

单词 穆罕默德的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aisha〕The favorite wife of Mohammed. She led an unsuccessful revolt against Mohammed's successor, Ali.阿以莎:穆罕默德的爱妻,曾领导了一次反对穆罕默德继承人哈里的失败的叛乱美国传统〔COME FROM〕Muslims are expected to make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad's birthplace. 穆斯林应该去穆罕默德的出生地麦加朝圣至少一次。朗文写作活用〔Fatima〕Daughter of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. She married Ali, among the first to embrace Islam, and is considered by Moslems to be one of the Four Perfect Women.法蒂玛:伊斯兰先知穆罕默德的女儿。她嫁给了首批皈依伊斯兰教的阿里,被穆斯林认为是四个完美女人之一美国传统〔Islam〕A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and Mohammed as the chief and last prophet of God.伊斯兰教:一种一神教,其特征是接受服从上帝和穆罕默德的教义,并认后者为上帝主要的同时也是最后一个先知美国传统〔Mohammedan〕Of or relating to Mohammed or Islam; Moslem.穆罕默德的,伊斯兰的,穆斯林的:属于或有关穆罕默德或伊斯兰的;穆斯林的美国传统〔Sunna〕Mohammed's way of life viewed as a model for Moslems.圣行:穆罕默德的生活方式,被认为是穆斯林的榜样美国传统〔Sunna〕The way of life prescribed as normative in Islam, based on the teachings and practices of Mohammed and on exegesis of the Koran.圣行:伊斯兰教认为规范的一种生活方式,建立在穆罕默德的教诲与行为以及对《古兰经》的解释上美国传统〔Sunni〕The branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors of Mohammed.逊尼派:伊斯兰教教派,认为前四个哈里发是穆罕默德的合法继承人美国传统〔biography〕He gave me several biographies of the Prophet.他给我好几种穆罕默德的传记。英汉大词典〔descent〕He claims direct descent from Mohammed.他自称是穆罕默德的直系后代。剑桥高阶〔imam〕A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings.伊玛目:被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖美国传统〔imam〕In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community.伊玛目:在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯兰社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者美国传统〔insinuate〕He insinuated himself into Mehmet's confidence.他设法取得了穆罕默德的信任。朗文当代〔spiritual〕Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.伊斯兰教是受宗教领袖穆罕默德的教义影响产生的。朗文当代Drawing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed is considered blasphemous by the Muslims. 画先知穆罕默德的漫画对回教徒来说是亵渎神明的。译典通The king claims direct descent from Mohammed.国王自称是穆罕默德的嫡系子孙。剑桥国际




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