

单词 生动的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CGI〕Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “Walking With Dinosaurs”.在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。柯林斯高阶〔EXPRESSION ON SB'S FACE〕Stephan's animated eyes widened at the mention of Patricia. 提到帕特里夏,斯蒂芬就睁大了一双生动的眼睛。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The article gave a vivid account of life after the earthquake. 这篇文章对地震后灾民的生活作了生动的描述。朗文写作活用〔animated〕She gave an animated description of the project.她对这个项目进行了生动的描述。韦氏高阶〔bespangle with〕The poetry was bespangled with vivid imagery.诗篇饰以生动的画像。21世纪英汉〔bestiary〕The book is a vivid bestiary.这是一本生动的动物寓言集。英汉大词典〔bluff〕He has continued to write with a bluff, vivid humour about Yorkshire life.他继续用一种直白而又诙谐生动的笔触描绘着约克郡的生活。柯林斯高阶〔buxom〕Archaic Lively, vivacious, and gay.【古语】 活泼的,愉快的:生动的、兴高采烈的和欢乐的美国传统〔carnival〕Shakespeare's carnival of images 莎士比亚笔下丰富生动的意象朗文当代〔character〕The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character.这部书对奥巴马夫人的性格作了生动的剖析。牛津高阶〔describability〕Jack and Mary described their journey in vivid detail.杰克和玛丽以生动的细节叙述了他们的旅行。21世纪英汉〔describe〕He goes on to describe vividly how Lincoln was assassinated.他转而用生动的语言描述了林肯是如何被暗杀的。牛津搭配〔discourse〕He was hoping for some lively political discourse at the meeting.他希望在会上听到些生动的政治演讲。牛津高阶〔eidetic〕Of, relating to, or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images.异常清晰的:与异常详细、生动的视觉形象的回忆有关的或以这种回忆为特征的美国传统〔enamel〕He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.他利用半透明瓷漆绘制出鲜艳生动的图画。柯林斯高阶〔expression〕In one of his paintings his genius for bringing realism and vitality to mythological themes reached its fullest expression.在他的一幅画里,他那把神话题材处理得真实生动的才华得到了最充分的体现。英汉大词典〔graphic〕The film contains graphic scenes of drug taking.这部电影有生动的吸毒场景。外研社新世纪〔hypermnesia〕Exceptionally exact or vivid memory, especially as associated with certain mental illnesses.记忆过强:极为确切的或生动的回忆,尤其是与某些精神病症有关联的时候美国传统〔imagery〕Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .他们的梦里常常有很多复杂的情节,充满了生动的画面。朗文当代〔image〕A vivid description or representation.描绘:生动的描绘或表述美国传统〔imagination〕Children often have very vivid imaginations .儿童常有非常生动的想象力。朗文当代〔imaginative〕Having a lively imagination, especially a creative imagination.有想象力的:有生动的想象的,特别是有创造性的想象的美国传统〔intersperse〕The documentary intersperses graphical animations with film clips of the actual event.该纪录片在生动的动画中穿插了一些真实事件的电影片段。剑桥高阶〔in〕The disaster is vividly recalled in James Cameron's film Titanic.那场灾难在詹姆斯·卡梅伦的电影《泰坦尼克号》中得到了生动的再现。麦克米伦高阶〔libretto〕The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.歌词:一部生动的音乐作品的内容,如歌剧的歌词美国传统〔life〕The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.两个年轻人的冷酷无情在这个真实的故事里得到了生动的再现。外研社新世纪〔music video〕A filmed or videotaped rendition of a recorded song, often portraying musicians performing the song or including visual images interpreting the lyrics.音乐节目录像:歌曲经胶片或者录像带记录的演出版本,通常内容是音乐人表演这首歌,有的还附有体现歌曲词内容的形象生动的画面美国传统〔northern〕The film is a devastating portrait of unemployment in a northern working-class community.这部电影是北部工人阶级失业情况极其生动的写照。外研社新世纪〔prose poem〕A prose work that has poetic characteristics such as vivid imagery and concentrated expression.散文诗:具有诸如生动的想象和集中表达等诗歌的特点的散文美国传统〔round〕The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.消息很快就传开了;生动的闲话正传播开去美国传统〔salt〕Sharp, lively wit.机智:犀利,生动的机智美国传统〔spicy〕High-spirited; lively.兴致高的;生动的美国传统〔vivid〕The book includes many vivid illustrations.这本书里有许多生动的插图。韦氏高阶〔word picture〕Good radio presenters excel at concise word pictures.优秀的广播节目主持人都擅长简洁生动的口头描述。外研社新世纪A vivid picture was present to his mind. 一幅生动的画面出现在他的脑海里。译典通Her latest novel gives/paints a very vivid portrait of the aristocracy in the 1920s.她最近的一部小说对20 世纪20年代的贵族生活给予了生动的描绘。剑桥国际His lively vernacular style goes down well with younger viewers.他那生动的白话风格很受年轻观众的青睐。剑桥国际His vivid touch added salt to the story. 他生动的笔法给故事增添了兴味。译典通The play has a rich and complex dramatic texture.这出戏具有丰富而复杂生动的韵味。剑桥国际This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen. 这是我所见到的最生动的漫画之一。译典通This magazine is full of juicy titbits (= small pieces of interesting information, esp. about other people's private lives).这份杂志满是生动的花边新闻。剑桥国际




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