绵羊美国传统〔clone〕They were the first to clone a sheep from adult cells.他们是首批用成熟的细胞克隆出绵羊的人。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕This wool comes from goats, not sheep.这种羊毛是山羊毛,不是绵羊毛。牛津高阶〔domesticate〕Sheep are particularly well suited for domestication.绵羊特别适合驯养。柯林斯高阶〔down〕Often Down Any of several breeds of sheep having short wool, originally bred in the Downs of southern England. 常作 Down 塘种绵羊:生有短羊毛的几种绵羊,其源种在英格兰南部丘陵美国传统〔feed〕Sheep feed on grass.绵羊以草为食。文馨英汉〔feed〕The sheep are feeding in the meadows.那些绵羊正在草地上吃草。文馨英汉〔fleece〕The coat of wool of a sheep or similar animal.羊毛,毛皮:绵羊或类似动物身上的毛皮美国传统〔graze〕Sheep were grazing peacefully in the fields.绵羊在田野里安静地吃着草。牛津搭配〔infection〕Almost all the sheep on the farm carried the infection.农场里几乎所有的绵羊都携带这种致病菌。牛津搭配〔infection〕Goats appear to be more susceptible to the infection than sheep.山羊似乎比绵羊更容易受感染。牛津搭配〔karakul〕Any of a breed of Central Asian sheep having a wide tail and wool that is curled and glossy in the young but wiry and coarse in the adult.卡拉库耳大尾羊:中亚产的一种绵羊,生有宽大的尾。幼羊的毛卷曲光滑,长成后羊毛硬直粗糙美国传统〔milk fever〕A disease affecting dairy cows and occasionally sheep or goats, especially soon after giving birth.家畜生乳热:奶牛,有时指绵羊或山羊所生的疾病,尤其发生在刚刚生育之后美国传统〔molest〕A dog that molests sheep has to be stopped.凡是骚扰绵羊的狗都必须制止。21世纪英汉〔mountain sheep〕A wild sheep inhabiting a mountainous area.山区野羊:栖居山区的野生绵羊美国传统〔mouton〕Sheepskin that has been sheared and processed to resemble beaver or seal.绵羊毛皮:已修剪并加工过的、类似海狸呢或海豹皮的绵羊皮美国传统〔much〕Sheep's milk is produced in much the same way as goat's milk.绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。柯林斯高阶〔munch〕Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.绵羊边吃边走, 从满地的黄色落叶中穿过。外研社新世纪〔munch〕Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.绵羊边吃边走,穿行在厚厚的一层黄色落叶中间。柯林斯高阶〔nibble〕Sheep were nibbling the grass.绵羊啃食着草地。麦克米伦高阶〔nightmare scenario〕If he was proved right about BSE, he envisaged a nightmare scenario for the British sheep-farming industry.如果他就疯牛病的观点被证明是对的, 这将预示着英国绵羊业的梦魇。外研社新世纪〔ovine〕An ovine animal.绵羊或绵羊科动物美国传统〔ovine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of sheep; sheeplike.绵羊的,与羊有关的或有绵羊特征的;象绵羊的美国传统〔parchment〕The skin of a sheep or goat prepared as a material on which to write or paint.羊皮纸:用作书写或绘画材料的绵羊或山羊的皮美国传统〔pasture〕Lowland sheep enjoy better weather and rich pasture.低地绵羊喜欢更好的天气和大量的牧草。外研社新世纪〔petting zoo〕A collection of farm animals, such as goats, ducks, and sheep, and sometimes docile wild animals such as turtles or deer, for children to feed and pet.爱畜动物园:家养动物的收集,如山羊、鸭子、绵羊,有时也有象乌龟或小鹿这样温顺的野生动物,以供孩子们喂养和玩耍美国传统〔plantation〕Over-intensive sheep grazing and inappropriate conifer plantations ruin moorland.过于密集的绵羊放牧和不合理的针叶林种植毁坏了高沼地。外研社新世纪〔pollard〕An animal, such as an ox, a goat, or a sheep, that no longer has its horns.截去角的动物:不再有角的动物,如牛、山羊或绵羊美国传统〔populate〕The island is populated largely by sheep.这个岛的主要生物是绵羊。牛津高阶〔prey〕Only ten sheep have fallen prey to coyotes.只有10只绵羊被丛林狼捕食。英汉大词典〔propagate〕Scientists were hoping to propagate the best qualities of both types of sheep.科学家希望使这两种绵羊的最佳特性遗传给下一代。21世纪英汉〔propagate〕The farmer was hoping to propagate the best qualities of both types of sheep.农民希望使这两种绵羊的最佳特性遗传下去。英汉大词典〔propitiate〕In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.在那个时候,人们可能会祭献一只山羊或绵羊以祈求发怒的神灵息怒。剑桥高阶〔quintessential〕Sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican cheese.绵羊奶酪是最典型的科西嘉菜。剑桥高阶〔roam〕The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.绵羊可以在这片地上自由走动。牛津高阶〔roan〕A soft, flexible sheepskin leather, often treated to resemble morocco and used in bookbinding.漆叶鞣绵羊书面革,绵羊皮仿摩洛哥革:一种常被当作仿摩洛哥革且用于书籍装订的细滑柔韧的羊皮革美国传统〔shank〕A cut of meat from the leg of a steer, calf, sheep, or lamb.胫部的肉:从牛犊、小牛、绵羊或羊羔的腿上切下的一块肉美国传统〔shearling〕The skin of a shearling or of a newly sheared sheep or lamb, tanned and with the wool on.