

单词 绵羊
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AMOUNT〕a truckload of sheep 一卡车绵羊朗文写作活用〔Romano〕short for (pecorino) romano [Roman (sheep's milk cheese)] (pecorino) romano的简写 [罗马的(绵羊奶酪)] 美国传统〔clone〕the clone of an adult female sheep 成年雌性绵羊克隆体韦氏高阶〔dip〕sheep dip 药浴绵羊用药液麦克米伦高阶〔fancy〕fancy pigeon breeds/fish/sheep良种鸽子品种/鱼类/绵羊外研社新世纪〔farming〕sheep/dairy farming 绵羊/奶牛饲养业麦克米伦高阶〔flock〕a flock of sheep 一群绵羊麦克米伦高阶〔flock〕a flock of sheep/goats/geese 一群绵羊/山羊/鹅剑桥高阶〔flock〕a small flock of sheep 一小群绵羊文馨英汉〔grade〕a grade sheep级进杂交绵羊外研社新世纪〔hardy〕a hardy breed of sheep 适应力强的绵羊品种牛津高阶〔herd〕herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats 成群的牛、绵羊和山羊英汉大词典〔know〕know a goat from a sheep 辨别山羊与绵羊文馨英汉〔live〕the export of live sheep 活绵羊的输出文馨英汉〔molest〕a dog that was molesting sheep 正在袭扰绵羊的狗朗文当代〔overwinter〕sheep that overwintered on the steppe. 度过整天而活下来的绵羊美国传统〔pedigree〕pedigree sheep 纯种绵羊牛津高阶〔scour〕scour about for stray sheep 四处奔走寻找迷失的绵羊文馨英汉〔scraggy〕a flock of scraggy sheep. 一群皮包骨头的绵羊柯林斯高阶〔shaggy〕the shaggy coat of a sheep 绵羊的粗长绒毛剑桥高阶〔sheep〕a large flock of sheep 一大群绵羊文馨英汉〔sheep〕like sheep 如绵羊般温驯的文馨英汉〔skull〕a sheep's skull 绵羊的头骨麦克米伦高阶〔spread〕a spread of sheep 一群绵羊英汉大词典〔suckle〕a sheep suckling her lamb 一只给羊羔喂奶的绵羊朗文当代〔transgenic〕transgenic sheep that secrete a human protein into their milk. 在奶里分泌一种人类蛋白质的转基因绵羊柯林斯高阶〔winter〕wintering the sheep in the stable. 让绵羊在羊圈里过冬美国传统〔yarn〕a process to turn wool straight from the sheep into yarn ready for weaving 把从绵羊身上剪下的毛直接纺成纱以供编织的过程英汉大词典




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