

单词 端庄
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Junoesque〕Having the stately bearing and imposing beauty of the goddess Juno.华贵美丽,仪态万方的:如女神朱诺般举止端庄,仪态万方的美国传统〔bear〕She bore herself with great dignity.她表现得很端庄。朗文当代〔bird〕She was such a decent old bird.她是一个如此端庄的女人。柯林斯高阶〔comport yourself〕He comported himself with dignity.他举止端庄。韦氏高阶〔comport〕She always comports herself with great dignity.她的举止总是很端庄。牛津高阶〔conduct〕She conducts herself with great dignity.她表现得非常端庄。牛津搭配〔coyly〕She is modest without being coy.她很端庄,丝毫不忸怩。柯林斯高阶〔coy〕She is modest without being coy.她很端庄, 丝毫不忸怩。外研社新世纪〔cultivated〕His mother was an elegant, cultivated woman.他的母亲是一位端庄文雅的女性。外研社新世纪〔cultivated〕His mother was an elegant, cultivated woman.他的母亲是一位端庄文雅的女性。柯林斯高阶〔decorum〕As young ladies we were expected to act/behave with proper decorum.人们认为我们年轻女子的行为举止应该沉稳端庄。剑桥高阶〔decorum〕He behaved with great decorum.他的举止极端庄。牛津同义词〔demurely〕She was demurely dressed in a black woollen suit.她穿了一件黑色羊毛套装, 显得很端庄。外研社新世纪〔demure〕She was wearing a demure gray suit.她穿着一身端庄的灰色正装。韦氏高阶〔dignity〕She has a quiet dignity about her.她身上有一种恬静端庄的气质。剑桥高阶〔dignity〕She has shown extraordinary dignity and composure.她表现得极为端庄沉着。外研社新世纪〔dignity〕They behaved with dignity.他们举止端庄。牛津同义词〔discreet〕Free from ostentation or pretension; modest.朴素的,谦逊的;端庄的美国传统〔dish〕She was a dish, by my standards, handsome rather than pretty.以我的标准来看, 她很有魅力, 是端庄, 而不是漂亮。外研社新世纪〔grace〕The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum.新国王在履行职责时看起来举止得体、端庄稳重。柯林斯高阶〔groom〕You must be neat and well groomed at all times.你在任何时候都必须仪容端庄,服饰整洁。英汉大词典〔hand〕You need someone to take you in hand, young lady, and show you how to behave! 大小姐,你需要有人教教你如何举止端庄!韦氏高阶〔measure〕An occasion like this calls for some measure of decorum.像这样的场合需要一定程度的端庄得体。韦氏高阶〔modestly〕Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force.亚洲女性表现得更为端庄腼腆,却往往外柔内刚。柯林斯高阶〔modestly〕Respect the local etiquete. Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops.要尊重当地的礼节。朴素端庄的衣着往往比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣更合适。柯林斯高阶〔modestly〕She doesn't flirt with anyone, behaves modestly and morally.她不与任何人调情, 举止端庄稳重。外研社新世纪〔modestly〕Women need to dress modestly but are not obliged to shroud themselves in a veil.妇女需衣着端庄, 但不必罩上面纱。外研社新世纪〔modesty〕Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.不轻率,端庄:在讲话,衣着或行为方面谨慎而适当美国传统〔modesty〕She retained all her modesty.她仍保持着往日的端庄稳重。英汉大词典〔modesty〕There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。柯林斯高阶〔modest〕Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force.亚洲妇女更加端庄害羞一些, 但她们常常具有一种内在力量。外研社新世纪〔modest〕In some countries, women must wear very modest clothing in public.在有些国家,妇女在公共场合必须穿着十分端庄的衣服。韦氏高阶〔modest〕Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress.端庄的,正派的:在讲话、行为或服装上遵守传统礼仪的美国传统〔modest〕Respect the local etiquette. Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops.尊重当地礼仪。端庄的衣着通常比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣要好。外研社新世纪〔movement〕Her movements were easy and dignified.她的举止端庄自如。英汉大词典〔poise〕Ballet classes are important for poise and grace.芭蕾课对培养优雅端庄的仪姿非常重要。外研社新世纪〔prim〕Mrs Fox was a very prim little lady.福克斯太太是一位十分端庄的小妇人。外研社新世纪〔prim〕Precise or proper to the point of affectation; excessively decorous.一本正经:过于准确或合适以致于造作的;过分端庄的美国传统〔prim〕They had prim little smiles of anticipation on their faces.他们脸上挂着端庄而满怀期待的微笑。外研社新世纪〔restrained〕She was admired for her restrained behavior.她因举止端庄而受到赞赏。韦氏高阶〔undignified〕Lacking in or damaging to dignity.不庄重的:缺乏或损害端庄的美国传统〔uppity〕If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.就算你只是想表现出正常的端庄得体, 也会被人认为是骄傲自大。外研社新世纪A primly dressed young woman ran up to the car.一个衣着端庄的年轻妇女朝汽车跑去。剑桥国际As young ladies we were expected to act/behave with proper decorum.我们是姑娘家的时候,被要求行为/举止端庄有礼。剑桥国际She came on stage with the dignity and self-assurance of a great opera star.她以大歌剧明星的端庄和自信登上了舞台。剑桥国际She is a girl of noble bearing. 她是一个举止端庄的姑娘。译典通The meeting was a model of self-restraint and decorum.那次会面是自我约束和端庄有礼的典范。剑桥国际Visitors are requested to dress modestly in this church.到这所教堂里来的人必须穿着端庄。剑桥国际




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