

单词 税法
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Byzantine〕the byzantine complexity of our tax laws 我们繁杂难懂的税法朗文当代〔broach〕introduce a tax bill before the legislature; 向立法机关提出纳税法案;美国传统〔confuse〕a new tax code that only further confuses. 只造成更多疑问的新税法美国传统〔correct〕revising the tax laws; 修改税法;美国传统〔expound〕expounded the intricacies of the new tax law. 阐明新税法的复杂性美国传统〔graduated〕graduated taxation 累进课税法文馨英汉〔law〕company/international/tax, etc. law 公司法、国际法、税法等牛津高阶〔law〕tax law; criminal law. 税法;刑法美国传统〔legislation〕tax legislation 税法英汉大词典〔lobby〕an organization that has been lobbying Congress for reform of the tax laws 一直游说国会进行税法改革的组织韦氏高阶〔lobby〕an organization that has been lobbying for reform of the tax laws 一直游说政府进行税法改革的组织韦氏高阶〔loophole〕a loophole in the tax laws税法的漏洞外研社新世纪〔loophole〕tax loopholes 税法的漏洞剑桥高阶〔piggyback〕a tariff provision that came piggyback with the tax bill; a piggyback provision to a new piece of legislation. 与税法随之而来的关税规定;与一条新法律的颁布相关的规定美国传统〔privileged〕tax laws that favored the privileged at the expense of the disadvantaged. 以处于劣势的人为代价而有利于拥有特权者的税法美国传统〔reformed〕reformed tax laws 修订的税法韦氏高阶〔reform〕a proposal to reform tax laws 改革税法的建议麦克米伦高阶〔tax〕tax deductions/laws/rates 减税;税法;税率韦氏高阶a leading expert on/in tax law 税法方面的一流专家牛津商务




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