

单词 生动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕The organization was set up to protect wildlife across Europe. 这个组织是为了保护欧洲的野生动植物而成立的。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕After a slow dream-like opening, the play explodes into life. 这出戏的开头节奏缓慢、如梦幻一般,之后却突然间变得生动有趣。朗文写作活用〔CGI〕Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “Walking With Dinosaurs”.在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。柯林斯高阶〔ENERGETIC〕As a speaker, he was articulate, lively, and funny. 作为一名演讲者,他口才极好、生动而又风趣。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕You are advised not to enter the Kenyan game reserves without a guide. 如果没有导游,建议你不要进入肯尼亚的野生动物保护区。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕She writes very amusingly about her childhood in Moscow. 她把她在莫斯科的童年生活写得非常生动有趣。!朗文写作活用〔abound〕Bindegolly national park abounds in wildlife and scenic beauty.宾德高利国家公园到处都是野生动物和美丽的景色。外研社新世纪〔abscess〕Mr Gillespie had surgery to remove an abscess from his nose.吉拉斯皮先生动手术切除了鼻子上的脓肿。外研社新世纪〔abundance〕The area has an abundance of wildlife.这片地区有丰富的野生动植物。柯林斯高阶〔abundance〕The brochure promised beautiful walks with an abundance of wildlife.这本小册子许诺说可以欣赏路边美景,还可见到大量野生动物。牛津搭配〔accreditation〕The project is seeking accreditation by the World Wildlife Foundation.这个项目目前正在寻求世界野生动物基金会的批准。外研社新世纪〔alive〕The pictures bring the book alive.图片使得这本书生动有趣。牛津高阶〔animal〕The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish.野生动物制品的非法交易仍旧猖獗。柯林斯高阶〔animated〕She gave an animated description of the project.她对这个项目进行了生动的描述。韦氏高阶〔aquaculture〕Farming finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants, known collectively as aquaculture, is one of the world's fastest-growing food sectors.饲养有鳍鱼类、有壳水生动物以及种植水生植物统称水产养殖,是世界上目前发展最迅速的食品产业。剑桥高阶〔barbarity〕The photos vividly capture the war's barbarity.这些照片生动地记录了战争的残暴。韦氏高阶〔big beast〕Prehistoric fires may have killed off the big beasts that once roamed Australia.史前阶段的数场大火可能使一度生活在澳大利亚的大型野生动物通通灭绝。剑桥高阶〔blepharoplast〕A basal body in certain flagellated protozoans that consists of a minute mass of chromatin embedded in the cytoplasm at the base of the flagellum.生毛体,成鞭毛体:某些有鞭毛的原生动物的基体,由包裹在鞭毛底部的细胞质内的微小染色体块团组成美国传统〔coccidium〕Any of various parasitic protozoans belonging to the order Coccidia and responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal in livestock, fowl, and human beings.双孢子球菌:任一种由寄生虫引起的原生动物,属于孢子球菌属,引起家畜、家禽和人类营养管道的疾病美国传统〔colour〕His asides lent colour to the story.他即兴插入的话使故事生动了许多。牛津搭配〔commend〕His photograph was highly commended in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.他的照片在年度野生动物摄影比赛中得到高度评价。麦克米伦高阶〔compete〕Animals in the wild have to compete for food.野生动物不得不为食物竞争。牛津搭配〔conjugation〕A process of sexual reproduction in which ciliate protozoans of the same species temporarily couple and exchange genetic material.配对:一种同种有纤毛原生动物的有性繁殖,是暂时结合并交换基因物质的过程美国传统〔deliver〕He delivered his speech effectively.他演讲生动有力。英汉大词典〔depict〕The book vividly depicts the Hollywood of the 1950s.这本书生动地描绘了 20 世纪 50 年代的好莱坞。牛津搭配〔diorama〕At the museum there was a diorama of local wildlife.博物馆里有当地野生动植物的立体透视模型。剑桥高阶〔domestication〕The New York City Department of Health banned the domestication of wild animals such as iguanas.纽约公共卫生部门禁止人工饲养鬣蜥等野生动物。剑桥高阶〔eidetic〕Of, relating to, or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images.异常清晰的:与异常详细、生动的视觉形象的回忆有关的或以这种回忆为特征的美国传统〔eloquently〕In the '70s he wrote eloquently about oppression in eastern Europe.他在20世纪70年代生动地记述了东欧内的压迫。外研社新世纪〔eloquent〕His success serves as an eloquent reminder of the value of hard work.