

单词 竹杠
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAT〕Don't buy a watch from those guys, they'll just rip you off. 不要在那些家伙手里买手表,他们只会敲竹杠。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕The bars by the sea make huge profits by ripping off tourists. 海边的酒吧靠敲游客的竹杠赚取巨额利润。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕The meal cost me $80 - it was a total rip-off. 那顿饭花了我80美元一完全是敲竹杠。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Eighty dollars for a pair of jeans? What a rip-off! 一条牛仔裤要80美元?真是敲竹杠!朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕We knew it was highway robbery, but we had no choice but to pay. 我们知道那是敲竹杠,但没有办法,只好付钱。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Residents are worried that the president's home town will turn into a tourist trap. 居民担心总统的家乡将会变成一个敲游客竹杠的地方。朗文写作活用〔clip〕He was clipped in that restaurant.他在那餐厅被敲了竹杠。文馨英汉〔collude〕Companies colluded to overcharge the NHS.各家公司串通起来, 打算敲国民医疗保健部门的竹杠。外研社新世纪〔fleece〕Some local shops have been fleecing tourists.当地有些商店一直在敲游客的竹杠。牛津高阶〔fleece〕That restaurant really fleeced us! 那家餐馆的确是敲了我们竹杠!剑桥高阶〔gouge〕Anyone have insider information on what seemingly looks like a gouge?谁有这个看上去像是敲竹杠事件的内部消息?外研社新世纪〔gouge〕Gas stations gouged on fuel.加油站靠出售汽油大敲竹杠。英汉大词典〔gouge〕They feel that they are being gouged by the oil companies.他们觉得石油公司正在敲他们的竹杠。韦氏高阶〔gyp joint〕A business establishment that makes a practice of overcharging or cheating its customers.对顾客敲竹杠的地方:向顾客多收费或欺骗顾客的商业网点美国传统〔gyp〕That meal was a real gyp.那顿饭简直是敲竹杠。牛津高阶〔mulct〕Look at the hotel bill! They've really mulcted us.你看看这张旅馆账单!他们简直是敲我们的竹杠。英汉大词典〔overcharge〕If you feel a taxi driver has overcharged you, say so.如果你觉得出租车司机敲了你的竹杠,就说出来。柯林斯高阶〔rip off〕The hotel ripped us off.这家旅馆敲了我们的竹杠。外研社新世纪〔rip sb off〕Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.鲍勃买的票比我们的便宜多了——我觉得我们被人敲了竹杠。剑桥高阶〔rip-off〕Our meal in town was a complete rip-off.我们在城里吃的一顿饭完全是敲竹杠。麦克米伦高阶〔rip〕That store tried to rip me off.那家商店企图敲我竹杠。文馨英汉〔rip〕They really ripped us off at that hotel.那家旅馆着实敲了我们一笔竹杠。英汉大词典〔rip〕Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off.游客们担心被敲竹杠。麦克米伦高阶〔rip〕Tourists complain of being ripped off by local cab drivers.游客抱怨被当地的出租车司机敲了竹杠。牛津高阶〔robbery〕To ask such prices is sheer robbery.索取这么高的价钱纯属敲竹杠。英汉大词典〔rob〕The food is quite good, and they don't rob you anyway.食物质量很不错,不管怎么说,他们并不敲你竹杠。英汉大词典〔rook〕That restaurant rooked us.那家餐馆敲了我们的竹杠。文馨英汉〔soak〕He was accused of soaking his clients.他被指控向客户敲竹杠。牛津高阶〔soak〕He was soaked by the waiter.他被侍者敲了一笔竹杠。21世纪英汉〔soak〕Slang To overcharge (a person).【俚语】 向(某人)敲竹杠美国传统〔soak〕The firm soaked me for the few repairs they did to my house.这家公司给我的房子作了几处小修小补就敲了我一笔竹杠。英汉大词典〔sting〕He got stung on that deal.他在那笔交易中被敲了竹杠。韦氏高阶〔sting〕Slang To cheat or overcharge.【俚语】 骗,敲竹杠:欺骗或多要钱美国传统〔sting〕The garage stung him for £300.汽车修理站敲了他 300 英镑竹杠。朗文当代〔tourist trap〕A place, such as a shop or resort area, that offers overpriced goods and services to tourists.敲旅客竹杠的地方:为旅游者提供标价过高的商品及服务的地方,如商店或胜地美国传统〔tourist trap〕The street market is a tourist trap that mostly sells cheap souvenirs.街头集市是敲游客竹杠的地方,那里卖的大多都是廉价纪念品。韦氏高阶Consumers feel they are being ripped off by their phone companies.消费者感到被电话公司敲了竹杠。牛津商务He admitted he had been soaked in the deal. 他承认在这笔生意中他被敲了竹杠。译典通He mooched a ten off me, and I knew right then I'd never see it again.他敲了我十块钱竹杠,我知道我再也不能见到它了。剑桥国际Twenty thousand pounds indeed! That's an extortionate price.哦,20 000英镑!那太敲竹杠了。剑桥国际We could get a coffee in there but they charge two quid a throw which is a real rip-off.我们可以在这里买到咖啡,不过他们每份卖两英镑,真是敲竹杠。剑桥国际We didn't know how much it was likely to cost and they just ripped us off.我们不知道可能会要多少钱,他们十足是敲了我们的竹杠。剑桥国际




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