

单词 精纺
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caddis〕A coarse woolen fabric, yarn, or ribbon binding.纱边,精纺毛纱编带:一种粗糙的羊毛织物的、纱线的或丝绒的镶边美国传统〔chenille〕A soft, tufted cord of silk, cotton, or worsted used in embroidery or for fringing.绳绒线:用于刺绣或穗饰的柔软、植绒的丝线、棉线或精纺毛线美国传统〔crewelwork〕Needlework produced with crewel.绒线刺绣:用松捻精纺纱线做成的针线活美国传统〔crewel〕Loosely twisted worsted yarn used for fancywork and embroidery.松捻精纺纱线:松捻精纺纱线,用于钩编和刺绣美国传统〔etamine〕A soft, lightweight, loosely woven cotton or worsted fabric.纱罗:轻柔的、松散的织布或者卷毛精纺呢美国传统〔hairline〕A fabric, usually a worsted, with such stripes.有这种条纹的织物,通常是精纺呢美国传统〔merino〕A fine wool and cotton yarn used especially for knitting underwear and hosiery.麦利诺精纺线:一种优质毛线或棉线,尤指用来纺织内衣裤及袜子之类的物品美国传统〔merino〕A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool.麦利诺精纺毛纱:一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成美国传统〔mule〕A spinning machine that makes thread or yarn from fibers.走锭精纺机:能从纤维中捻出线或拔出丝的机器美国传统〔prunella〕A strong, heavy fabric of worsted twill, used chiefly for shoe uppers, clerical robes, and academic gowns.普鲁内拉毛料:一种牢固、硬实的精纺斜纹布织物,主要用于作鞋的面料、教士袍或学院服装美国传统〔serge〕A twilled cloth of worsted or worsted and wool, often used for suits.哔叽:精纺毛纱或精纺和羊毛制的哔叽布料,经常用作衣服美国传统〔spinning frame〕A machine that draws and twists fibers into yarn and winds it on spindles.精纺机,细纱机:将纤维拉捻成纱并将纱绕于纺锤之上的机器美国传统〔whipcord〕A worsted fabric with a distinct diagonal rib.马裤尼:一种精纺毛料纤维,带有明显的斜纹凸起罗纹美国传统〔worsted〕Fabric made from such yarn. 精纺织物:用这种毛纱织成的产品美国传统〔worsted〕Firm-textured, compactly twisted woolen yarn made from long-staple fibers.精纺毛纱:长毛纤维制成的密织、紧捻的毛纱美国传统He worked as an independent craftsman in the Norfolk worsted industry.他是诺福克精纺毛料行业的一名独立手艺人。剑桥国际She wore a pale grey worsted suit.她穿着一套淡灰色的精纺毛料衣服。剑桥国际




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