他的成功生动地表明了努力工作的价值。韦氏高阶〔enliven〕I love the way a good flirtation can enliven the most mundane situation.恰到好处的打情骂俏能够使最平淡无奇的时刻变得生动有趣起来,我很喜欢这种感觉。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕There have been some impressive entries in the wildlife photography section(= impressive photographs).野生动物摄影部份已有一些上佳参赛作品。牛津高阶〔epic〕The task of getting wild animals protected becomes an epic.使野生动物得到保护的任务变得漫长而艰巨。英汉大词典〔evoke〕The novel vividly evokes the life of the Irish in Australia.这部小说生动地再现了在澳大利亚的爱尔兰人的生活。牛津搭配〔expression〕In one of his paintings his genius for bringing realism and vitality to mythological themes reached its fullest expression.在他的一幅画里,他那把神话题材处理得真实生动的才华得到了最充分的体现。英汉大词典〔exuberance〕She was laughing from the sheer exuberance of the performance.生动活泼的表演让她开怀大笑。牛津搭配〔fall〕All the animals born at one birth; a litter.一窝动物:所有一胎生动物;产仔美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔flourish〕Wildlife seems to flourish in the area.野生动植物在这个地区似乎很兴盛。麦克米伦高阶〔game〕Wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for food or sport.猎物:为食用或娱乐而捕猎的野生动物、飞禽或鱼类美国传统〔harm〕The ‘low levels' of cyanide in the river were sufficient to cause harm to aquatic life.河流中“低浓度”的氰化物也足以危害水生动植物。麦克米伦高阶〔haven〕The park has become a haven for local wildlife.这个公园成了当地野生动物的安乐窝。麦克米伦高阶〔hematozoon〕A parasitic protozoan or similar organism that lives in the blood.血液寄生虫:生活在血液之中的寄生原生动物或者与此类似的有机体美国传统〔hen〕The female of certain aquatic animals, such as an octopus or a lobster.雌性水生动物:某些水生物的雌性,如雌章鱼或虾美国传统〔house〕Something, such as a burrow or shell, that serves as a shelter or habitation for a wild animal.洞穴,壳:野生动物当作栖身之所的东西,例如洞穴或壳美国传统〔imaginative〕Having a lively imagination, especially a creative imagination.有想象力的:有生动的想象的,特别是有创造性的想象的美国传统〔infauna〕Aquatic animals that live in the substrate of a body of water, especially in a soft sea bottom.底内动物:生活在水体底部的水生动物,尤指栖于松软海底的水生动物美国传统〔insight〕The book gives us fascinating insights into life in Mexico.这本书生动地表现了墨西哥的生活。牛津高阶〔intersperse〕The documentary intersperses graphical animations with film clips of the actual event.该纪录片在生动的动画中穿插了一些真实事件的电影片段。剑桥高阶〔jack ... up〕Editors have reason for jacking up their women's pages.编辑们有理由将其妇女专栏办得更生动一些。21世纪英汉〔justly〕Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife.澳大利亚人有充分的理由为他们的野生动物感到骄傲。柯林斯高阶〔kennel〕The lair of a wild animal, such as a fox.窝:野生动物(如狐狸)的穴、窝美国传统〔libretto〕The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.歌词:一部生动的音乐作品的内容,如歌剧的歌词美国传统〔life〕To put spirit into; to animate.使活跃;使生动美国传统〔live〕We've been studying the plants and animals that live in this area.我们一直在研究这个地区的野生动植物。韦氏高阶〔long〕Long grass is important for wildlife.长长的草对野生动物很重要。外研社新世纪〔lure〕The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years.到非洲猎取大型野生动物的刺激两百年来一直吸引着欧洲人。柯林斯高阶〔magnificent〕It was so exciting to see these magnificent creatures in the wild.看到这些高大威猛的野生动物真让人兴奋。麦克米伦高阶〔native〕The bear was once a native of Britain.熊曾是英国的土生动物。朗文当代〔native〕The kangaroo is a native of Australia.袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。英汉大词典〔ovipara〕Oviparous animals considered as a group.卵生动物:被看成一组的卵生动物美国传统〔paint〕To depict vividly in words.描写,描述:用言辞鲜明生动地描绘出来美国传统〔pepper〕To make (a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective.使生动活泼:使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动美国传统〔picture〕The book paints a picture of a divided government.这本书生动地刻画出了一个分裂的政府。外研社新世纪〔picture〕The book pictured the world of the future.这本书生动地描写了未来世界。英汉大词典〔populate〕The area is heavily populated with all forms of wildlife.这地区麇集着各种各样的野生动物。