

单词 神职
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aaronic〕Mormon Church Of or having to do with the lower order of priests.【摩门教】 初级教士的:神职人员中职位较低美国传统〔DISAGREE〕The issue dividing the Church was the question of women priests. 使教会产生分歧的是有关妇女做神职人员的问题。朗文写作活用〔Dalai Lama〕The traditional governmental ruler and highest priest of the Lamaist religion in Tibet and Mongolia.达赖喇嘛:西藏和蒙古地区的传统政府统治者和喇嘛教的最高神职人员美国传统〔FORBID〕Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools. 墨西哥法律禁止神职人员在大学和中小学内教书。朗文写作活用〔Low Church〕A group in the Anglican Church that minimizes the episcopacy, priesthood, and sacraments and favors evangelical doctrines, polity, and usages.低教会派:英国国教中轻视主教职位、神职和圣餐而支持合乎福音的道义,政治组织以及惯例的一派美国传统〔Monsignor〕A title and an office conferred on a male cleric by a pope.阁下:由罗马主教授予男性神职人员的称谓和官职美国传统〔Monsignor〕Used as a form of address prefixed to the name of such a cleric.用于这种神职人员姓名前的一种称呼形式美国传统〔Opus Dei〕A Roman Catholic organization composed of both clergy and lay members and dedicated to fostering Christian principles at all levels of society.主业会:罗马天主教组织,由神职人员和俗家成员组成,致力于在社会的所有层面培养基督教原则美国传统〔POSITION/RANK〕In the Middle Ages, priests and other religious figures had a very high status. 中世纪时,教士及其他神职人员享有很高的地位。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Back then, people believed they were called to the ministry. 那时候人们都相信自己去担当神职是上帝的旨意。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The Church of England finally agreed to accept the ordination of women priests. 英国国教会最终同意了给女神职人员授予圣职。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The Catholic church continues to exclude women from the priesthood. 天主教会继续拒绝接纳女性成为神职人员。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Not long ago, the Church of England voted to ordain women priests. 不久前,英格兰教会为授予女性神职举行了投票。朗文写作活用〔abbé〕Used as a title for a cleric in major or minor orders in a French-speaking area.牧师:对法语地区主要和次要神职人员的尊称美国传统〔acknowledge〕Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king's legitimacy.一部分神职人员拒绝承认新国王的合法地位。柯林斯高阶〔antiphonary〕A bound collection of antiphons, especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office.唱和圣歌诗集:圣歌诗集,尤指宗教神职中作为应答的合唱部分美国传统〔archimandrite〕A cleric ranking below a bishop.大修道院院长:主教以下的神职人员级别美国传统〔burnout〕They found that many clergy were struggling to deal with their workloads and were prone to burnout.他们发现很多神职人员工作缠身, 容易过度疲劳。外研社新世纪〔cartouche〕An oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.漩涡花饰牌匾:古埃及象形文字中的一种椭圆形或长方形造型,里面圈有表示皇族或神职人员名字或标号的字母美国传统〔cassock〕An ankle-length garment with a close-fitting waist and sleeves, worn by the clergy and others assisting in church services.神职人员穿的长袍:神职人员和其他在教堂服务的人员所穿的一种束腰、紧袖、长至脚踝的长袍美国传统〔chaplaincy〕He accepted the chaplaincy.他接受了特遣神职人员的职位。韦氏高阶〔clergyman〕A man who is a member of the clergy.牧师:神职人员中的男性成员美国传统〔clergywoman〕A woman who is a member of the clergy.修女:神职人员中的女性成员美国传统〔clergy〕Local clergy have been invited to participate in an interfaith service.本地神职人员受邀参加一个跨宗教礼拜。韦氏高阶〔clergy〕The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。牛津高阶〔clergy〕These proposals met opposition from the clergy.这些提案遭到神职人员的反对。柯林斯高阶〔clergy〕These proposals met opposition from the clergy.这些提案遭到了神职人员的反对。外研社新世纪〔clerical collar〕A stiff white collar in the shape of a band fastened at the back of the neck, worn by certain members of the Christian clergy.教士领:一种坚挺的白色带状领,系在脖子的后面,为基督教神职人员中的特定成员所穿戴美国传统〔clericalism〕A policy of supporting the power and influence of the clergy in political or secular matters.