

单词 经过
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TRUE〕when facts are shown to be true after being examined 经过检查后证明情况属实朗文写作活用〔alimentary〕the alimentary canal 消化道(食物自口腔至肠的下端所经过的管道)文馨英汉〔amplify〕amplified music/guitar 经过扩音的音乐/带有扩音设备的电吉他剑桥高阶〔aseptic〕an aseptic wound/dressing/bandage 经过消毒的伤口/无菌敷料/无菌绷带剑桥高阶〔auxiliary〕an auxiliary corps of 500,000 militarily trained youths 由50万经过军事训练的青年组成的后备部队英汉大词典〔considered〕considered opinion 经过深思熟虑的意见英汉大词典〔depose〕a witness that is not trained in deposing evidence.未经过宣誓作证训练的证人外研社新世纪〔dilute〕dilute hydrochloric acid 经过稀释的盐酸剑桥高阶〔dust〕fabric that had fallen to dust over the centuries. 经过几百年的时间已化为粉末的织物美国传统〔excellently〕this well-illustrated and excellently researched book这本例证全面并经过充分调研的书外研社新世纪〔exhaustively〕an exhaustively researched, sensitively written account一份经过详尽研究、措辞谨慎的叙述外研社新世纪〔explanation〕an explanation of what happened.事情经过的说明。牛津同义词〔fighting chance〕had a fighting chance to recover. 经过努力可有机会恢复原状美国传统〔funnel〕tourists funneling slowly through customs. 旅游者象水流过漏斗一样慢慢地经过了海关检查美国传统〔graded〕graded land 经过减小坡度的土地麦克米伦高阶〔invitee〕speak to a select gathering of invitees 对一群经过严格挑选的受邀者讲话英汉大词典〔notarize〕a notarized affidavit 经过公证的宣誓作证书剑桥高阶〔over〕over a period of time 经过一段时间文馨英汉〔passage〕the passage of food through the digestive system 食物经过消化系统的过程韦氏高阶〔pass〕passing through the different stages of human development 经过人类发展的不同阶段韦氏高阶〔per〕per , per- ; paramount , paramour , parget , parvenu , from Latin per , through, for, by. per , per- ; paramount , paramour , parget , parvenu , 源自 拉丁语 per , 经过, 由于, 经由. 美国传统〔preprocess〕preprocessed data经过预先处理过的数据21世纪英汉〔processed〕highly processed convenience foods 经过深加工的方便食品剑桥高阶〔retouch〕postcards that have been retouched to cover the grey skies 经过修饰把灰色天空掩盖起来的明信片朗文当代〔revision〕after four revisions 经过4次修订 英汉大词典〔roller〕heated rollers 经过加热的发卷牛津高阶〔rush〕the sound of traffic rushing by 车辆急速经过的声音麦克米伦高阶〔stretch〕after an 18-month stretch in the army经过18个月的军旅时光之后外研社新世纪〔studied〕a carefully studied lecture 经过反复推敲的演讲英汉大词典〔tested〕a tested combat veteran 经过战斗考验的退伍军人英汉大词典〔test〕the importance of empirically tested research 经过实证检验的研究的重要性牛津搭配〔thoughtful〕a thoughtful piece of work.经过缜密思考才完成的工作。牛津同义词〔tornado〕in the path of a tornado 在龙卷风经过的路径韦氏高阶〔treat〕wood treated with preservative 经过防腐处理的木材牛津高阶〔tried〕a tried and trusted friend 经过考验的、可信赖的朋友韦氏高阶〔wake〕the wake of a storm 风暴经过的路线英汉大词典〔way〕number articles by way of distinguishing them 经过区分给物件编号 英汉大词典〔well-thought-out〕a well-thought-out plan 经过深思熟虑的计划韦氏高阶a flow chart showing what happens to the product between manufacture and final delivery 说明产品从生产到最终交货所经过的步骤的流程图。牛津商务a pre-vetted, or ‘approved’, contractor 预先审核过或经过批准的承包人牛津商务




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