

单词 的存在
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕They seriously doubted whether the letter had ever existed. 他们对此信是否真的存在深表怀疑。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕Do you think ghosts really exist? 你认为鬼真的存在吗?朗文写作活用〔START〕If there is a serious problem, it's far better to admit it and set about tackling it. 如果出现严重的问题,最好是承认问题的存在,并着手去解决它。朗文写作活用〔Schiff's reagent〕An aqueous solution of rosaniline and sulfurous acid used to test for the presence of aldehydes.席夫试剂:一种用品红和硫酸混合形成的水溶液,用于测试乙醛的存在美国传统〔acceptor〕The reactant in an induced reaction that has an increased rate of reaction in the presence of the inductor.受体,受容体:在一个诱导反应中的反应物,因诱导剂的存在而有增加的反应速度美国传统〔acknowledge〕The government won't even acknowledge the existence of the problem.政府甚至都不承认这个问题的存在。剑桥高阶〔acknowledge〕To admit the existence, reality, or truth of.承认:确认某物的存在、现实或真相美国传统〔all-powerful〕He denied the existence of an all-powerful God.他否认全能的上帝的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔arrow〕Arrows on the photograph indicate the presence of the chemical.照片上的箭号表明该化学物质的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔atheism〕Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.无神论:不相信或否认上帝或神的存在美国传统〔attest〕The marks in the ground attested the presence of a fossil.地上的痕迹证明了化石的存在。外研社新世纪〔autotelic〕Poetry, like mathematics, is an autotelic activity.赋诗有如数学,是一项目的存在于本身的活动。英汉大词典〔aware〕She is acutely/keenly aware of the problem.她敏锐地意识到这个问题的存在。韦氏高阶〔axion〕A hypothetical boson having no charge or spin and small mass, proposed to explain the existence of certain symmetries of the strong nuclear force.轴子:无电荷、自旋以及小质量的假定玻子,用来解释强核相互作用某些对称性的存在美国传统〔basis〕On the basis that recognising the problem is halfway to a solution, Mulcahy's comments yesterday should be well received.鉴于认识到问题的存在就相当于把它解决了一半,马尔卡希昨天的那番话应该会受到欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔believable〕The leading character in the film wasn't very believable.这部电影中的主角不太可能真的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔blatant〕The elitism was blatant.精英主义的存在极其明显。外研社新世纪〔branch〕Computer Science To relinquish control to another set of instructions or another routine as a result of the presence of a branch.【计算机科学】 下分支的指令:因为另一分支指令的存在而引起的对另一指令组或常规指令组的放弃控制美国传统〔by inference〕Its existence is only known by inference.它的存在只是推断出来的。韦氏高阶〔canker〕Any of several diseases of plants characterized by the presence of such lesions.植物溃疡:以这种损害的存在为特征的几种植物的疾病的任一种美国传统〔catalytic cracker〕An oil refinery unit in which the cracking of petroleum takes place in the presence of a catalyst.催化裂化器:由于催化剂的存在而发生石油裂化的炼油装置美国传统〔check〕A system of checks and balances exists to ensure that our government is truly democratic.制衡制度的存在是为了确保我们的政府真正民主。剑桥高阶〔codominant〕Influencing the presence and type of other species in the community.在生物群落中影响其它类别的存在和类型的美国传统〔complication〕The presence of an armed gang added a major complication.一个武装团伙的存在使问题极大地复杂化了。牛津搭配〔conjecture〕Some have conjectured that the distant planet could sustain life.有人推测,那颗遥远的行星也许能够维持生命的存在。韦氏高阶〔corporeal〕A ghost has no corporeal existence.幽灵没有肉体的存在。文馨英汉〔corporeity〕The state of being material or corporeal; physical existence.形体的存在:物质的或有形的状态;物理的存在美国传统〔death〕It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be.这意味着他过去的一切存在或曾经希望的存在均已终结。柯林斯高阶〔deduce〕What did Darwin deduce from the presence of these species? 达尔文从这些物种的存在推断出了什么?朗文当代〔denied〕Atheists deny the existence of God.无神论者不相信上帝的存在。21世纪英汉〔dependent variable〕Statistics The observed variable in an experiment or study whose changes are determined by the presence or degree of one or more independent variables.【统计学】 因变量:在实验或研究中被观察出的变化依赖于一个或多个独立变量的存在或大小的变量美国传统〔doubt〕He expressed doubts about the existence of God.他对上帝的存在表示怀疑。英汉大词典〔dress up〕However you dress it up, a bank only exists to lend money.