教权主义:一项赞成神职人员在政治或非教会事务中的权力及影响的政策美国传统〔clerical〕A member of the clergy.牧师:神职人员之一员美国传统〔clerical〕He cannot celebrate Mass in public, wear clerical garb or call himself a priest.他不能公开庆祝弥撒, 不能穿神职人员的服装, 也不能自称为牧师。外研社新世纪〔clerical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy.教士的,牧师的:神职人员的、与之相关的或具备其特征的美国传统〔clerical〕The clerical regime is more divided than ever before.这个神职政权比以往任何时候都更分裂。外研社新世纪〔cleric〕A member of the clergy.神职人员美国传统〔cleric〕Muslim clerics 穆斯林神职领导人牛津高阶〔cloth〕He has great respect for the cloth.他非常尊敬神职人员。韦氏高阶〔conference〕An assembly of clerical or of clerical and lay members from a particular district in various Protestant churches.集会:某一地区各个教堂的神职和非神职人员的聚会活动美国传统〔convocation〕An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.主教区会议:美国新教圣公会主教区的一部分神职人员和平民代表的集会美国传统〔deacon〕A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches.执事:英国圣公会、东正教和罗马天主教的教堂中仅次于牧师级别的神职人员美国传统〔destine for〕His parents destined him for the church.他父母打算要他担任神职。21世纪英汉〔dowry〕A sum of money required of a postulant at a convent.神职款:修道院神职申请人应交付的一笔款项美国传统〔ecclesiastic〕A minister or priest; a cleric.教堂主管或教士;神职人员美国传统〔ecumenical patriarch〕The patriarch of Constantinople, the highest ecclesiastical official of the Eastern Orthodox Church.世界基督教主教:君士坦丁堡最高主教,是东正教的最高神职人员美国传统〔father〕Used as a title and form of address with or without the clergyman's name.神职人员:用作带或不带牧师姓名时的一种头衔和称呼美国传统〔frock〕A robe worn by monks, friars, and other clerics; a habit.僧袍:和尚、男修道士和其它神职人员穿的长袍;表明宗教级别的衣着美国传统〔frock〕To invest with clerical office.授以神职美国传统〔fulfilment〕The real joy of the priesthood is helping people find personal fulfilment .从事神职工作最大的快乐就在于帮助人们寻求个人的满足。朗文当代〔hood〕An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe.垂布:学者或神职人员长袍上从肩头垂下的装饰性披盖布美国传统〔itinerancy〕A state or system of itinerating, especially in the role or office of public speaker, minister, or judge.巡回:巡回的状态或制度,特指在发言人、神职人员或法官的职位或任务中美国传统〔laity〕Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。柯林斯高阶〔mix〕The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics.军方指控神职人员将宗教和政治混淆起来。外研社新世纪〔niece〕The illegitimate daughter of an ecclesiastic who has taken a vow of celibacy.教士的私生女:发誓单身的神职人员的私生女美国传统〔ordain〕To invest with ministerial or priestly authority; confer holy orders on.授权:授予牧师或僧侣的权力;授神职美国传统〔order〕Often orders The rank of an ordained Christian minister or priest. 常作 orders 神职:天主教牧师或僧侣的职位美国传统〔order〕Often orders The sacrament or rite of ordination. 常作 orders 神职仪式:神职的任命或神职任命仪式美国传统〔ordination〕Ecclesiastical The ceremony of consecration to the ministry.【基督教会】 授神职的仪式:献身于神职的仪式美国传统〔ordination〕He is a candidate for ordination.他是受任神职的人选。韦氏高阶〔pardoner〕A medieval ecclesiastic authorized to raise money for religious works by granting papal indulgences to contributors.出售免罪符的人:中世纪获准出售教会的赦免书而为宗教事务筹钱的神职人员美国传统〔persecutor〕The clergy were the main persecutors of witches in the Middle Ages.在中世纪,教会的神职人员是迫害“女巫”的主要力量。剑桥高阶〔politics〕As a churchman, he was accused of interfering in politics.他被指控身为神职人员干预政治。牛津搭配〔postulant〕A candidate for admission into a religious order.神职志愿者:申请宗教职位的候选人美国传统〔postulator〕Roman Catholic Church A church official who presents a plea for canonization or beatification.【罗马天主教】 列福或列圣申请官:申请把…列为圣人或列福的神职官员美国传统〔presbytery〕The section of a church reserved for the clergy.司祭席:为神职人员保留的教堂的一部分美国传统〔priesthood〕He is celebrating 30 years in the priesthood.他在庆祝自己从事神职工作 30 年。朗文当代〔priesthood〕He was admitted to the priesthood.他获准就任神职。文馨英汉〔priesthood〕The clergy.神职人员美国传统〔priesthood〕There has been a decline in the number of people joining the priesthood.从事神职工作的人数减少了。