英汉大词典〔portray〕The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.作者生动地描述了难民营中的生活。21世纪英汉〔preserve〕This land is protected as a wildlife preserve.这片土地作为野生动物保护区而得到保护。牛津搭配〔promise〕It promises to be lively.它可能会生动有趣。外研社新世纪〔protection〕Many wild animals are now under the protection of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.许多野生动物现在受到《野生生物及乡野法》的保护。牛津搭配〔protozoan〕Amoebas are protozoans.变形虫是原生动物。韦氏高阶〔race〕His conversation had a race and flavour peculiarly its own.他的谈话生动有趣,别具风格。英汉大词典〔radiolarian〕Any of various marine protozoans of the order Radiolaria, having rigid siliceous skeletons and spicules.放射虫:一种放射虫目的海生原生动物,骨骼和针骨为硅质美国传统〔read〕He likes reading about wildlife.他喜欢读有关野生动物的书。麦克米伦高阶〔recount〕The story of his life is vividly recounted in this new book.这本新书生动地描述了他的一生。牛津搭配〔rhizopod〕A protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, such as an amoeba or a radiolarian, characteristically moving and taking in food by means of pseudopods.根足虫:根足虫亚纲的一种原生动物,例如变形虫或放射虫目的根足虫,以通过伪足方式移动并摄取食物为特征美国传统〔scripted〕Unscripted speeches are usually livelier than scripted speeches.不用讲稿的讲演常比照本宣科的讲演更为生动。英汉大词典〔siphon〕Zoology A tubular organ, especially of aquatic invertebrates such as squids or clams, by which water is taken in or expelled.【动物学】 体管:用于吸进或吞出水的管状器官,尤指水生动物(如钓乌贼或蛤)美国传统〔skit〕A short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a theatrical sketch.讽剌短文或短剧:通常指喜剧性的生动短小的表演或作品;戏剧滑稽短剧美国传统〔spawn〕The eggs of aquatic animals such as bivalve mollusks, fishes, and amphibians.卵:双壳类软体动物、鱼类和两栖动物的水生动物的卵子美国传统〔spill〕An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife.溢出的油对野生动物来说可能是毁灭性的。柯林斯高阶〔tail fin〕A fin at the posterior part of the body of a fish, crustacean, whale, or other aquatic animal.尾鳍:鱼、甲壳纲动物、鲸或其它水生动物身体后部的一个鳍美国传统〔telling〕The number of homeless people is a telling comment on the state of society.无家可归者的数量是社会状况的生动写照。牛津高阶〔theatrically〕Shaffer's great gift lies in his ability to animate ideas theatrically.谢弗了不起的才能在于他能够把一些想法通过戏剧生动地表现出来。柯林斯高阶〔theatrically〕Shaffer's great gift lies in his ability to animate ideas theatrically.谢弗的天才之处在于他能以戏剧的方式把思想生动地表现出来。外研社新世纪〔thrilling〕Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.我们的野生动物园之旅让我们同自然状态的野生动物进行了令人兴奋的接触。外研社新世纪〔unlikely〕A big city seems like an unlikely place to find wildlife.一座大城市不像是个能发现野生动物的地方。韦氏高阶〔vivid〕The book includes many vivid illustrations.这本书里有许多生动的插图。韦氏高阶〔voyeurism〕The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视系列剧进行了辩护,称其并没有窥探他人隐私之嫌。柯林斯高阶〔wildlife〕Do not allow your dog to disturb wildlife.不要让你的狗扰乱野生动物。牛津搭配〔zoomorphism〕Use of animal forms in symbolism, literature, or graphic representation.动物造型:在象征、文学或生动描述中使用动物的形式美国传统A lion is a wild animal, a dog is a domestic animal and a pig is a farm animal.狮子是野生动物,狗是家养动物,猪是饲养动物。剑桥国际All of her books are lively and interesting, with two notable exceptions.除了两个明显的例子外,她所有的书都生动有趣。剑桥国际Famous actors often provide voice-overs for wild-life documentaries.著名演员经常为野生动物记录片做旁白解说。剑桥国际His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio. 他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣。译典通Please make your cheque payable to WWF.请让你的支票可以付给世界野生动物基金会。剑桥国际The film really brought the story of the rebellion to life.该影片生动地再现了反叛的故事。剑桥国际The oil spill wreaked havoc with wildlife and the fishing industry.漏油对野生动物和捕鱼业造成了严重的破坏。剑桥国际The sparseness of the population makes this a good area for wildlife.因为人口稀少,所以这里成了野生动物的理想场所。剑桥国际This book gives a good picture of life in China today. 这本书生动地描述了当代中国的生活情况。译典通




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