新剪绵羊皮:这样的羊或新剪过的绵羊或羊羔的皮,经鞣制后仍保留羊毛美国传统〔sheeplike〕The clouds were fluffy and sheeplike.云朵像绵羊一样毛茸茸的。外研社新世纪〔sheepshearing〕The act of shearing sheep.剪羊毛:剪绵羊毛的动作美国传统〔sheepskin〕The skin of a sheep either tanned with the fleece left on or in the form of leather or parchment.绵羊毛皮:用留有羊毛的羊皮鞣制成的,或以皮革或羊皮纸的形式做出的绵羊皮美国传统〔sheepskin〕We have a rug made from (a) sheepskin.我们有一块带毛绵羊皮的小地毯。剑桥高阶〔sheep〕The farmer has several large flocks (= groups) of long-haired sheep.这位农夫养着几大群长毛绵羊。剑桥高阶〔sheep〕We heard sheep bleating/baaing in the field.我们听见绵羊在田野里咩咩叫。剑桥高阶〔shorn〕God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.【谚】对被剪过毛的绵羊(弱者)上帝会缓和风力。文馨英汉〔skeleton〕We found an old sheep skeleton up on the cliffs.我们在悬崖上发现了一副老绵羊的骨架。剑桥高阶〔skiver〕A soft, thin leather split off the outside of sheepskin and used for bookbinding.绵羊粒面剖层皮:从绵羊外皮削下并用于装订书籍的柔软的薄皮革美国传统〔struggle〕The sheep struggled to free itself.那只绵羊挣扎着要逃脱。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕To cut the tags from (sheep).剪去羊身上纠结的毛:把纠结在一起的脏毛从(绵羊)身上剪下来美国传统〔tangle up〕Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.不断有绵羊被那根铁丝缠住,最后就把它拆掉了。柯林斯高阶〔tick〕Any of various usually wingless, louselike insects of the family Hippobosciddae that are parasitic on sheep, goats, and other animals.扁虱:虱蝇科的多种寄生于绵羊、山羊和其它动物身上的似虱无翅昆虫美国传统〔tup〕Chiefly British A male sheep; a ram.【多用于英国】 公羊:雄性的绵羊美国传统〔udder〕A baglike organ containing the mammary glands, characteristic of certain female mammals, such as cows, sheep, and goats.乳房:含有乳腺的袋状器官,是某些雌性哺乳动物的特征,如乳牛、绵羊和山羊美国传统〔vellum〕A fine parchment made from calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books.精制犊皮纸;精制羊皮纸:用小牛皮、小绵羊皮或小山羊皮制成的精致纸张,用于书页或封皮美国传统〔woolly〕Australian A sheep.【澳大利亚】 绵羊美国传统〔yeanling〕The young of a sheep or goat; a lamb or kid.小绵羊或小山羊;小羊或小孩美国传统〔yean〕To bear young. Used of sheep and goats.产幼仔。用于绵羊和山羊美国传统Any dog caught worrying sheep in these fields will be shot.在这些田地里,任何被发现追赶绵羊的狗都会被枪打死。剑桥国际Bracken is poisonous and is not grazed by animals such as sheep and rabbits.欧洲蕨有毒,像绵羊兔子这样的动物是不食用的。剑桥国际Cattle, sheep and goats have a pair of horns, but the Indian rhinoceros only has one.牛、绵羊和山羊都有一对角,但印度犀牛却只有独角。剑桥国际Drought and years of heavy grazing by sheep have completely denuded the hills of grass.旱灾和绵羊连年的大量啃吃使山上寸草不生。剑桥国际Following the outbreak of the disease, several sheep and lambs were destroyed on veterinary advice.那种疾病发生后,好几头绵羊和羊羔已经按照兽医的建议处理掉了。剑桥国际He called in a vet to treat a sheep that had a prolapsed womb.他请来一名兽医治疗一只患子宫脱垂的绵羊。剑桥国际In some parts of the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great delicacy.在世界的某些地方,绵羊的眼睛被视为一道美味佳肴。剑桥国际In the winter, sheep have thick fleeces.冬天,绵羊的毛很厚。剑桥国际In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.在那个时候,人们会牺牲一只山羊或绵羊以抚慰一个愤怒的神。剑桥国际Lions and tigers are carnivores, while sheep and goats mainly eat grass.狮子和老虎是食肉动物,而绵羊和山羊主要吃草。剑桥国际Most of the crofters keep sheep and goats on their farms.大多数小农场主都在农场里饲养绵羊和山羊。剑桥国际Police are warning motorists that a flock of sheep has / have escaped onto the road.警察在告诫驾车人说有一群逃散的绵羊跑到了路上。剑桥国际She was one of the country's top sheep breeders.她是全国最好的绵羊饲养员之一。剑桥国际Sheep products are being fed to cows, thereby passing into the human food chain.绵羊产品被用来喂奶牛,由此进入人类食物链。剑桥国际Some of the earliest free settlers in Australia (= people who went esp. from another country to establish new places to live there) were sheep farmers.澳大利亚最早的自由移民中有一些人是饲养绵羊的农场主。剑桥国际The milk produced by cows, goats and sheep is drunk by humans or made into butter or cheese.由奶牛、山羊和绵羊产出来的奶给人喝,还被做成白脱和奶酪。剑桥国际The sheep are lambing this week. 绵羊这星期要生小羊。译典通The sheep died soon after the birth of her lambs.那只母绵羊在羊羔出生后不久就死了。剑桥国际The sheep had to be forced into the sheepdip (= container).必须迫使绵羊进入盛有药液的深槽。剑桥国际There was a flock (= group) of sheep on the hillside.小山的斜坡上有一群绵羊。剑桥国际We've got a rug made from (a) sheepskin.我们有一块用绵羊皮做的地毯。剑桥国际




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