朗文当代〔priesthood〕What is the influence of the priesthood in today's society? 在当今社会,神职人员有什么影响?韦氏高阶〔priest〕In many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments.司铎,司祭,神甫,神父,牧师:在许多基督教教堂中,位于主教以下助祭以上的第二阶层的神职人员,并有权执行圣事美国传统〔priest〕To ordain or admit to the priesthood.使成为神职人员:任命或接受…作为神职人员美国传统〔provost〕The highest official in certain cathedrals or collegiate churches.教士长:某些大教堂或牧师会中的最高神职人员美国传统〔pulpit〕Clerics considered as a group.神职人员的总称美国传统〔pulpit〕The ministry of preaching.布道的神职美国传统〔reader〕A layperson or minor cleric who recites lessons or prayers in church services.读经师:在教堂仪式中背诵经文或祈祷书的神职人员或职位较低的牧师美国传统〔regular〕Ecclesiastical A member of the clergy or of a religious order.【基督教会】 修道士:神职人员或一个宗教级别的成员美国传统〔regular〕Monks are members of the regular clergy.(天主教)修士是属于修道会的神职人员。英汉大词典〔reverend〕Relating to or characteristic of the clergy; clerical.教士的:属于神职人员的或具有神职人员的特征的;圣职人员的美国传统〔robe〕An official garment worn on formal occasions to show office or rank, as by a judge or high church official.礼袍:一种法官或高级神职官员在正式场合穿以表明职位或级别的袍服美国传统〔rochet〕A white ceremonial vestment made of linen or lawn, worn by bishops and other church dignitaries.白色法衣:一种主教或其他高级神职人员穿的由亚麻布或上等细布制成的白色礼服美国传统〔santera〕A priestess of Santeria.桑特拉:桑泰里厄教女神职人员、女祭司、女教士、女牧师美国传统〔santero〕A priest of Santeria.桑特罗:桑泰里厄教神职人员、祭司、教士、牧师、神父、神甫美国传统〔secularize〕To lift the monastic restrictions from (a member of the clergy).脱离宗教:(神职人员)摆脱修道院的约束美国传统〔secular〕A member of the secular clergy.不属于教派的神职人员美国传统〔sinecure〕Archaic An ecclesiastical benefice not attached to the spiritual duties of a parish.【古语】 领干薪的牧师职位:一个与教士的精神职责无关的教会的圣职美国传统〔sky pilot〕A member of the clergy, especially a military chaplain.牧师,随军牧师:神职人员中的一成员,尤指随军牧师美国传统〔spirituality〕Often spiritualities Something, such as property or revenue, that belongs to the church or to a cleric. 常作 spiritualities 教会的财产,教会的收入:属于教会或神职人员的东西,例如财产或收入美国传统〔spiritualty〕Property or revenue belonging to the church or to a cleric; spirituality.教会的财产,教会的收入:属于教会或神职人员的财产或收入;基督教圣职的职务收入美国传统〔straw〕For him the Church's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw.教会同意授予女性神职的决定使他终于忍无可忍。外研社新世纪〔subdeacon〕A cleric ranking just below a deacon.副助祭,副执事:在职位上仅次于副主祭的神职人员美国传统〔subdeacon〕A cleric who acts as assistant to the deacon at High Mass.副执事:天主教大教大弥撒中作为在祭助手的神职人员美国传统〔vicar general〕An ecclesiastical official in the Church of England, usually a layperson, who assists an archbishop or a bishop in administrative and judicial duties.代理监督:英国教堂的神职官员,通常是平民信徒,帮助大主教或者主教进行管理和行使法律职责美国传统〔vicar〕A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally.代理主教:英国圣公会代替神父或主教的神职人员美国传统〔vicar〕Roman Catholic Church A priest who acts for or represents another, often higher-ranking member of the clergy.【罗马天主教】 代牧:模仿或代理另一个牧师的神职人员,经常指高职位的牧师美国传统〔zucchetto〕A skullcap worn by clerics, varying in color with the rank of the wearer. 圆顶小帽:神职人员戴的一种无边便帽,以颜色区别戴帽者的职位美国传统She serves as a lay teacher at the convent school. 她在修道院的学校当非神职的教师。译典通Some churchmen are very hostile towards the idea of women priests or of churchwomen in general.有些教士强烈反对任用女牧师,或是所有的女神职人员。剑桥国际The Brahmans are the Hindu priestly caste.婆罗门是一种相当于神职人员的印度种姓。剑桥国际The ordination (= a religious ceremony at which someone is officially made a priest) took place in Bristol cathedral.神职授任仪式在布里斯托尔大教堂举行。剑桥国际The stalls are normally reserved for the choir and members of the clergy.靠背长凳座位一般是留给唱诗班或神职人员的。剑桥国际When he took early retirement, he decided to go into/enter the church (=become a priest).他提早退休后决定担任神职。剑桥国际




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