无论如何粉饰, 银行的存在就是为了向外贷款。外研社新世纪〔edict〕In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.1741年, 叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布敕令, 允许佛教的存在。外研社新世纪〔existence〕Christianity taught that our earthly existence was merely a preparation for life after death.基督教义说,我们现世的存在,只不过是为死后的来生做准备。牛津搭配〔existence〕He didn't believe in the existence of God.他不相信上帝的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕It is impossible to prove the existence of God.无法证明上帝的存在。朗文当代〔existence〕Many people question the existence of God.很多人怀疑上帝是否真的存在。剑桥高阶〔existence〕Scientists were able to verify the existence of this particle.科学家能够证实这种粒子的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕She began to doubt the existence of God.她开始怀疑上帝的存在。韦氏高阶〔existence〕She questioned the existence of God.她质疑上帝的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕The Congress of People's Deputies in effect voted itself out of existence.人民代表大会的投票在事实上终结了自身的存在。外研社新世纪〔existence〕The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.这些奇特生物的存在本身就使他着迷。牛津搭配〔existence〕The tests confirm the existence of a brain tumour.这些检测证实了脑瘤的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕The theory assumes the existence of a 'meritocracy'-that there is equal opportunity for all.这一理论假定“任人唯贤”的存在,即人人机会均等。牛津搭配〔exist〕She believes that ghosts really do exist.她相信鬼魂真的存在。韦氏高阶〔feel〕Sarah could feel the man's presence before she saw him.萨拉还没有看见那人就能感觉到他的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔glacial〕Often Glacial Characterized or dominated by the existence of glaciers. Used of a geologic epoch. 常作 Glacial 冰河期:有冰川存在特征的或由冰川的存在而控制的。用于地质纪元美国传统〔god〕A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.神:一种具有超自然力量或因素的存在,被一类人所信仰和崇拜,尤指一雄性神灵,被认为能控制自然或现实世界的某一部分美国传统〔gravity〕The building leans so much that it seems to defy gravity.这幢大楼倾斜得很厉害,似乎在挑战地球引力的存在。牛津搭配〔hierarchy〕The notion of 'cultural imperialism' implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.“文化帝国主义”意味着一种文化等级体系的存在, 其中有些文化要比其他文化更强大。外研社新世纪〔hypostatize〕To ascribe material existence to.使人格化:把物质的存在归于…美国传统〔ignorance〕The sisters lived in total ignorance of each other.姐妹俩对彼此的存在一无所知。牛津搭配〔imply〕The presence of stairs in the ruins implies an upper floor.废墟中楼梯的存在意味着上面曾有一层楼。麦克米伦高阶〔indwelling〕An inner presence, as of a spirit or power.内在:一种内部的存在,例如精神或是力量美国传统〔intrusive〕The cameras were not an intrusive presence.那些摄像机的存在并不令人反感。柯林斯高阶〔invisible〕It's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.从这些统计数字中根本看不出女性的存在,所用的手法真是有趣。牛津搭配〔king〕The perfect, omniscient, omnipotent being; God.上帝:完美的,无所不知的,万能的存在;上帝美国传统〔lid〕The soldiers' presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence.士兵的存在似乎抑制住了暴力活动。柯林斯高阶〔marker〕Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food.维生素C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。柯林斯高阶〔material〕Eastern religions tend to have a negative view of material existence.东方宗教对物质性的存在往往持消极的态度。外研社新世纪〔misunderstanding〕There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims.关于我们的出版目的存在着某些误解。柯林斯高阶〔noumenon〕In the philosophy of Kant, an object, such as the soul, that cannot be known through perception, although its existence can be demonstrated.本体:在康德哲学理论中的本体,如灵魂,尽管它的存在可被证明,却无法为知觉所知美国传统〔numen〕A spirit believed by animists to inhabit certain natural phenomena or objects.神灵:万物有灵论者相信的存在于某些自然现象或物体中的精灵美国传统〔omnipotent〕How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering? 慈爱、万能的主怎么会允许疾病、战争和苦难的存在?剑桥高阶〔period〕No reference to their existence appears in the literature of the period.这一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。外研社新世纪〔pneumatology〕The doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the belief in spirits intervening between human beings and God.