

单词 算法
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALGOL〕An algebraic computer language for solving primarily mathematical and scientific problems using algorithms.算法语言:一种使用算法来解决首要的数学和科学问题的代数计算机语言美国传统〔JPEG〕The standard algorithm for the compression of digital images.压缩数字影像的标准算法美国传统〔algebra〕A set together with operations defined in the set that obey specified laws.代数集合:一个集合及符合特定运算规律的该集合的运算法则美国传统〔algorithmic language〕A programming language in which an algorithmic procedure can be expressed accurately.算法语言:一种程序设计语言,可以将算法程序准确地表达出来美国传统〔algorithm〕A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.算法,规则系统:一种循序渐进解决问题的过程,尤指一种为在有限步骤内解决问题而建立的可重复应用的计算过程美国传统〔line item〕Most governors have the power to veto line items of the proposed state budget.许多州长有权反对州预算法案提案的项目美国传统〔successive approximation〕A method for estimating the value of an unknown quantity by repeated comparison to a sequence of known quantities.逐次近似计算法:通过与已知的一系列量进行反复比较而估算一个未知量的值的方法美国传统〔uncalculating〕Not using or involving calculation.不经计算的:不使用计算法的;不精打细算的美国传统Producers of custom-built goods, such as heavy machinery, generally use job costing.如重型机械之类按顾客要求订做的产品的生产商一般采用分批成本计算法。牛津商务




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