

单词 的小册子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites. 协会的第一个计划是印发一份售价35美分的小册子,重点介绍九大历史古迹。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕The booklet that accompanies the CD is informative and scholarly, without being pedantic. 随光盘附上的小册子内容丰富而且具学术性,但一点也不迁腐。朗文写作活用〔PS〕PS. Please show your friends this letter and the enclosed leaflet.附:请把这封信和内装的小册子给你的朋友们看看。柯林斯高阶〔SEND〕While Shelley was still at school, he circulated a pamphlet attacking religion. 谢利还在读书的时候就散发过攻击宗教的小册子。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The video recorder has an accompanying booklet which contains full instructions. 录像机附带一本含详细说明的小册子。朗文写作活用〔accompany〕Please see accompanying booklet for instructions.说明请参阅所附的小册子。朗文当代〔attractively〕This is an attractively designed brochure.这是一本设计精美的小册子。外研社新世纪〔black book〕A book containing names of people and organizations to blacklist.黑书,黑名单:含有列入黑名单的人名或组织名的小册子美国传统〔brochure〕Send for our illustrated brochure.向我们函索附有插图的小册子。牛津搭配〔case〕Like the others, he produced a written explanation, but in Scott's case this was a 30-page printed booklet.他和其他人一样也写了份书面解释,但斯科特的书面解释却是一本长达 30 页的打印出来的小册子。朗文当代〔complimentary〕They handed out complimentary brochures.他们发放免费的小册子。韦氏高阶〔compliment〕We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our compliments.我们免费附赠一本最新的小册子。剑桥高阶〔correct〕Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this last year's brochure? 这不是去年的小册子吗?若是我说错了就请指出。牛津高阶〔digest〕These materials have been digested into a handy pamphlet.这些材料已被汇编成便于使用的小册子。21世纪英汉〔distribute〕Several people were arrested for distributing racist leaflets/pamphlets (to the spectators).数人因(向观众)散发宣扬种族主义的小册子而被捕。剑桥高阶〔enclose〕The enclosed leaflet shows how Service Care can ease all your worries.内附的小册子说明了“服务保障”如何为您解除所有烦恼。外研社新世纪〔exercise book〕A booklet for use by students, usually containing problems or exercises and blank space for writing answers or practicing a lesson.练习册:学生用的小册子,通常包括为写答案和练习一课的问题、练习及填空美国传统〔flick〕I've had a flick through their brochure and it looks quite interesting.我已经迅速浏览了一下他们的小册子,看起来相当有趣。剑桥高阶〔flier〕A pamphlet or circular for mass distribution.广告传单:广泛散发的小册子或传单美国传统〔full〕Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas.我们新的小册子中振奋人心的妙计比比皆是。牛津高阶〔inflationism〕The book is a tract against inflationism.这书是本反对通货膨胀政策的小册子。英汉大词典〔lay〕The financial considerations are laid out in a booklet called 'How to Borrow Money'.需要考虑的经济因素在一本题为《如何借钱》的小册子中写得很清楚。朗文当代〔pack〕Our new brochure is packed full of inspirational ideas.我们新的小册子中有许多颇具创意的点子。牛津搭配〔present〕Hotel brochures are designed to present the most attractive aspects of the hotel.宾馆的小册子旨在介绍宾馆最吸引人之处。牛津搭配〔print〕Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.我们的小册子是用环保纸印制的。外研社新世纪〔print〕Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.我们的小册子是用环保纸张印刷的。柯林斯高阶〔promote〕The school distributed pamphlets promoting good dental hygiene.学校分发了加强口腔卫生的小册子。韦氏高阶〔regarding〕Regarding your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.关于你最近的咨询,我随信附上一份我们新的小册子。朗文当代〔slash〕He slashed his work into a booklet with about 5,000 words.他将他的著作删减为五千字左右的小册子。21世纪英汉〔slim〕The slim booklets describe a range of services and facilities.这些薄薄的小册子介绍了一系列服务和设施。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕You'll find brochures of our new products on the stand.展台上有关于我们新产品的小册子。牛津搭配〔take〕The picture on page 5 is taken from their brochure.第5页的图片摘自他们的小册子。麦克米伦高阶〔their〕Every member will receive their own 'Welcome to Labour' brochure.每个党员都将收到一本名为《欢迎加入工党》的小册子。柯林斯高阶〔tract〕Have you read John Milton's tracts on divorce? 你读过约翰‧弥尔顿论离婚的小册子吗?剑桥高阶〔volume〕This thin little volume is a delightful read.这本薄薄的小册子读起来很有意思。韦氏高阶〔window dressing〕All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing – the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.所有这些精美光亮的小册子只是表面文章 — 事实是新商场将破坏附近的环境。朗文当代〔workbook〕A booklet containing problems and exercises that a student may work directly on the pages.练习册:一本包括问题和练习的小册子,学生可直接做在上面美国传统〔write〕He set out to write a short book on taxation.他着手写一本关于税收的小册子。牛津搭配Government leaflets advise you always to have protected sex (= to use a CONTRACEPTIVE when having sex).政府颁发的小册子建议你性交时一定要使用避孕工具。剑桥国际I picked up a free pamphlet on places to visit in the region.我随手拿起一本免费的小册子,上面介绍该地区可以参观的一些地方。剑桥国际See our brochure for more details.详情请参见我们的小册子。牛津商务She came home with a pile of glossy brochures and announced she had decided to buy a car.她带着一叠印刷精美的小册子回到家,宣布她决定买一辆车。剑桥国际She threw away the clerical pamphlet passed out to her by someone on the street. 她扔掉了有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。译典通She was given a present of some origami paper and a booklet to show her how to fold it into birds and figures.有人把一些折纸和一本教她如何把纸折成鸟及人物形象的小册子作为礼物送给了她。剑桥国际The relevant leaflets are available from the library, for what it's worth.图书馆里有相关的小册子,不管其有用与否。剑桥国际They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment. 他们出了一本有关环境恶化的小册子。译典通We bought a booklet about the castle from the tourist office.我们从旅游办公室买了一本关于城堡的小册子。剑桥国际We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our compliments.我们免费附赠上一本最新的小册子。剑桥国际We need a more attractive page layout for our brochure.我们的小册子需要一个有吸引力的版面设计。牛津商务We sent (away/off) for (= sent a request for) the holiday brochure as soon as we saw it advertised.我们一看到广告就写信索取度假的小册子。剑桥国际




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