灵物学:关于精神性的存在和物质现象的学说或研究,特别是对人类和上帝间精神交汇的信仰美国传统〔point〕To indicate the presence and position of game. Used of a hunting dog.(猎狗)指示猎物位置:指示猎物的存在和位置,用于一只猎狗美国传统〔premature〕Even very young premature babies respond to their mother's presence.即使是很小的早产儿也会对母亲的存在作出反应。外研社新世纪〔presence〕Flame has always symbolized a divine presence.火焰一直象征着神圣的存在。牛津搭配〔register〕Austin stared at him, as if registering his presence for the first time.奥斯汀盯着他,好像第一次注意到他的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔reify〕To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.使具体化:把(一个抽象的概念)看作或当作有具体的或物质的存在美国传统〔relativity〕A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.相对性:一个实体的存在和意义仅仅相互依靠的依附状态美国传统〔reminder〕His presence was a constant reminder of what she had lost.他的存在时常让她记起她所失去的一切。麦克米伦高阶〔reproach〕These derelict houses are a reproach to the city.这些破房的存在是这个城市的耻辱。朗文当代〔sepsis〕The presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the blood or tissues.脓毒:在血液或组织中致病的有机体或它们的毒素的存在美国传统〔signal〕The Red Cross said it is withdrawing its staff until they receive clear signals from all sides that their presence is welcomed.红十字会称他们正在撤回所属职员,直到各方都明确表示欢迎他们的存在。柯林斯高阶〔subjective〕Relating to the real nature of something; essential.属于事物这真实性质或实质性的存在的,本质的美国传统〔syndrome〕A complex of symptoms indicating the existence of an undesirable condition or quality.症候群:表明不良情况或品质的存在的一组复杂症状美国传统〔testify〕A senior officer testified to the existence of police hit squads.一位高级官员证实了警方暗杀队的存在。牛津搭配〔test〕To determine the presence or properties of (a substance).检验:决定(某物质)的存在或特性美国传统〔token〕One that represents a group, as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination.代表:一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责美国传统〔understanding〕The existence of God is beyond human understanding(= humans cannot know whether God exists or not).上帝的存在与否是超出人类所能理解的。牛津高阶〔urinalysis〕Laboratory analysis of urine, used to aid in the diagnosis of disease or to detect the presence of a specific substance, such as an illegal drug.尿分析:尿液的试验分析,用于诊断病情或发现特定物质的存在,如非法毒品美国传统〔vigil light〕A small candle kept burning in the chancel of Christian churches to symbolize the presence of the Holy Sacrament; an altar light.圣坛长明烛:在基督教堂的殿堂中长久燃烧的小蜡烛,用来代表神灵的存在;祭坛灯美国传统〔way〕To be female is not a disability; it is just a particular way of being human.身为女性并不意味着不便;这只是人类一种特定的存在形式。柯林斯高阶〔wrap〕He'd been so wrapped up in his own sufferings, he'd forgotten about me.他沉浸在自己的痛苦之中, 忘记了我的存在。外研社新世纪An international treaty exists enabling police and courts to ask their counterparts in foreign countries to seize assets/property.国际公约的存在使警方和法院能要求外国的相应机构扣押资产。剑桥国际Astro-scientists discovered the existence of organisms on this planet. 太空科学家在这个星球上发现了有机体的存在。译典通He tried unconvincingly to argue that a belief did not necessarily suppose (= could exist without) a believer.他试图证明一种信仰的存在未必需要信仰者,但这种观点并不令人信服。剑桥国际It is now known that the illness is not confined to any one group in society.现在已知这种病的存在不限于社会任何单个群体中。剑桥国际The existence of yetis has yet to be proven conclusively.雪人的存在还有待确证。剑桥国际The presence of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people.大气中花粉的存在使一些人患了花粉热。剑桥国际The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit.这么多外来人口的存在使社区精神遭到了破坏。剑桥国际The region continues to be a prisoner of its own geography, because the mountains prohibit all further expansion.该地区继续受它自身的地理条件限制,因为山脉的存在阻止了任何进一步的扩张。剑桥国际The reports in no way suggest the existence of extraterrestrial life.这些报告绝没有表明外星生物的存在。剑桥国际The security device has a heat sensor which detects the presence of people and animals.保安装置有一个热传感器,能感知人和动物的存在。剑桥国际The technology exists to complement and amplify the human mind.技术的存在能补充与扩大人的智力。剑桥国际Your idealism made you believe in the existence of supernatural beings. 你的唯心论使你相信超自然生命的存在。译典通




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