

单词 穗状
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cone〕A similar structure that produces spores on club mosses, horsetails, and spike mosses.球果结构:在石松、木贼和穗状苔藓植物上产生孢子的类似的结构美国传统〔fimbria〕A fringelike part or structure, as at the opening of the fallopian tubes.穗缘,伞毛:一种穗状部分或结构,如在输卵管入口处美国传统〔fringe〕Something that resembles such a border or edging.穗状物:与此种边缘相似的东西美国传统〔glume〕One of the two chaffy basal bracts of a grass spikelet.颖片:禾草类的小穗状花的两个禾壳状的基部苞片之一美国传统〔lemma〕The outer or lower of the two bracts that enclose the flower in a grass spikelet.外稃:在草的小穗状花序中,包围花朵的两瓣苞片中外面或下面的那一片美国传统〔spicate〕Borne in or forming a spike.穗状的,形成穗状的美国传统〔spikelet〕A small or secondary spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges, having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts.小穗,小穗状花序:禾草或蓑衣草所特有的一种小的或次级的穗,具有数目不等的由一至二片鳞状苞片衬托的渐少的小花美国传统〔spike〕Botany A usually elongated, unbranched inflorescence with stalkless flowers arranged along an axis.【植物学】 穗状花序:无梗的花沿轴排列而形成的细长的、无分枝的花序美国传统〔tassel〕Something that resembles such an ornament, especially the pollen-bearing inflorescence of a corn plant.穗状物:类似这种装饰的某物,尤指一株玉米上结有花粉的穗美国传统〔tassel〕To put forth a tassellike inflorescence. Used especially of corn.结出穗状花序。尤指玉米植株美国传统The corn has begun to tassel. 玉米开始长出穗状雄花。译典通




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