

单词 破碎
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔agony〕the agony of lost love and broken dreams失恋和梦想破碎带来的痛苦外研社新世纪〔apart〕come apart (东西)变成支离破碎;(人)(精神)崩溃文馨英汉〔architecture〕the crumbling intellectual architecture of modern society现代社会破碎的知识结构外研社新世纪〔bind up〕to bind up her broken heart医治(或抚慰)她那破碎的心21世纪英汉〔bitty〕a bitty and uneven book 一本支离破碎、不平整的书韦氏高阶〔breakage〕breakage of glass 玻璃破碎韦氏高阶〔break〕a delicate chair that will break under a great weight. To 一张会在重压下破碎的精致椅子。 美国传统〔broken〕a broken heart 破碎的心英汉大词典〔broken〕a broken window/plate 破碎的窗户╱盘子牛津高阶〔broken〕children from broken homes 来自破碎家庭的儿童文馨英汉〔choppy〕a choppy style of writing 支离破碎的文体英汉大词典〔choppy〕choppy prose. 支离破碎的文章美国传统〔close〕a sound close to the sound of breaking glass 类似于玻璃破碎的声音韦氏高阶〔collage〕a collage of conflicting memories. 破碎记忆的汇集美国传统〔cracked〕cracked corn; cracked ice. 碾碎的谷粒;破碎的冰块美国传统〔disconnected〕a disconnected argument.支离破碎的论点。牛津同义词〔disjointed〕a disjointed story.支离破碎的故事。牛津同义词〔disjointed〕our increasingly fragmented and disjointed society. 我们日益分裂和支离破碎的社会柯林斯高阶〔disjointed〕our increasingly fragmented and disjointed society我们日渐支离破碎、混乱无序的社会外研社新世纪〔flaw〕a flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter.See Synonyms at blemish 水晶上的一处裂纹导致了它的破碎 参见 blemish美国传统〔flinders〕break ... in [into, to] flinders 使…破碎文馨英汉〔fragmentary〕fragmentary remains 支离破碎的遗骸文馨英汉〔fritter〕a material having a tendency to fritter容易破碎的材料21世纪英汉〔glass〕the sound of breaking glass 玻璃破碎的声音麦克米伦高阶〔glue〕glue the broken vase together 把破碎的花瓶粘合起来英汉大词典〔home〕children from a broken home (= whose parents are no longer together) 来自破碎家庭的孩子牛津搭配〔piece〕piece together a broken vase 把破碎的花瓶拼在一起 英汉大词典〔rebuild〕attempts to rebuild the shattered post-war economy 为恢复支离破碎的战后经济所作的尝试牛津高阶〔ruins〕the ruins of a shattered life破碎生活的残余外研社新世纪〔shattered〕a shattered cup 破碎的杯子文馨英汉〔shatter〕a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters. 一件稀有的瓷器现在已经支离破碎了美国传统〔shatter〕broken hearts and shattered dreams. 破碎的心和破灭的梦想柯林斯高阶〔shatter〕the shattering of glass. 玻璃的破碎柯林斯高阶〔shatter〕the sound of shattering glass 玻璃破碎的声音牛津高阶〔shiver〕in shivers 粉碎的;支离破碎的文馨英汉〔still〕still one's broken heart 使破碎的心平静下来英汉大词典〔suck〕the airline pilot who was almost sucked from the cockpit of his plane when a window shattered. 飞机的一处窗户破碎时差点被从驾驶舱里吸出去的飞行员柯林斯高阶〔tinkle〕the tinkle of glass breaking 玻璃破碎发出的当啷声牛津高阶〔unbroken〕unbroken eggs 没有破碎的鸡蛋韦氏高阶〔window〕a broken window 破碎的窗玻璃牛津高阶




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