

单词 生动活泼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔enliven〕Colloquialisms, dialect and slang terms can enliven style if properly used.口语、方言、俚语如使用得当可使文体变得生动活泼。英汉大词典〔enliven〕The wit of Mencken enlivened his age.(美国记者)门肯的风趣使他的时代生动活泼。21世纪英汉〔exuberance〕She was laughing from the sheer exuberance of the performance.生动活泼的表演让她开怀大笑。牛津搭配〔jack〕The editors have jacked up their sports pages.编辑们把体育专栏编得生动活泼。英汉大词典〔juice up〕These young men juiced up the conference with their new ideas.这些年轻人以他们的新思想使讨论会变得生动活泼。21世纪英汉〔lemon yellow〕A moderate to brilliant vivid yellow.淡黄色,柠檬黄,柠檬色:一种轻淡、明亮、生动活泼的黄色美国传统〔life〕The new teacher really brought French to life for us.新来的老师给我们把法语教得生动活泼。牛津高阶〔lot〕The new book has a lot going for it— it's interesting, bright, and well-written.这本书有许多优点:饶有趣味,生动活泼,文字优美。英汉大词典〔pepper〕To make (a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective.使生动活泼:使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动美国传统〔percolate〕Informal To become lively or active.【非正式用语】 使变得生动活泼美国传统〔rigour〕This book settles for rigour of text while allowing for an enlivenment of illustration.该书追求文本的准确性,同时又顾及插图的生动活泼。英汉大词典〔saltarello〕A lively Italian dance with a skipping step at the beginning of each measure.萨尔塔雷洛舞:意大利生动活泼的一种舞蹈,每个节奏前有一个跳步美国传统〔sparkle〕The arrival of him sparkled to the party.他的到来使聚会变得生动活泼了。21世纪英汉He had a mobile, expressive, animated face. 他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。译典通Her lively, brash style of writing will add some colour to the arts pages of the newspaper.她生动活泼的文风会使报纸的文艺版增色不少。剑桥国际The play contained some good snappy dialogue.这部戏剧含有一些生动活泼的对话。剑桥国际These debates have made a successful series, mostly because of well-chosen speakers and lively topics.这些辩论形成了一个成功的系列,主要是因为其精心挑选的讲演者与生动活泼的话题。剑桥国际




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