

单词 用眼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔careless〕He's careless with his glasses and has lost three pairs.他用眼镜很马虎,已经丢掉三副了。朗文当代〔content〕He cast his eye down the contents page .他用眼睛扫了一下目录页。朗文当代〔corner〕I saw her coming from the corner of my eye.我用眼角余光一瞟,见她来了。英汉大词典〔corner〕Out of the corner of her eye she saw that a car had stopped.她用眼角的余光瞥见一辆车停了下来。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.她用眼一瞟,见他正向她走过来。牛津高阶〔corner〕Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Tom.我用眼角的余光注意到了汤姆。麦克米伦高阶〔defence〕With her tears she completely overwhelmed his defences.她用眼泪彻底攻破了他的防线。牛津搭配〔discern〕To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.看出,察觉出:用眼看见,或用智慧察觉;洞察美国传统〔disguise〕She wore glasses and a wig as a disguise.她用眼镜和假发伪装起来。牛津高阶〔eye〕Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry start forward.她用眼角的余光瞟到哈里起身向前走去。牛津搭配〔glare〕She shot a warning glare at her companion.她用眼神警告她的同伴。牛津搭配〔glare〕Special-purpose glasses reduce glare.专用眼镜可使强光减弱。柯林斯高阶〔jab〕Stern jabbed at me with his glasses.斯特恩用眼镜捅了我一下。柯林斯高阶〔look〕The chairman looked his consent.主席用眼色表示了同意。21世纪英汉〔nuance〕We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.我们用眼睛和面部表情几乎就能传达出情感上的每一丝微妙变化。柯林斯高阶〔nuance〕We can use our eyes to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion.我们用眼睛就能传达出情感上的每一丝细微变化。外研社新世纪〔plead〕His eyes silently pleaded with her.他默默地用眼神恳求她。牛津搭配〔quell〕She started to giggle, but Bob quelled her with a look.她格格地笑了起来,但鲍勃用眼色制止了她。牛津高阶〔see〕To apprehend as if with the eye.了解:好象用眼睛理解美国传统〔see〕To have the power to perceive with or as if with the eye.看得见:具有用眼睛或好象用眼睛观察的能力美国传统〔see〕To perceive with the eye.看:用眼睛观察美国传统〔sightless〕Unable to see with the eyes; blind.无视力的:不能用眼睛看见的;盲的美国传统〔sparkle〕He caught the sparkle of her diamond out of the corner of his eye.他用眼角捕捉到她钻石的闪光。韦氏高阶〔spot〕To detect or discern, especially visually; spy.辩认,认出:辩认或认出,特别指用眼睛看出;详查美国传统〔strain〕Don't strain your eyes.别用眼过度。外研社新世纪〔sweep〕As she spoke, her eyes swept over her daughter.她一边说话一边用眼扫视她的女儿。麦克米伦高阶〔vision〕The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being.幻象:犹如用眼睛看到超自然物体或神灵的神秘的视觉经历美国传统〔vision〕Use your peripheral vision widely when moving from place to place.四处走动时,用眼睛的余光大范围扫视四周。牛津搭配I use eye-liner to accentuate my eyes.我用眼线笔来突出眼睛。剑桥国际Indian snake charmers use cobras in their performances.印度玩蛇者在表演中使用眼镜蛇。剑桥国际She used a kohl pencil.她用眼线笔。剑桥国际




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